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  • 【跟着美剧练发音】吸血鬼日记20

    文本: Elena: What are we doing here? Stefan: I want to show you something. Elena: In the middle of nowhere? Stefan: This... didn't used to be nowhere. Used to be my home. Elena: It looks so... Stefan: Old? It's because they are. Elena: Wait. How...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】Gossip Girl20

    文本: B:My problem is a two-faced, four-eyed devious little snipe in a fat suit. Did you really think you could rat me out to Yaleand get away with it? N:I don't know what you're talking about. B:Everyone's jealous of me because my life is perfec...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】老友记17

    文本: Phoebe: David's like, y'know, Scientist Guy. He's very methodical. Monica: I think he's romantic. Phoebe: Me too! Oh! Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman? Rachel: Yeah! Phoebe: Well, he's kinda like the guy I want to see that with....

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】破产姐妹18

    文本: Uhm... what's happening right now? Max, are you smoking crack? It's not crack. It's lipstick. I can't afford crack. I'm at the end of my good lipstick and I can't afford to buy a new one so I'm going all Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad? We're mo...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美少女的谎言32

    文本: E: You gave this to me for mother's day. This poor girl just can't get any peace. A: Mom, I love you, but can we please just not talk about Alison? I need a break from that. E: You know, I wouldn't take any of it back, and neither would you...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】摩登家庭22

    文本: Phil: Sorry about today, buddy. We'll try again next year, huh? Luke: Are you kidding? This was the best birthday ever. Claire: What? Luke: I got a cast. Claire: You like the cast? Luke: I've always wanted one. After a few weeks, they start...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】吸血鬼日记19

    文本: Damon: You're afraid of me. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan finally fessed up. Elena: Stay away from me. Damon: Hey, there's no need to be rude. I'm just looking for Stefan. May I come in? Oh, wait. Of course I can. I've b...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】Gossip Girl19

    文本 C: I was checking to see if Blair had changed her number. S: If she's not calling you back, you should probably take the hint. C: I went to see her last week. She never came home. It's not like our girl to be out all night. Look, I know someth...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】老友记21

    文本: Ross: What is this dive? Only you could've picked this place. Mrs. Bing: Oooh, c'mon, shut up, it's fun. Gimme a hug. Well, I think we're ready for some tequila. Chandler: I know I am. Mrs. Bing: Who's doing shots? Monica: Yeah. Phoebe: I'...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】破产姐妹17

    文本: The coming of autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the leaves. Oh, gross! A condom! Wow, I guess autumn really is coming. Who would throw that over our wall? That cat. What? He's not only arrogant, he wants us to know he has sex. All...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美少女的谎言31

    文本: C: Hey. L: Is there something I can help you with? C: Dude, you tried to set fire to my girlfriend. L: Yeah, sorry about that. I was being ground down by a trivial bureaucracy. C: I can't believe I'm saying this, but is there something that...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】摩登家庭21

    文本: Mitchell: Are you kidding me with this line? I'm gonna ask Santa for the last 45 minutes of my life back. Cameron: Oh, would you cheer up? We're in Santa's village with our daughter. Where were we a year ago? Mitchell: Uh, we were at the be...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】吸血鬼日记18

    文本: Elena: You're bleeding. Stefan: No, it's ok. It's ok. I'm ok.I couldnt stop her.I tried. Elena: What does that mean? Stefan: She fed, and then I lost her. Elena: Oh, my god. Stefan: I'll take care of it. I'll find her, and I will show her...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】Gossip Girl18

    文本: Bex:Not bad, little J. J:What are you doing here? P:Once I heard Poppy Lifton was coming to your party, I canceled mine. In the last 20 minutes, I've been hit on by two bronfmans and a gay designer. It was so worth it. Hazel:Kudos on rising...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】老友记16

    文本: Janice: I brought you something. Chandler: Is it loaded? Oh, little candy hearts. (reading the candy) Chan and Jan Forever. Janice: I had them made special. Chandler: Ok, Janice. Janice. Hey, Janice. Look, there's no way for me to tell you...
