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  • 【英语时差8,16】饥饿如何影响胃口?

    Yael: You know how they say you should never go grocery shopping when you're hungry? Don: Everything looks delicious. Y: Yes, well, doesn't it seem to you that food is indeed more delicious when you're hungry? I don't normally care for potato chips,...

  • 【英语时差8,16】耳朵疼

    It's two in the morning, and like most people you're fast asleep. But then your eyes pop open and your three year old is standing there, tugging her ear and saying, Mommy, my ear hurts. If you're a parent with a young child, this scenario is probably...

  • 【英语时差8,16】夏风令我爽

    I'd like to look into your past, and predict the future. I bet that the last time you went to the beach, the wind was blowing in off the water. Maybe it was just a pleasant breeze, maybe something a little stronger. But it was definitely coming in of...

  • 【英语时差8,16】X档案正常大于悬疑

    David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have returned as former FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. The X-Files: I Want to Believe is a taut, well-acted, thoughtfully organized, not very scary, not very hard to figure out serial-killer mystery. The pa...

  • 【英语时差8,16】对未婚妻的前男友无法释怀

    Dear Annie: I am 20 years old and engaged to the girl of my dreams. Liza is beautiful, smart and very loving. We have no problems in our relationship. Before she dated me, Liza dated one of my best friends. In fact, I once witnessed them making out a...

  • 【英语时差8,16】观测选择

    Observational selection, on this Moment of Science. D: Grubs, on today's moment of science. Grubs are really cool because if you squish 'em . . . oh, I give up. I can't read this. Y: Why not? D: I'm sorry, Ya?l, I'm just discouraged. You see, for yea...

  • 【英语时差8,16】黑暗骑士反派小丑表现抢眼

    Handsome is as handsome doesn't in The Dark Knight. Of the three male lookers who dominate it, who would have guessed that the one with his face hidden behind twisted clown makeup, whose perfect features and fair brow are not glimpsed even once, woul...

  • 【英语时差8,16】抚养方式怎样影响大脑

    On this Moment of Science Ya?l and Don discuss how parenting affects the brain. Ya?l : On today's Moment of Science--wait a sec, Don, do you mind if I call home real quick? Don: Now? In the middle of the show? Y: Well, I'm worried about the baby. I j...

  • 【英语时差8,16】吴宇森电影赤壁

    John Woo ventures into new territory with the famous Battle of Red Cliff tale, and though his debut in the genre is flawed, he manages to reign in the epic narrative with both action-packed choreography and humble reverence for his characters. It's 2...

  • 【英语时差8,16】小林尊称霸新加坡大胃王比赛

    A small but enthusiastic Singapore crowd got its first taste of professional eating as the sport's two titans-Takeru Kobayashi and Joey 'Jaws' Chestnut-made their debut in the city-state. About 300 competitive eating fans roared as local favorite...

  • 【英语时差8,16】谈谈梦想成名

    Mike: I'm so excited, Amanda! I just qualified to participate in a singing contest on TV. I'm going to be a famous singer and everyone is going to be listening to my music and saying my name. Girls will be all over me and people on the street won't b...

  • 【英语时差8,16】在企鹅蛋壳上行走

    Walking on penguin eggshells on this Moment of Science. Yael: Today, we're talking penguin eggs. Don: Why? Y: Penguins lay their eggs on hard surfaces near coastlines, or they might dig burrows if the soil permits. And because they're optimized for s...

  • 【英语时差8,16】俄国潜艇缔造下潜湖泊最深记录

    A Russian mini-submarine reached the bottom of Lake Baikal, setting a record for the deepest dive in a lake. The Mir-2 has reached the bottom of Lake Baikal at a depth of 1,680 meters (5,512 feet), ITAR-TASS reported from the barge where the submarin...

  • 【英语时差8,16】不管年纪多大,感谢信是一定要的啦

    Dear Annie: Please settle a dispute between my husband and me. Several weeks ago, I surprised him with a 50th birthday party. It was very low-key and in our backyard. Several of his friends gave him gifts. I handed him the addresses and thank-you not...

  • 【英语时差8,16】种族类型及记忆

    Although there has been much debate about whether race has a biological or social basis, the bottom line is that race is a psychological reality for many people. That is, many folks assign other individuals to racial categories based on their appeara...
