2015年ESL之商务英语 16 Store Promotions and Giveaways
Store Promotions and Giveaways Sonia: What is all this? Paul: These are entry forms and materials for our new store promotions and giveaways. Sonia: What prizes can people win? Paul: There are different kinds, because were running several promotions
2015年ESL之商务英语 17 Defending Your Ideas at Work
Defending Your Ideas at Work Monica: Thats why I dont think its doable. We should consider other ideas. ... That was Monica. Shes my co-worker and my nemesis. She criticizes all of my ideas, but Ive learned that the best defense is to not get defensi
2015年ESL之商务英语 18 Missing a Deadline
Missing a Deadline Oliver: Ive just had to tell a client that Im running behind and I wont make the deadline. Alena: How did she take it? Oliver: Not so well, at first. I knew she wouldnt be happy, so Ive been in a dilemma for days: Should I tell her
2015年ESL之商务英语 19 Dealing With a Language Barrier
Dealing With a Language Barrier Carol: Send another memo to the Gibberese office. I think we have our wires crossed again. Art: Dont you think it would be better to call the office and speak to someone there? You might be able to get to the bottom of
2015年ESL之商务英语 20 Being Assertive and Meek
Being Assertive and Meek Victor: We need to take the bull by the horns. In the meeting today, were going to give it to them straight, no more hemming and hawing. Maura: Youre right. We need to tell them what we really think and be done with it. Victo
2015年ESL之商务英语 21 Distinctive Facial Features
Distinctive Facial Features Mona: How is the portrait coming along? Leonardo: Im done with the sketches and Im ready to start on the painting. Mona: This commission is quite a godsend for a new artist. If you do a good job with this portrait, you may
2015年ESL之商务英语 22 Collecting Debt
Collecting Debt Ken: Look at this list of customers who still owe us money. How is this business supposed to survive if we keep extending credit? Marjorie: We started doing it because some of our best customers didnt have ready cash. Theyre good for
2015年ESL之商务英语 23 Unsafe Factory Conditions
ESL Podcast 1156 Unsafe Factory Conditions Kathy Lee: You wont find any problems in your inspection of our factory. Rashed: Im glad to hear that. Where do these stairs lead? Kathy Lee: Its just a level for storage. You dont need to see that. Rashed:
2015年ESL之商务英语 24 Being Reprimanded at Work
ESL Podcast 1160 Being Reprimanded at Work Tania: What time is your meeting with Ted? James: Its at 3:00. Why? Tania: You dont seem worried. If I were being accused of misconduct and up for disciplinary action, Id be on edge. James: It was a minor of
2015年ESL之商务英语 25 Making Office Renovations
ESL Podcast 1164 Making Office Renovations Alice: I cant hear you over that hammering. When are these renovations going to be done? Dilbert: Theyre already two weeks past the scheduled completion date and I can only guess at the cost overruns. Alice:
2015年ESL之商务英语 26 Reading Contracts Carefully
ESL Podcast 1168 Reading Contracts Carefully Barbara: Just sign on the dotted line and be done with it. Sean: Didnt your parents ever teach you to read every document carefully before you sign it? Barbara: Not when the contract is boilerplate. All of