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  • 【英语趣味课堂】室友-The Roommate

    Todd: Hey, Jeff this is a very nice apartment. Jeff: Hmm. It's comfortable. It's cozy. Japanese style. Todd: I like it. It's got the tatami mat, small kitchen. Do you live alone? Jeff: I live alone but right now I have a friend of mine staying with m...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】科技-Technology

    Todd: So, Jeff, let's talk about technology. These days we have all types of new technology, computers, Jeff: Can we just end this right now. I don't like technology, so can we talk about something else. Todd: What? You don't like technology. Jeff: N...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】教育有用吗-Is Education Useful?

    Todd: Hey, so Jeff, you have an MBA, or you're studying to get an MBA? Jeff: I'm studying to get an MBA. Todd: OK, why did you choose to get an MBA. You don't seem like the business type of guy. YOu're always talking about nature and travel and art....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】度过一个不同的假期-Having a Different Vacation

    Todd: So Jeff, you're going back to Canada. What are you gonna do, just sit on the couch and watch TV? Jeff: No, I'm going to go on a trip with my father. Todd: Really, just your dad? Jeff: Just me and my dad. We are going to go back to the island, t...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】怎样看起来性感-How to Look Sexy

    Todd: So, Jeyong, you like to go to night clubs. When you go to a night club, what do kids wear these days? Like what makes you look cool in a night club or how should you dress? Jeyong: These days being sexy is what kids prefer, and by saying sexy,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】尴尬的时刻-Embarrassing Moments

    Mark: So Todd what would you say was your best moment of your whole high school experience? Todd:Oh, wow. My best moment was, well I played football and they never gave me the ball. I always sat on the bench and then one game, I actually got to touch...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】谈论高中生活-Talking about Your High School

    Mark: Hey, Todd, when you look back on your high school experience, do you, in general, do you see it as a positive or a negative experience? Todd: Oh, definitely positive. It was one of the best times of my life. Mark: Yeah. Todd:Oh, it was awesome....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】刻薄的教授-Mean Professor

    Brett: Hey, Shawn, how are classes going? Shawn: Well, it's exam time right now, and you know what, I really think I'm going to fail this one class. Brett: Why is that? Shawn: Well, it's not any of my fault. It's actually, I think that the teacher do...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】谈论家庭-Talking about Family

    Brett: Hi, Senum, how are you? Senum: Good, thank you Brett. How are you? Brett: Very good. So let's talk about family today. Senum: Alrighty then. Brett: So, how large is your family? Senum:Well, actually, I'm an only child, but I have a very large...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】澳大利亚旅游贴士-Aussie Tips

    Shaun: Hi, you're senum, am I right? Senum: That's right. And you're Shaun? Shaun: Yeah, yeah. I'm from Canada and I heard that you're from Australia. Senum: Yep. That's right. Shaun: Ah, that's great because I'm thinking of going to Australia on an...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】20个问题-20 Questions

    Senum: Hey, Brett, how are you? Brett: Pretty good, how are you? Senum: Good, thank you. Brett: Hey, do you want to play a game? Senum: Sure. What sort of game? Brett: Let's play 20 questions. Senum: OK, go ahead. Brett: OK, who am I thinking about?...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】自己住还是租房子住-Rent or Own

    Todd: So Mark, you are going back to America. (Yes) Man, where are you going to live when you go back? Mark: Well, temporarily, I'll stay at my parents in Birmingham, Alabama. Todd: OK, and where're you gonna live after that? Mark: Well, I'm not sure...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】城市好还是乡村好-City or Countryside

    Todd: So, Mark, I see you have beautiful pictures of your child up here. I didnt know you had a baby! Mark: Yeah, baby Roy is about 1 year and 4 months old now. Todd: Oh wow, thats exciting! Mark: Yeah I mean everyone said there would be lots of chan...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】国际联姻-International Marriage

    Todd: So, Mark, um, you mentioned that your wife is Japanese. Mark: Thats right. Todd: Ok, and how long have you been married? Mark: We finally got married in April of 1998 but it took us a while to get to that stage. Todd: Ok, well,whats it like bei...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】描述第一份工作-Describing the First Job

    Todd: Hey, er, Mark, could you tell me about the first job you ever had? Mark: I think it was when I was at university, well my first long term part time job was when I was at university and one night a week I used to work for 12 hours from 6 pm til...
