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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 391 – Traveling and Medical Needs

    Delia: Oh, my feet hurt! We must have walked for fours hours straight today. I have blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes. Where are my band-aids? Yoshi: Yeah, your feet look bad. I told you not to wear new shoes on vacation, but you wouldnt li...

  • ESL Podcast 390 – Dietary Restrictions and Preferences

    Tony: Who did you invite over for dinner Saturday? Carmela: I invited Keith, Sung, Stephanie, and Luis. Tony: You didnt! Carmela: I did. Why? Tony: Youre going to have a hard time cooking for them. Keith is a vegan and only eats food thats organic. S...

  • ESL Podcast 389 – Getting a Cold

    Walt: Whats the matter with you? Irene: I have a bad cold. Walt: Why didnt you stay home from work? Youre probably contagious! Irene: I had no choice. I have an important presentation this afternoon and I cant play hooky. Walt: You cant give a presen...

  • ESL Podcast 388 – Investing Your Money

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for coming to todays seminar. Were going to talk about how to invest your money and how to maximize those holdings. First, well talk about market trends and where to find the best opportunities right now. Getting in on...

  • ESL Podcast 387 – Describing Talent and Ability

    Kathy: Thanks for inviting me to see your team. Whos your best player? Brad: That would be Sarah. Shes a natural. No one comes close to her speed and dexterity. She has good instincts and a flair for getting out of difficult situations. Kathy: She so...

  • ESL Podcast 386 – Learning How to Drive

    Xavier: Look out! Put your foot on the brake! Brandy: I am braking. Xavier: No, your foot is on the gas pedal! Brandy: Oh. Theres the brake. Xavier: You just took 10 years off my life. I was sure you were going to hit the median or the railing. I did...

  • ESL Podcast 385 – Exercising at the Gym

    Jae: Hi, are you done with this weight machine? Sally: Yeah, I am. I was just trying it out. I think I must be doing something wrong. My muscles are aching already. Jae: Maybe I can help. Ive been working out on these machines for a few months, so Im...

  • ESL Podcast 384 – Accepting Credit Cards

    Danny: Are you sure we should start accepting credit cards from our customers? Weve always been a cash-only business. Katy: I think we need to for the convenience of our customers. It wont be as big a nuisance as you think, with this new cash registe...

  • ESL Podcast 383 – Mending a Broken Heart

    David: Why has Joyce been moping around all week? Whats wrong with her? Victoria: Shes suffering from a broken heart. Her boyfriend broke up with her over the weekend. They had been together for two years. David: Did she tell you the gruesome details...

  • ESL Podcast 382 – Types of Hotels and Accommodations

    Jamal: Have you found a place for us to stay in Chicago? Erin: Im still exploring the options. Instead of a run-of-the-mill chain hotel, I thought we could do something different. Jamal: How different? Erin: I thought we might stay in a cabin near th...

  • ESL Podcast 381 – Watching the TV News

    Anchor: Good evening. Im Gary Singh and this is the evening news. Tonight, well have a special report from our field reporter, Monique Sanders, on the latest developments in the Eddie Litton court case. And in our feature segment, well go to Arizona...

  • ESL Podcast 380 – Hiring Temp Workers

    Bethany: I just talked to Steve about hiring replacements for Cyril, who quit last month and for Megan, who is leaving at the end of this week. Do you know what he told me? He doesnt want to hire permanent replacements. He wants to make do with temps...

  • ESL Podcast 379 – A Routine Procedure

    Julia: Arent you nervous about your surgery next week? Hugh: No, its a routine procedure. I dont even need to be admitted overnight. Julia: But arent you going under general anesthesia? Its not the same as local anesthesia, you know. Hugh: Yes, I kno...

  • ESL Podcast 378 – Talking About Time

    Juanita: What time is it? Chuck: Its a quarter to 12. Why? Juanita: At noon, on the dot, Im supposed to meet James. Chuck: On the dot? What if you dont get there until a few minutes past four? Will you turn into a pumpkin? Juanita: Knock it off. I ha...

  • ESL Podcast ESL Podcast 377 – Reporting a Stolen Car

    Kenji: Hello, my car was stolen and I want to report it. Officer: Where was it when it was stolen? Kenji: It was parked outside of my apartment building. I went outside this morning to drive to work, and it was gone. Officer: Okay, you need to fill o...
