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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 451 – Buying Car Insurance

    Agent: Hello, Krashit Insurance. Jackie: Hi, I wanted to get a quote for car insurance. Agent: Sure, I can help you with that. I assume you want liability insurance , but what other coverage would you like to get? Jackie: UmmIm not sure. This is my f...

  • ESL Podcast 450 – Getting a Bad Reputation

    Lance: Did you see Kim at the party last Saturday? Paulina: Yeah, I saw her. Why? Lance: She was wearing a skimpy dress and all of the men were leering at her all night. I used to think she was a nice girl . Isnt she worried that shell get a reputati...

  • ESL Podcast 449 – Using an Instruction Manual

    Aretha: Oh, heres the instruction manual . Ill read you the section on getting started. Carl: No, you dont need to do that. I know how to do the installation . Aretha: But dont you want to hear about the different functions and specifications ? Carl:...

  • ESL Podcast 448 – Making Business Contacts

    Phan: Hi, Montel. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me. Montel: Its my pleasure. Phan: Since Im new here, I was hoping you might be willing to give me some pointers on how to get new clients. To be honest, Ive never been on this side of the fence befo...

  • ESL Podcast 447 – Heating and Cooling a Home

    Carla: Its freezing in here! Why is the air conditioner on? Trent: I just finished exercising and Im sweating like a pig. Carla: Thats no reason to turn the A/C on full blast ! Im cold. Im turning on the heat for a little while. Trent: Are you crazy?...

  • ESL Podcast 446 – Going to a Home Improvement Store

    Paige: I think we can get everything we need to fix up the house in one trip. What do you think? Vern: We can try. It seems like everybody had the same thought when they woke up this morning: Go to the home improvement store ! Paige: Yeah, its a litt...

  • ESL Podcast 445 – Problems with Drugs and Medical Devices

    Suzanne: Dont take that! Im reading an article in the newspaper about all of the drugs and medical devices that have been recalled in the past year and you wouldnt believe how long this list is. Abdul: Im just taking something for my headache. Im sur...

  • ESL Podcast 444 – Planning for Retirement

    Paulina: Did you get your Social Security statement? I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my savings , I should be sitting pretty for retirement . Carlos: Yeah, I should be oka...

  • ESL Podcast 443 – Having a Slumber Party

    Russ: Mom says youre having a slumber party next Saturday. Irene: Im just having a few friends over for a sleepover and its none of your business . Russ: Dont be like that . How many people did you invite? Irene: Im not telling you anything. I know w...

  • ESL Podcast 442 – Flying on Low-Cost Airlines

    Sue: I just made airline reservations for our trip. Do you want to look over the itinerary before I purchase the tickets? Alex: Which airline is it? Sue: Its McTse Air. Alex: Oh, no, I dont want to fly on that low-cost airline ! We dont get assigned...

  • ESL Podcast 441 – Preparing Food for Cooking

    Marissa: How can I help? Juan Carlos: Um...why dont you iron the tablecloth and set the table ? Marissa: I already did that. I want to help with the cooking. Juan Carlos: Okay, you can scrub these potatoes, peel the carrots, and rinse these grapes. M...

  • ESL Podcast 440 – Being a Self-Made Man/Woman

    Edgar: What a crock ! Ann: What is it? Edgar: Im reading an article about successful business people who were self-made men and women. I dont believe a word of it. Ann: What dont you believe? Edgar: These people didnt pull themselves up by their boot...

  • ESL Podcast 439 – Talking about Censorship

    The school that my daughter attends is trying to decide whether or not to ban certain books, which some parents think are inappropriate . The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue. At the meeting, one woman said: The books on this li...

  • ESL Podcast 438 – Renting an Apartment

    Heather: Hi, are you the apartment manager ? I saw the vacancy sign outside and Im looking for an apartment. Sam: Yes, Im Sam. We have one unit available right now. When are you looking to move in ? Heather: The lease on my apartment is up soon, so I...

  • ESL Podcast 437 – Having a Best Friend

    Lucy: Im so excited! My friend, Marlene, is coming to town for a visit. Buddy: Have I met Marlene? Lucy: No, I dont think so. We grew up together and we were always joined at the hip . Buddy: When I was little, I had a friend like that. We were blood...
