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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 286 – Describing Facial Features

    I was mugged while I was walking home last night. This morning, I was at the police station with a sketch artist to see if we could come up with a picture of what the thief looked like. Sketch artist: Okay, you said that this was a man in his 40s. Ca...

  • ESL Podcast 285 – A Movie Collection

    Some people collect stamps. Other people collect CDs. I collect movies. Im a film buff and I have a collection of my favorite movies of all time. I usually buy a movie when it comes out on DVD, even if Ive seen it already on the big screen. I have a...

  • ESL Podcast 284 – A Friendly Rivalry

    Veronica: Im finishing up for the day. Do you want to walk out together? Bogdan: Yeah, that would be great, if you dont mind waiting until Ive finished sending this email. Im letting Tom know that I got another account. That makes four new customers...

  • ESL Podcast ESL Podcast 283 – A Restaurant Drive-Thru

    I had a little time between appointments and stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some lunch. The idea was to save time by using the drive-thru, but it didnt work out that way. Order-taker: Welcome to McDennys. May I take your order? Daniel: Yes....

  • ESL Podcast 282 – Offending Someone

    I was telling my friend, Gina, a joke. I began it by saying, An Irishman, an Englishman, and a Frenchman walk into this bar, and Suddenly, Gina grabbed my arm and shook her head. I turned around and our coworker, Colin, was standing right behind me....

  • ESL Podcast 281 – All-Inclusive Vacations

    Mei: Lets go on an all-inclusive vacation to a resort in Jamaica! Guy: Id like to go to Jamaica, but I dont know about going to an all-inclusive resort. Mei: It saves so much time in planning. With these vacation packages, all of our lodging is inclu...

  • ESL Podcast 280 – Viral Marketing

    Jayna: I have an idea for creating buzz about our new product. Maksym: What is it? Jayna: I think we should use viral marketing. We can spread information about the product quickly and among the most likely customers. Maksym: I really dont understand...

  • ESL Podcast 279 – Saying Goodbye

    Mina: Id better be going. See you later. Oliver: It might be awhile before we run into each other again. Mina: Why is that? Oliver: Im going to Puerto Rico for three months starting next Tuesday. I got a job there for the summer. Mina: I didnt know t...

  • ESL Podcast 278 – Meeting the Future In-laws

    Atsushi: I dont mind telling you that Im really nervous about meeting your parents. Scarlet: You look like youre going to face the firing squad. Its not going to be that bad. Atsushi: I wish I could believe that. Im going to try to make a good first...

  • ESL Podcast 277 – Garage Sales

    One of the things I like to do on the weekends is go to garage sales. Im a bargain hunter and collector, so garage sales are good places for me. I look in the newspapers or just follow homemade signs to find the sales in my neighborhood. Whether its...

  • ESL Podcast 276 – The Stock Market

    Heather: Whats the matter? You look terrible. Paul: Havent you seen the paper? The stock market went down a lot yesterday. The NASDAQ is down 100 points and the Dow is down 30! My portfolio is in big trouble. Heather: I knew you had some stock option...

  • ESL Podcast 275 – A Soccer Match

    Shandy: Oh, that player just hit my boyfriend! Did you see that? That was definitely a penalty. Giuseppe: No, I didnt. I was watching the goalie. The referee isnt doing anything. Shandy: I cant believe it. Why isnt the coach talking to that referee?...

  • ESL Podcast 274 – Buying Stamps at the Post Office

    Clerk: Can I help you? Tamika: Id like to buy some stamps. Clerk: In what denomination? Tamika: Im not sure. I need them for sending regular letters and for Priority Mail. Clerk: The current rate for sending a first-class letter is 41 cents. With fir...

  • ESL Podcast 273 – Telling Secrets to Parents

    Therese: I cant believe you told Mom and Dad about me driving the car last Saturday when I wasnt supposed to. I thought we had a deal. You wouldnt tell on me and Id take you and Kathy to the movies this weekend. Youre such a tattletale. Stephen: I sw...

  • ESL Podcast 272 – Time Management

    Ruby: Im snowed under with work! I cant seem to keep up with everything I have to do. Youre always so organized and efficient. How do you do it? Ian: Im not always organized and efficient, but Ive gotten better since I read a book about time manageme...
