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  • 【英语时差8,16】马的腿为什么这么细?(上)

    Why horses have skinny legs? Whats the use of a skinny leg? The answer is Running. The skinniest lower legs belong to the fastest runners. Think of how a deer can move, as opposed to a tortoise. Why is that? Its because when you run, or indeed walk,...

  • 【英语时差8,16】马的腿为什么这么细?(下)

    Then that foot stops and the other one accelerates. And so on. Thinner, lighter things are easier to accelerate than heavy, massive ones. So if you want speed, put the muscles up high and the skinny down low. Speed If you really want speed, you could...

  • 【英语时差8,16】世界通用的表情(下)

    Scientists studying emotions have found that basic emotions like amusement, anger, fear, and sadness are common among all cultures. And people from different cultures, whether theyre modern Americans or pre modern aborigines, recognize sound cues lik...

  • 【英语时差8,16】红外线下的脸庞看起来不赖

    The traditional answer to this question was that most of the suns radiation is visible light, so our eyes evolved to see those wavelengths. However, the sun also gives off a whole lot of infrared radiation. What would it be like if our eyes evolved t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】后视镜的工作原理(上)

    Youre driving at night when, suddenly!, youre blinded by a piercing light from somewhere above. A car has driven up behind you, and its headlightsreflected in your rear-view mirrorare dazzlingly bright. You flick the little tab beneath your mirror an...

  • 【英语时差8,16】糖罐子里的秘密(下)

    Now put a spoon in and smooth the surface of the sugar: all those evenly-spaced crystals will be packed down into an uneven arrangement, filling the empty spaces. The result is still a 60 40 ratio, only now we have a lower level of sugar, with the em...

  • 【英语时差8,16】成熟的水果(上)

    Older cultures like the Babylonians used a marker of some sort to designate the space where no number goes, such as what comes between six and nine in the number six hundred and nine. The Greeks even used a round figure similar to the modern zero. It...

  • 【英语时差8,16】抗生素历史(下)

    Since that time, scientists have found that numerous species of fungi produce chemicals to destroy bacteria and that bacteria even produce chemicals that destroy other bacteria. Antibiotics are relatively new in modern medicine, but the earliest medi...

  • 【英语时差8,16】抗生素历史(上)

    When you take an aspirin, a decongestant, or a muscle relaxant, the drug youre taking was probably made by a chemist combining a specific mixture of chemicals. Microscopic Fungi And Bacteria Antibiotics, on the other hand, are chemicals produced by m...

  • 【英语时差8,16】成熟的水果(下)

    Plants attract fruit eatersor frugivoresby packing valuable resources into their fruits like sugar and water or important nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamins and minerals. Plants often target specific animals that will give their seeds the best c...

  • 【英语时差8,16】有机蔬菜真的更健康吗?(上)

    Every time i go to the grocery stores,i consider buying Organic vegetables because they are supposed to be healthier or something,but they are also moreexpensive. So is it worth it to pay more for the supposed health benefits? Well, it might be w...

  • 【英语时差8,16】黑猩猩怕火?(上)

    What do you do when the savannah is on fire? If youre a frightened elephant or gazelle, unable to gauge the ferocity or direction of the flames, you run. If youre a chimpanzee, scientists at the Fongoli research site in Senegal have found, you might...

  • 【英语时差8,16】手为什么会颤抖?(上)

    Hold your hand out and try to keep it perfectly still. After a moment, it will probably begin to shake. Hold that same hand out just before you give a major presentation to your new boss, and youll notice that those normal small tremors increase subs...

  • 【英语时差8,16】食肉鲸和食素鲸(上)

    Everyone is familiar with the riddle: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This sometimes leads to discussions about bird evolution. But most people dont realize this type of question is common in paleontology. For example: Which came first, the...

  • 【英语时差8,16】食肉鲸和食素鲸(下)

    Fossil discoveries have begun to unravel the riddle of whale evolution, providing paleontologists with clues. Indohyus was a fox sized, even toed ungulate found in India. This herbivore was adapted to living in the water like whales, with a bony wall...
