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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(3)

时间:2023-02-14 10:51来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


"We are not much better off to-night. Again, there was no direct connection between thehound and the man's death. We never saw the hound. We heard it, but we could not prove that itwas running upon this man's trail. There is a complete absence of motive. No, my dear fellow; wemust reconcile ourselves to the fact that we have no case at present, and that it is worth our whileto run any risk in order to establish one."

“今天晚上, 咱们的情况也没有好了多少。 又是上次那样, 猎狗和那人的死亡之间并没有什么直接的联系。 咱们没有见到那只猎狗, 虽听到过它的声音, 可是并不能证明它就跟在那人的后面, 简直就是毫无来由。 不, 亲爱的伙伴, 咱们必须承认一个事实: 咱们目前对全案还没有得出完整合理的结论, 任何能获得合理结论的冒险行动都是值得咱们去干一下的。”

"And how do you propose to do so?"

“你认为应该怎样干法呢? ”

"I have great hopes of what Mrs. Laura Lyons may do for us when the position of affairs ismade clear to her. And I have my own plan as well. Sufficient for to-morrow is the evil thereof;but I hope before the day is past to have the upper hand at last."“我对劳拉·莱昂丝太太所能给予咱们的帮助抱有很大希望, 只要把实情向她讲清就行了。 此外我还有自己的计划。 今天就单管今天好了, 何必多虑明天呢? 可是我希望明天就能占了上风。”

I could draw nothing further from him, and he walked, lost in thought, as far as theBaskerville gates.

我从他口中再也问不出什么东西来了, 在到达巴斯克维尔庄园的大门以前, 他一面走着,一面沉醉在冥想之中。

"Are you coming up?"

“你也进去吗? ”

"Yes; I see no reason for further concealment. But one last word, Watson. Say nothing of thehound to Sir Henry. Let him think that Selden's death was as Stapleton would have us believe. Hewill have a better nerve for the ordeal which he will have to undergo to-morrow, when he isengaged, if I remember your report aright, to dine with these people."“嗯, 我看没有什么理由再躲起来了 。 可是, 最后还有一句话, 华生。 可别对亨利爵士谈起那猎狗的事来, 就让他把塞尔丹的死因想成斯台普吞所希望我们相信的那样子吧。 这样他就能以较坚强的神经来迎接明天必须经受的苦难了。 如果我没有记错你的报告的话, 他们已经约好明天要到斯台普吞家去吃晚饭的。”

"And so am I."

“他们也和我约好了 。”

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