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美国国家公共电台 NPR--Germany is under increased pressure to send its Leopard tanks to Ukraine

时间:2023-10-30 03:24来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Germany is under increased pressure to send its Leopard1 tanks to Ukraine


NPR's Leila Fadel talks to Stefan Liebich, a former member of Germany's Parliament, about his country's reluctance3 to send tanks to Ukraine, and to allow other countries to do the same.


Germany is under increasing pressure to send its Leopard tanks to Ukraine and to allow other countries like Poland to do the same. Germany fears such a move could escalate4 the war, but there are also deeper cultural reasons behind its hesitance. After Germany's defeat in World War II, the country adopted a firmly anti-militaristic stance and set strict rules about how and when it exports weapons. For more on this, I'm joined by Stefan Liebich, who represented the Left Party in the German Parliament for 12 years. He joins us from Berlin. Good morning.

STEFAN LIEBICH: Good morning, Leila. And hello, Washington, D.C.

FADEL: So good. So nice to have you here with us. So let's start with these tanks. Why is this such a difficult decision for Germany?

LIEBICH: I can give you at least 2 1/2 reasons. Let me start with history. So Germany started the worst war in human history that killed 60 million people, and most of them Russians. And after Germany's defeat in 1945, the Allied5 forces, and especially the U.S. Americans, enforced pacifism for good reasons. And it worked. So until Germany's reunification in 1990, no German soldier took part in a war. So West Germany was part of the NATO and did have armed forces, but they never sent soldiers abroad. And the same was true for East Germany, where I grew up. So it was only 2009 when the first German soldier was killed in Afghanistan. So the German society is not used to such things.

FADEL: Has that changed though, now with the war in Ukraine? Because a recent poll shows this is a really divisive issue and half of Germany's population is pro6 sending these tanks.

LIEBICH: Yeah, totally. Since February 24, 2022, the beginning of Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, everything is upside down here. So the German chancellor7 gave a speech a few days later announcing a zeitenwende, a historic turning point, with an increase of spending for defense8 up to 100 billion euros. We have never spent so much since the end of the Cold War. And yes, the majority of people in Germany is sad and angry about Russia's actions, and they supporting the delivering of weapons. And actually, Germany delivered a lot of weapons. So Germany with U.K. is No. 2 after the U.S. in supporting the Ukrainian defense with tanks, with an air defense system, with bazookas. But the Leopard 2 is a different thing.

FADEL: Why is it different?

LIEBICH: So the Leopard 2 is one of the most modern tanks in the world. And that was what crossed another red line. And like the U.S., Germany tries to avoid to be directly involved in that war. So the German government would like to see a decision by the U.S. government that we do that together so that if the U.S. wants us to do that and understands the reasons for it, then they should send their M1 Abrams tanks, too. And there's another reason the German defense industry is afraid that the U.S. has an interest to replace the Leopards9 with their tanks. So there are economical reasons, too.

FADEL: I want to ask specifically about your party, which has called to abolish NATO in favor of a collective security alliance that involves Russia. And your party's roots go back to the party that ruled East Germany in the Soviet10 era. So does that influence your view of sending Leopard tanks to Ukraine?

LIEBICH: Of course, our party has, like, two legs. There's a West German leg that's the split of the Social Democratic Party. And you are right, there is a East German leg from the former Communist Party. But right now, we have a lot of younger people, too. They are not so much influenced by that anymore. So we have divided opinions about the support of Ukraine. So some of our members are supporting it and some are more reluctant because of the past.

FADEL: And what is your viewpoint?

LIEBICH: So if our party is against illegal invasions, against breaking international law, then we should be very clear about Russia's illegal actions here, too. And that happened, obviously. And so I think the country that is attacked by Russia right now should be supported. That is my opinion.

FADEL: Now, you grew up in East Germany, and I'd love to understand - are feelings toward Russia more complicated in that part of the country than they are in the West?

LIEBICH: If you look at the polls, there is a majority in East Germany against delivering of the Leopard 2 tanks. And in West Germany, there's a majority in favor of it. I think you have to understand that 40 years of the German Democratic Republic, these years have changed things. So all people in East Germany learned Russian in school. There were a lot of contacts with the Soviet Union and, of course, with Russian people, too. So there are different and sometimes deeper connections in East Germany than in West Germany, and that may explain the higher reluctance.

FADEL: Stefan Liebich, who represented the Left Party in the German Parliament for 12 years, thank you so much for your time.

LIEBICH: Thank you.


1 leopard n9xzO     
  • I saw a man in a leopard skin yesterday.我昨天看见一个穿着豹皮的男人。
  • The leopard's skin is marked with black spots.豹皮上有黑色斑点。
2 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
3 reluctance 8VRx8     
  • The police released Andrew with reluctance.警方勉强把安德鲁放走了。
  • He showed the greatest reluctance to make a reply.他表示很不愿意答复。
4 escalate biszi     
  • It would tempt Israel's neighbors to escalate their demands.它将诱使以色列的邻国不断把他们的要求升级。
  • Defeat could cause one side or other to escalate the conflict.失败可能会导致其中一方将冲突升级。
5 allied iLtys     
  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history.历史上英国曾多次与美国结盟。
  • Allied forces sustained heavy losses in the first few weeks of the campaign.同盟国在最初几周内遭受了巨大的损失。
6 pro tk3zvX     
  • The two debating teams argued the question pro and con.辩论的两组从赞成与反对两方面辩这一问题。
  • Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament?你是赞成还是反对核裁军?
7 chancellor aUAyA     
  • They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday.他们昨天向财政大臣递交了报告。
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.他被认为是现代最成功的财政大臣。
8 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
9 leopards 5b82300b95cf3e47ad28dae49f1824d1     
n.豹( leopard的名词复数 );本性难移
  • Lions, tigers and leopards are all cats. 狮、虎和豹都是猫科动物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • For example, airlines never ship leopards and canaries on the same flight. 例如,飞机上从来不会同时运送豹和金丝雀。 来自英语晨读30分(初三)
10 Soviet Sw9wR     
  • Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。
  • Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。
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