爆笑英语口语 第317期:史上最难读的十个单词
Language Points chaos 混乱的 situation 情景 comfortable舒服的 vegetable 蔬菜 Tuesday 星期二 unique 独特的 thousand 千 very 非常 well 好的 -tion(单词后缀) resolution决心
爆笑英语口语 第318期:你这一生应该做些什么
Language Points 1. Get married before 30 (在30岁前结婚) Get married you're really ready (当你真正准备好后结婚) 2. Retire with $5 million (当你赚到500万美元后退休) Retire with loads of precious memories (带着珍贵的
爆笑英语口语 第319期:国外汽车贴标语大全
Language Points 1. Hang up and drive.挂上电话好好开 2. Hit me, I need money 来,撞我,我缺钱 3. I brake for no apparent reason. 我刹车是没有什么理由的 4. I don't drive fast. I fly low. 我不是开得快,我是飞得低 5.
爆笑英语口语 第320期:出国旅行必备英文
Language Points 带着这50句英文,你就可以去环游世界了 海关 1、You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage. 您先去办手续,我来帮您照看大件行李。 2、What type of visa have you got? 您持的是哪
爆笑英语口语 第321期:今天这些发泄情绪的英文不适合小朋友
Language Points 1,Shut up!Asshole! 2,You are dead meat! 3, Screw you! 4, Go fuck yourself! 5, You dersve FUCKING this! 6, Son of bitch! 7, You damned bastard! 8, You kiss your Momma with that mouth!
爆笑英语口语 第322期:如果一开始你不成功 那你永远不会成功了
Language Points 下面這句是鼎鼎大名的莫非定律 Murphy's Law): Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. 只要会出差错的事情就会出差错。 If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed. 如果一开始不成功,你永远
爆笑英语口语 第324期:这十件小事会让你感到幸福
Language Points 1. 躺在浴缸里,直到手指都泡起褶皱 Lying in the bath until your fingers and toes go all wrinkly. 2. 待在一起 Just being together. 3. 去一个新的国家 Landing in a new country. 4. 小睡一会 The perfect power n
爆笑英语口语 第325期:五种英语表达说鸡
Language Points 1. A chicken-and-egg situation 因果难定的情形 2. Play chicken 比胆量 3. Chicken out 因害怕而退缩 4. Don't count your chickens beforethey're hatched. 别高兴的太早了 5. Run around like a headless chicken 毫无头绪
爆笑英语口语 第326期:美貌是肤浅的 但是丑陋却是深入骨髓的
Language Points 1. Always tell her she's beautiful, especially if she's not 一定要对她说她很美,尤其是如果她不是很美的话 2. Avoid making irrevocable decisions while tired or hungry. 避免在疲倦或饥饿时做出无法挽回的
爆笑英语口语 第327期:情人节 单身的你应该这样想!
Language Points If you're single, focus on being a better you instead of looking for someone better than your ex. A better you will attract a better next. 如果你单身,成为更好的自己而不是去找一个比你前任好的人,一个更好的