[00:00.00]MODULE 1Wonders of the world
[00:03.76]Unit 1What is a wonderof the world?
[00:07.70]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check the words you hear.
[00:53.13]听力和词汇活动2 听音,勾出你听到的单词。
[01:38.56]3 Listen and read.Betty:OK, come in and sit down!Daming: What's happening?
[01:43.53]活动3 听一听,读一读Betty:好吧。进来,请坐。Daming:什么事呀?
[01:48.51]Lingling:We're having a meeting.
[01:50.33]Daming:That's news to me! I'm doing my homework. What's it about?
[01:52.99]Daming:我一点儿都不 知道。我在做 作业。什么事?
[01:55.64]Lingling:The school magazine.Daming:What school magazine?
[01:57.60]Lingling:(我们在谈论) 校刊。Daming:什么校刊呀?
[01:59.55]Betty:Right, listen up, everyone.
[02:01.82]Did anyone watchtelevision yesterdayevening? Did you see theinterview with BeckyWang?
[02:08.72]Lingling:She sings with the band Crazy Feet. She's my favourite singer.
[02:11.35]Lingling:她和Crazy Feet 乐队一起演出, 她是我最喜欢的 歌星。
[02:13.98]Tony:Yes, I saw it. She went to our school!
[02:15.95]Tony:是的,我看了。她在咱 们学校上过学。
[02:17.93]Betty:Well, she starteda school magazine calledNew Standard when shewas a pupil here.
[02:21.35]Betty:嗯,当她在这上学的 时候,创办了一本校 刊,名叫《新标准》。
[02:24.78]So why don't we start aschool magazine, too?I've written down someideas.
[02:31.81]We'll write a diaryof school events,and tell everyone aboutthe school concertand the dance club.
[02:39.16]Tony:And school basketball matches.
[02:42.02]Lingling:But who will write the articles?
[02:43.43]Lingling:不过,谁来写 这些文章呢?
[02:44.84]Betty:We'll write the articles. Any more ideas?
[02:47.07]Betty:不过,谁来写这些 文章呢?
[02:49.31]Tony:I know!I'll do some reviews about our favourite bands and movies!
[02:52.03]Tony:我想到了!我要就我们 喜欢的乐队和电影写 一些评论。
[02:54.74]Lingling:And I'll do an interview with Becky Wang!Betty:Brilliant! Anyone else?
[02:57.51]Lingling:我想采访一下 贝基·王!Betty:太棒了!其他人呢?
[03:00.28]Daming:How about “Homework Help”?Tony:Yes, some ideas on how to get good grades!
[03:03.60]Daming:“家庭作业小助 手”怎么样?Tony:我赞同,(写一些) 得高分的妙招!
[03:06.93]Lingling:What's your homework, Daming?
[03:08.09]Lingling:大明,你的作业 是什么?
[03:09.26]Daming:I'm writing acomposition called "Whatis a wonder of theworld?"
[03:11.79]Daming:我在写作文,题目 是《什么是世界 奇观?》。
[03:14.32]I'm reading about theancient pyramids1 inEgypt.
[03:17.96]Betty:“Homework Help”. I think that's a fantastic idea, Daming.
[03:21.73]Betty:“家庭作业小助 手”。大明,这真是 个好主意!
[03:25.50]4 Choose the best answer.
[03:28.51]活动4 选择最佳答案。
[03:31.53]Now listen again andcheck.
[05:15.60]Pronunciation andspeaking6 Listen to the sentences.
[05:19.71]发音和口语活动6 听句子。
[05:23.83]1 She started a schoolmagazine/called NewStandard/when she was apupil here.
[05:28.36]1 她在这儿上学的时候, 创办了一本校刊,名叫 《新标准》。
[05:32.90]2 We'll write a diary ofschool events/and telleveryone/about theschool concert/and thedance club.
[05:38.66]2 我们要记录下学校每天 发生的事,还要告诉大家 学校音乐会和舞蹈俱乐部 的事情。
[05:44.42]Now say the sentencesaloud.
[05:49.87]Unit 2I was on the edge2 ofthe Grand3 Canyon4.
[05:55.73]Reading and vocabulary
[05:58.15]2 Read the passage anddescribe what you cansee in the photo. Usesome of the words inActivity 1.
[06:02.81]活动2 读这段话,描述你在照片中能看到什么。使用活动1中的部分单词。
[06:07.47]The greatest wonder ofthe natural worldWhen I arrived, it wasearly morning and it wasraining.
[06:15.94]I got out of the car,went through a gate andwalked along a path.
[06:21.59]In the east, the sky wasbecoming light, butbeside the path, it wasstill very dark.
[06:29.20]I knew it was there,but there was nothingto see.
[06:33.41]After about akilometre, a strangerappeared in front ofme.“Am I going theright way?”I asked.
[06:41.08]He knew where I wasgoing.“Yes,”hereplied,“you'll getthere in five minutes.”
[06:47.81]Finally, I came to somerocks,and stopped.I loo-ked carefully over them,but it was still toodark to see anything.
[06:57.91]Suddenly, the cloudscleared and the rainstopped. The sun rosebehind me and beyond therocks.
[07:06.76]I saw that the groundfell away and down to ariver, far below me.
[07:12.51]I was on the edge of theGrand Canyon, one of thewonders of the naturalworld.
[07:18.86]I looked down to theColorado River about2,000 metres below me.
[07:24.53]If you put the threetallest buildings in theworld at the bottom ofthe canyon, they stillwon't reach the top.
[07:32.76]Then I looked across tothe other side of thecanyon.
[07:36.59]How far is it? It's 20kilometres, maybe more.Finally, I looked to myleft and to my right,
[07:46.63]and on both sides thecanyon disappeared intothe distance ... over400 kilometres long.
[07:54.55]The Grand Canyon is notjust big. It's huge!
[07:59.39]That morning on theedge of the canyon, Iasked myself a question.
[08:04.53]It's not“How deep isit?”or“How wide isit?”or“How long isit?”
[08:12.60]but“Is the Grand Canyonthe greatest wonderanywhere in the naturalworld?”
[08:20.39]I know the answer. Butwhat do you think?
[08:26.29]Unit 3Language in use
[08:31.08]Language practice7 Work in pairs. Look atthe photos and the notes. Guess where the notesgo in the table.
[09:13.00]语言练习活动7 两人一组。看照片和笔记。猜一猜每条笔记应该放在表格哪里。
[09:54.93]WorkbookMODULE 1Wonders of the world
[10:01.33]Listening,pronunciation,speaking and writing
[10:05.86]8 Listen to theconversation and check(√) the questions thatyou hear.
[12:08.99]9 Work in pairs. Answerthe questions inActivity 8.Now listen again andcheck.
[14:16.02]10 Listen and repeat.1 In what Chineseprovince are theHuangguoshu Waterfalls?
[14:28.56]2 What is the name ofthe pool at the bottomof the Waterfalls?
[14:37.08]Reading and speaking12 Read the conversationand complete it with thewords in the box.
[14:47.72]Charlie:What's the best holiday you've ever had?
[14:50.49]Susan:My best holiday? Australia,I think. It was fantastic.
[14:57.49]Charlie:Why?Susan:We saw so many (1)__ places.
[15:02.23]Charlie:What was the best place?Susan:Um, I think it wasthe Great Barrier5 Reef6.It was so beautiful.
[15:11.22]Charlie:I've seen pictures of it. (2)__ is it exactly?
[15:14.95]Susan:It's off the east coast of Australia.
[15:18.17]Did you know it's morethan 2,000 kilometreslong and about 150kilometres wide?
[15:26.32]Charlie:Really? That's (3)__!Susan:Yes, it is. And it's alive,too.
[15:30.93]Charlie:Alive? What do you mean?Susan:Millions of very small (4)__ live in it.
[15:40.25]They're called corals(珊瑚虫) and they'repart of the Reef. It's(5)__ to believe, isn'tit?
[15:47.03]Charlie:Yes, it is. Tell me more.
[15:49.97]Susan:Well, some coralsare pink and that's whysome coral7 reefs8 arepink.
[15:56.44]And so a coral reef(6)__ like lots of pinkflowers.
[16:01.04]Charlie:How pretty!Susan:Yes, I wentswimming in the Reef,and it was more thanpretty.
[16:08.07]It was beautiful. Therewere (7)__ of differentkinds of fish. They livein the Reef.
[16:15.55](8)__ never forget it.My father had an underw-ater camera and took(9)__.They're wonderful.I'll (10)__ you them.
[16:26.09]Charlie:That would becool.
[16:27.94]Words and expressionsModule 1
[16:35.33]pupil/'pju:pl/n.学生meeting/'mi:ti╕/n.会议listen up 请注意call/k╛:l/v.叫做,名为;打电话
[16:44.75]natural/'n╗t╞╓r╓l/adj.自然的get out of 从……内出来
[16:48.34]light/lait/adj.明亮的 n.光线;灯beside/bi'said/prep.在……的旁边
[16:57.86]look over 从……上面看clear/kli╓/v.(云)散开;打扫干净rise/raiz/v.(rose,risen)升起
[17:11.64]on the edge of在……的边上bottom/'b╛t╓m/n.底部
[17:14.87]at the bottom of在……的底部canyon/'k╗nj╓n/n.峡谷top/t╛p/n.顶,顶端

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n.金字塔( pyramid的名词复数 );金字塔形的物体(或一堆东西);金字塔式的组织(或系统);棱锥(体) | |
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n.边(缘);刃;优势;v.侧着移动,徐徐移动 | |
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adj.豪华的,宏伟的,壮丽的,主要的,重大的;n.(美俚)一千美元 | |
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n.峡谷,溪谷 | |
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n.栅栏,障碍,壁垒,关卡 | |
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n.礁,礁石,暗礁 | |
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n.珊瑚;adj.珊瑚色的,珊瑚红的 | |
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