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  • 【英语时差8,16】谈谈饭店

    Amanda: Guess what, Mike? My parents bought me a digital camera for my birthday! It's the newest model and has all the latest functions. I'm not too sure how to operate it though. Can you please help me, Mike? Mike: It's about time you got a new digi...

  • 【英语时差8,16】对未婚妻的前男友无法释怀

    Dear Annie: I am 20 years old and engaged to the girl of my dreams. Liza is beautiful, smart and very loving. We have no problems in our relationship. Before she dated me, Liza dated one of my best friends. In fact, I once witnessed them making out a...

  • 【英语时差8,16】谈谈室内设计

    Amanda: I'm so exhausted, Mike. I've been shopping in gazillion department stores with my mom throughout the week. We're planning on renovating our house, so we're looking for everything from new furniture to curtains and carpets for all the rooms. M...

  • 【英语时差8,16】谨慎兼顾经济与生态

    Investors in Taiwan looking for the next big thing are setting their sights on Hualien, snapping up hotels in the eastern county in the hopes of striking gold after the highly anticipated arrival of mainland Chinese tourists. Hualien is famed for its...

  • 【英语时差8,16】外来移民扩大经济大饼

    The recent violence against African migrant workers in South Africa has shocked and saddened the world. All over the world in fact, local people are blaming migrant workers for lost jobs. In Taiwan, the debate over the issue of migrant workers has be...

  • 【英语时差8,16】不健康的“健康食品”

    Don: Today on A Moment of Science Yael and I are talking about... lunch. Yael: Actually, we're going to talk about Don's lunch--and just how healthful, or unhealthful, it is. D: Well, I don't think you're gonna see too much unhealthful stuff, Yael. T...

  • 【英语时差8,16】充满未来感的快速车手准备大显神威

    Speed Racer is an adaptation of the beloved 1960s Japanese anime classic. The movie visibly pushes the boundaries that separate animation and live action by creating moments of surprising beauty, often to striking effect. Speed Racer begins with a fa...

  • 【英语时差8,16】传统玩具圣诞节赚疯

    Six-year-old Lucas has a Power Rangers video game, a few robots and lots of teddy bears. But the toy he likes best is a wooden train set made by Brio, a 123-year-old manufacturer based in Sweden. I like to see the train go round and round the tracks...

  • 【英语时差8,16】有机农业在泰国慢慢萌芽

    When Anothai Kongwattana decided to open a healthful vegetarian restaurant in Bangkok she ran into one minor problem: She couldn't find any organic vegetables on the market. Her solution was to launch her own organic farm. With the help of her husban...

  • 【英语时差8,16】圣诞节大受欢迎的天使

    Angels are found in various and sundry ways at Christmas-from garishly blinking figures made of plastic to biblically-inspired images dressed in classic garments. Those who opt for such items as gifts or decorations quickly find themselves dealing...

  • 【英语时差8,16】十五岁天才少女入学宾夕法尼亚大学

    Brittney Exline is too young to vote, drive a car or go to an R-rated movie, but at the age of just 15 she began her Ivy League career when classes started at the University of Pennsylvania earlier this month. Exline said she does not really notice t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】两个青年华独木舟从澳大利亚到新西兰

    Two young adventurers completed an epic paddle of more than 3,300 kilometers on Jan. 13 to become the first people to travel from Australia to New Zealand by kayak. Australians James Castrission, 25, and Justin Jones, 24, spent 62 days crossing the T...

  • 【英语时差8,16】女子以船桨击退大白鲨

    A kayaker fought off an 8-foot great white shark with her paddle last month after it knocked her off the craft at one of Australia's most popular beaches. Linda Whitehurst, 52, was paddling her sea kayak near the eastern resort town of Byron Bay, abo...

  • 【英语时差8,16】玩扑克情绪太过激动

    Dear Annie: My wife and I play gin rummy, often when traveling. We are both competitive, and although I can get a bit emotional, I do play by the rules. During a recent trip, my wife and I played a few games in a public place. We were at a crucial po...

  • 【英语时差8,16】同事挑剔我吃了些什么

    Dear Annie: I am an attractive young woman with a history of anorexia. Thanks to loving friends, family and a wonderful boyfriend, I was able to recover and now enjoy eating healthful, well-balanced meals. Here's the problem. I hold a good job at a g...
