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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 301 – Buying a Men’s Suit

    Sales clerk: Good afternoon. What can I help you find? Bo: Im looking for a suit for work. Sales clerk: Im sure we have something for you. Are you looking for a traditional or contemporary suit? Bo: Im not sure. Id like to try on some different ones....

  • ESL Podcast 300 – Arriving for an Appointment

    I arrived a little early for my sales appointment with the office manager of Lyon Industries, and spoke to the receptionist. Juri: Hello. Im here for my 11:30 appointment with Sue Gibbons. Receptionist: What is your name? Juri: Its Juri Lakoff. Recep...

  • ESL Podcast 299 – An Old Love

    Juan: Youll never guess who I got an email from yesterday. Naomi: Who? Juan: Diana Shultz. Naomi: Werent you two an item back in high school? So, you got an email from an old flame. Very interesting. Juan: Well, thats ancient history. We lost touch a...

  • ESL Podcast 298 – Visiting a Museum

    I wanted to visit the National Museum, but when I arrived, it was closed. Rudy: Can you tell me the hours of operation for the Museum? Guard: Its open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Its closed on Sunday. Rudy: Thanks. Ill be back to...

  • ESL Podcast 297 – Being Rich and Poor

    Lynn: Ive been trying to help Monica find an apartment, but its impossible to find anything affordable on this side of town and near her work. The only thing thats within her budget would require a 50-minute commute each way! Santiago: I know. Its be...

  • ESL Podcast 296 – Bad Manners at a Business Lunch

    Yolanda: I will never invite George to another business lunch with clients again! Sunan: Why, what happened? Yolanda: George has the worst manners of anyone I know. First of all, he was ten minutes late. And as soon as he sat down, his cell phone ran...

  • ESL Podcast 295 – Playing Video Games

    Achim: Check out this new game I just got! Marcia: Let me see. Oh, its a fighting game. Im not into those. I like role-playing or simulation games a lot better. Achim: This isnt just a fighting game. You have to use strategy for each mission. Check o...

  • ESL Podcast 294 – Living in a Condo or Co-op

    Diane: Im so exasperated! Im really tired of the homeowners association in my condo building. Ricardo: Whats the matter with it? Diane: The people who sit on the condo association board are a bunch of do-nothings. Ive filed complaint after complaint...

  • ESL Podcast 293 – Being Affectionate in Public

    Nelly: Look at that couple over there. What theyre doing is indecent! Sadat: Where? Oh, you mean those two people hugging and kissing? Thats not indecent. Nelly: Theyre not just hugging and kissing. That girl is sitting on her boyfriends lap and they...

  • ESL Podcast 292 – Business Insurance

    Carson: What happened here?! Samantha: As you can see, there was an accident. Early this morning, a man driving along this street lost control of his car and ran into the front window of our store. Luckily, no one was hurt. Carson: What are we going...

  • ESL Podcast 291 – Going on a Diet

    Decima: My scale at home cant be right. I weighed myself this morning and Ive gained another five pounds since last month! Sebastian: Youre not the only one. My pants are feeling tight and its getting harder to see my feet! Decima: Okay, Im making a...

  • ESL Podcast 290 – Riding the Subway

    Misha: Id like to buy a token for the subway. Clerk: The subway doesnt use tokens anymore. Misha: Oh? I didnt know that. Its been a few years since I visited New York. How do I pay for the fare? Clerk: You can buy a ticket for a single ride that expi...

  • ESL Podcast 289 – Communication Problems

    Ethel: Can we talk? Fred: Uh-huh. Ethel: I dont think we communicate very well. We dont talk to each other like we used to. I think we need to have a dialogue about these dysfunctional communication patterns. Fred: Hmm. Ethel: I think we need to work...

  • ESL Podcast 288 – A Business Contract

    Violet: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me about the new contract. Its important that both parties understand and agree to all of the terms before we can move ahead. Karik: Its in the best interest of both of our companies for this agreement to be s...

  • ESL Podcast 287 – A Traffic Jam

    I was on my way to a restaurant to meet my date for dinner when I hit a traffic jam. I saw that the road was congested, but since I had to take the bridge to reach downtown, I had no choice but to stay on that road. The traffic was bumper-to-bumper....
