《别对我撒谎》精讲01 天才的审问
The Attorney: I've instructed my client to remain silent. He's not gonna talk. 我已经让我的客户保持沉默了。他不会开口的。 Cal: That's okay. That's okay. 没有关系,没有关系。 I don't have much faith in words myself. 我自
《别对我撒谎》精讲02 街边小吃不要买
You should considergoing a little easier on Torres. 你得考虑对Torres友好点。 Lightman:Why? 为什么? She's all falsepositives. 她只会误报。 See, that's the trouble with naturals. 瞧,这就是天赋过人的麻烦。 They don't see
《别对我撒谎》精讲03 别对老爸撒谎
Lightman: Hello, love. How's it going at your mum's? 你好,亲爱的。在你妈妈那儿待得开心不? Emily: Okay, I guess. I mean, you know how mum is. 凑和吧。你也知道我妈那人。 She needs to know everything I'm doing every sec
《别对我撒谎》精讲04 又一起谋杀案
Dardis: Danielle Stark,17 years old, senior at strivers magnet school. Danielle Stark 17岁,艺术高中三年级学生。 She went missing a week ago. 一周前失踪。 Her body was found a day later dumped in rock creek park. 第二天发现被弃
《别对我撒谎》精讲05 最大嫌疑人
Dardis: Dr. Lightman, Ria Torres, this is Danielle's mother, Judge Kathleen Stark. Lightman博士,Ria Torres,这位是Danielle的母亲 Kathleen Stark法官。 Kathleen: Agent Dardis tells me that you may be able to help catch the person who did
《别对我撒谎》精讲06 让我来告诉你如何抓坏人
Stop it there. 这里停 Now, that was the assassination of the mayor of Cali, Colombia, 这是几年前发生的哥伦比亚卡利市长被杀 by a drug cartel a few years back. 凶手是一个毒品交易集团 Let'have a look at the gunman's face.
《别对我撒谎》精讲07 每个人都有生活中的无可奈何
Your people are going to cover the wedding ceremony itself, right? 你的人负责维护婚礼现场的安全 对吗 Yeah, we're okay there. 是的 我们没问题的 Everyone's seated, movement's easy to spot. 宾客对号入座 谁敢轻举妄动的话
《别对我撒谎》精讲08 保护家人是每个男人的责任
Dr. Lightman. 莱特曼博士 I'm Han Yong-dae, the ambassador's assistant. 我是韩永铎 大使的助理 Could you and Dr. Foster come with me? 你和福斯特博士能跟我来一下吗 He'd like tospeakwith you. 他想跟你们谈谈 Ambassador.
《别对我撒谎》精讲09 你能掩饰好自己内心的喜悦吗
Is something the matter, sir? 有什么困惑吗 先生 Why, there a problem? 怎么了 有什么问题吗 Would you mind emptying your pockets? 介意查看下你口袋里的东西吗 I told you nothing's the matter. 我告诉你我没事 Well, your
《别对我撒谎》精讲10 你知道婚礼的意义是什么吗
Only you would tell somebodyto cancel a wedding ten minutes before it starts. 只有你会在婚礼前十分钟让别人取消它 Well, it was just a suggestion. 只是个建议而已 Do you realize how much today means to the families? 你知道今天
《别对我撒谎》精讲11 想找出真相,起点很重要
The shooter is in the building. 杀手还在楼内 Now, we don't know whether he'sarmedor not, 我们不知道他现在是否持有武器 But I've got 250 wedding guests as suspects. 不过我们有整整250个嫌疑犯了 Actually, that's not true. 事
《别对我撒谎》精讲12 你说谎的技巧足够高明吗
Who would want to kill my son? 怎么可能会有人想杀我儿子 We're trying to find that out. 我们正在调查事情真相 You're mistaken. 你们错了 If there was a second assassin in the room, 要是屋子里真有第二个刺客 Well, the
《别对我撒谎》精讲13 你知道有多少小动作出卖了你的心?
Here's a question you don't usually 有一个你在婚礼上 hear at a wedding. 不常听到的问题 Why is the best man giving the groom the finger? 为什么伴郎会给新郎一个下流手势 Are you sure that's what he's doing? 你确定他这么
《别对我撒谎》精讲14 对待身边的人,你的信任有几分?
Why would an official protect his bodyguard? 为什么长官会去保护他的护卫 And why would that bodyguard, 为什么护卫 Treat his son as an equal? 对待长官的儿子不够恭敬 Are they brothers? 他们是兄弟吧 Ridiculous. 太可笑了
《别对我撒谎》精讲15 不光当局者迷,旁观者也没清
All right, we've had the secret serviceand the 我们让特勤部和婚礼策划者 Wedding planner go over the guestlist with the video. 列出了录像里出现的宾客名单 As-as far as we can tell, 可以这样说 We have seen every guest. 我们