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  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-25:特别的结婚礼物

    Sacrifice and selflessness, our next (girls) guests certainly know about that. Jarena Betes and her fiance Tyehsian Johnson are perfect matching in more ways than one. They got engaged last January. But a week ago today, Tye gave Jarena something mor...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-22:八卦全搜罗

    Hi, I'm Jill Dobson, and this is Fox News' Food Fight where we sink our feed into the juiciest entertainment story. I am Mike Straka on the menu today, Wacko Jacko gets sued by a prince. For our main course, Don Imus heading back to radio, wonder wh...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-19:爱情能否超越距离?

    What we found recently is that about 1 in 33 marriages are commuter marriages. And that works out to about 3.5 million people in the United States. And over the last 5 years we've found that the number of people in commuter marriages has increased a...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-17:你会和机器人结婚吗?

    ...importantly, By the year 2050,humans will fall in love with the robots .It says here at Science. It's specificly the science of a Dutch researcher who claims the robots are becoming so human-like that it's only a matter of time apparently 2050 be...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-14:诺贝尔和平奖会为戈尔带来什么

    ''...challenge we've ever faced.'' Al Gores Nobel Peace Prize puts him in the company of such human rights activists as Iranian Shirin Ebadi , and more controversial winners like Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. In 1973, Henry Kissinger won, along...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-12:最熟悉的陌生人

    Welcome back everyone. Imagining growing up and never knowing that you had a sister and then one day, finding out you have more than just a sister, you have an identical twin out there. This very thing happened to our next guests. And they wrote a b...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-09:深度剖析布兰妮监护权之争

    Jeffrey, what is the biggest factor the judges normally take into consideration in these child custody battles. The biggest factor by far is simply the best interests of the child. Is the child in danger with one parent or the other? Judge Scott Gor...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-06:如果你赚得比他多

    (This) morning on Today's Money women,love and money. What happens to a woman earns more than her mate. Well, here's what actress Teri Hatcher had to say Friday night on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I think men have a hard time going out with wom...

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-04:Rekindle Your Sex Life 重燃激情(2)

    ...a little scene...ah we haven't had sex in 5 weeks. Do I come home and say what's the problem or let's try something different in the bedroom? Well I would/ first say go ahead, Carpe Diem, say I miss you,I love you, we haven't done it for a while....

  • 访谈录[Interview]2007-10-02:Rekindle Your Sex Life 重燃激情(1)

    Hello, and welcome to Health Talk.I'm Dr.Manny. Could your sex life use a little spice?We will listen up. Joining me now is Dr Yvonne Fulbright. She's a good sexologist with some tips on how to put that hot sauce back into your love life.Thank you...

  • 访谈录 【Interview】2007-09-29&09-1001, 睡多久才健康?

    Well, new information now study got our attention yesterday, if you are getting a solid 8-hour-sleep or more at night, be aware, a new study says getting 8 hours maybe too much. And also says that too much sleep could double your risk of untimely dea...

  • 访谈录 【Interview】2007-09-26&09-28, 大学学什么?

    I know a new study has some parents are wondering wheather high price college education is really worthy,the study shows less than half of college seniors know the battle of new turn into the american revolution all, their needle wsa formed repersist...

  • 访谈录 【Interview】2007-09-24&09-25, Simpson还能走多远

    We've been back to Live desk and we have Anchor Megyn Kelly about this morning's Las Vegas show.It was an interesting sideshow in Las Vegas this morning. Watching O.J Simpson coming there.He has some interesting reactions when he hear those charges.B...

  • 访谈录 Interview 2007-09-21&09-23, 老少配能让人长寿?

    You're gonna love this next story, for the good of mankind who would have thought that guys like Hugh Hefner(lao ban of playboy), and Michael Douglas are helping to preserve the human race. Its all because they are into girls who are much younger th...

  • 访谈录 Interview 2007-09-19&09-20, VMA上的布兰妮

    And in a moment Is Britney Spears going to be on? There was a rumor that I had heard that she was gonna be on this show. And the second I heard that, I thought how in the world do you work Britney Spears into the Emmy telecast. And I dont know the a...
