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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(9)

时间:2023-02-10 17:17来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  "That, and a deal more. I tell you, Watson, I've only known her these few weeks, but from thefirst I just felt that she was made for me, and she, too -- she was happy when she was with me, andthat I'll swear. There's a light in a woman's eyes that speaks louder than words. But he has neverlet us get together and it was only to-day for the first time that I saw a chance of having a fewwords with her alone. She was glad to meet me, but when she did it was not love that she wouldtalk about, and she wouldn't have let me talk about it either if she could have stopped it. She keptcoming back to it that this was a place of danger, and that she would never be happy until I hadleft it. I told her that since I had seen her I was in no hurry to leave it, and that if she really wantedme to go, the only way to work it was for her to arrange to go with me. With that I offered in asmany words to marry her, but before she could answer, down came this brother of hers, running atus with a face on him like a madman. He was just white with rage, and those light eyes of his wereblazing with fury. What was I doing with the lady? How dared I offer her attentions which weredistasteful to her? Did I think that because I was a baronet I could do what I liked? If he had notbeen her brother I should have known better how to answer him. As it was I told him that myfeelings towards his sister were such as I was not ashamed of, and that I hoped that she mighthonour me by becoming my wife. That seemed to make the matter no better, so then I lost mytemper too, and I answered him rather more hotly than I should perhaps, considering that she wasstanding by. So it ended by his going off with her, as you saw, and here am I as badly puzzled aman as any in this county. Just tell me what it all means, Watson, and I'll owe you more than ever Ican hope to pay."

  “这样的话吗, 比这还多呢。 我告诉您吧, 华生, 我和她相识还只有几个礼拜, 可是从一开始, 我就觉得好象她是为我而造出来的; 而她呢, 也是这样想——她觉得和我在一起的时候很快活, 对于这一点我敢发誓, 因为女人的眼神是比说话更为有力的。 可是他从不让我们呆在一起, 仅仅是今天我才第一次找到了能单独和她谈几句话的机会。 她很高兴见到我,可是和我见面以后, 她又不愿谈关于爱情的事, 如果她能制止我的话, 她甚至不许我谈到爱情。 她一再重复地说, 这里是个危险的地方, 除非我离开这里, 她永远也不会快乐。 我告诉她说, 自从我见到她以后, 我再不着急离开这里了, 如果她真的想让我走的话, 唯一的办法就是她设法和我一起走。 我说了很多话, 要求和她结婚, 可是还没等她回答, 她的那位哥哥就向我们跑了过来, 脸上的神色就象个疯子。 他暴怒得脸色都变白了, 连他那浅色的眼里也燃起了怒火。我对那女士怎么了? 我怎么敢做使她不高兴的事啊? 难道是因为我自以为是个准男爵, 就可以为所欲为吗? 如果他不是她的哥哥的话, 对付他本没有什么困难。 当时我只对他说, 我并不把和他妹妹产生的感情引以为耻, 而且我还希望她能屈尊做我的妻子。 这样的话似乎也未能使事态有丝毫的好转, 因此, 后来我也发了脾气。 在我回答他的时候也许有些厉害过分, 因为, 她还站在旁边呢。 结局你是看到了, 他和她一起走了, 而我呢, 简直被弄得比谁都更莫名其妙和不知所措了。 华生, 只要您能告诉我这是怎么回事, 那我对您真是要感激莫名了 。”

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