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  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-12-05:【求职访谈之一:四大】毕业就去毕马威

    KPMG, a top fifty ideal employer and a member of the big four, says it wants to help new employees build both careers and wealth. The firm has recently increased its 401(k) benefit matching 75 cents on every dollar for up to 5% of all employee contri...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-12-02:CSI的新武器

    There is a new technology that could help crime scene investigators solve cases faster. Our own Dr. Sanjay Gupta is actually a crime scene investigator. I don't know what is it you don't do Sanjay, i gotta tell you. You are at the land this morning,...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-30:Oprah和Obama强强联手

    It marks a first, a talk show queen, Oprah Winfrey, shes plunging herself into politics in a way she hasnt before, hitting the trail and campaigning for democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama. Oprah Winfrey brings not just a wow factor,...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-28:睡觉时,你的大脑在干吗?

    Speaking of medicine, when you go to sleep at night, think you are getting you a good night, while you sleep your body maybe resting but guess what your brain is really in many ways working overtime as a new study up researchers in airs on that shows...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-26:布什千金订婚

    Coming up Jenna Bush and Henry Hager and you had a chance to ask about the famous but inscrutable meeting of which Henry asked for the hand. Well, the atmosphere was right there, cant pay it, so you had to ask about that. And the President had indic...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-23:Boyz II Men携新专辑全新出击

    Grammy winning group is considered as one of the most successful RB group of all time, selling inestimated, get this 60 million records. Theyve dominated the charts with their classic Motown hits. And now, the boys are back. Were so thrilled to be j...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-20:超级富翁的奢华生活

    Hello, Im Bob Brown, welcome to 20-20 in touch. You may be living paycheck to paycheck, but the number of billionaires in America keeps going up. So on Friday, 20-20 is all about winning. Who are the winners? How did they get into that elite club? A...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-18:世界上最性感的男人评选揭晓

    Well it's always a nice surprise when you are standing in line at a grocery store and you spot People magazine's annual 'Sexiest Man Alive' issue. Especially, if you happen to be the 'Sexiest Man Alive', of course, you don't have that experience, bu...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-15:领带的历史

    For fans of fashionable neckwear for men, what's old is new again. Now Mo Rocca who follows these matters has his own ideas about that. Way back in the 1990s, freedom was ringing everywhere. Women were making huge inroads in the workplace. As for me...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-12:教你五招轻松搞定压力

    I've heard about the recent survey that found a third of us are living with extreme stress. Well, as the holiday is approaching, the shopping season kicks in, it's not gonna get any easier. So we've decided it's time to enlist some stress reducing h...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-09:"昂贵"的婚姻

    And this morning, on todays Money marriage and your finances, you've spent your life building your nest egg, and protecting your assets and then it happens. You fall in love. But is marriage a good financial move for you? Here with some advice is Mo...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-06:睡得早,学习好

    Ann Pushet Murphy joins us now. This is astonishing! 15 minutes can change a B to an A, and they saw their test scores go up that much by changing the school time to 8:30. Why does it have that dramatic effect? Well, the main reason is of course now...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-11-03:秘密集中营

    Frank Warren was once just another man. Now he is the keeper of secrets. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have used his website postsecret.com to release the unbearable weight of the secrets they carry. They send him anonymous secr...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-31:跟朋友说拜拜

    Susan Shapiro Barash is the author of 'Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth About Women and Rivalry' ; and psychologist Gail Saltz is here today contributing. Good morning to both of you. Good morning. So when, when is it time, when do you decide and...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-28:该不该说善意的谎言

    Okay, so what can telling a little white lie do to your relationship? Robbie Ludwig, psychotherapist and contributing editor for Cookie Magazine is here to answer that, along with body language expert Jennie Driver, good morning to both you. Good mo...
