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  • 【英语趣味课堂】素食主义-Veggies

    Todd: So, Ruth, now, you are a vegetarian. Ruth: That's right. Todd: So what is a good vegetarian dish that you cook? Ruth: Well, actually, I'm not a very good cook, so that would be difficult to say. I quite like to make, like a vegetable stew with...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】在瑞典的生活-Life in Sweden

    Todd: So, Ruth in Europe, have you traveled much? Ruth: Yeah, actually, um, well, when I was younger I went on a tour around all of Western Europe and then when I was at university I backpacked around Scandinavia for a month with a friend. (Nice!) It...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】罕见的食物-Rare Food

    Todd: So, Greg, in your travels have you ever eaten any wild food? Greg: Oh, yeah, in Thailand I ate a lot of different wild food. One time, I had a really unusual experience. I was with one of the teachers from my school, and a couple of his friends...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】迷路-Getting Lost

    Todd: So, Greg, do you have any stories about being lost, since you have all this good advice? Greg: Ah, well, let me think. Ah, there was one time I got lost in the mountains of the Golden Triangle in Thailand. The Golden Triangle as you might know...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】旅游技巧-Travel Tips

    Todd: So, Greg, you are quite the world traveler I hear. Greg: Um, yeah, I love traveling. I've been to probably around, I don't know, 20 different countries. I've lived in Thailand and South Korea and United Arab Emirates, and four different parts o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】去墨西哥旅游-Trip to Mexico

    Senem: Hey, Shawn, how are you doing? Shawn: Good, good, how are you? Senem: Good thank you. I just wanted to ask you, what were you thinking of doing during the summer vacation? Shawn: Um, I don't have a set plan really. I'd like to go to Mexico wit...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】柠檬蛋糕派-Key Lime Pie

    Senem: Hey, Shawn, I heard that you are really good at making key lime pie. Shawn: Key lime pie, that's my special recipe. I just can't give that out to anybody. Senem: Yes, you can. Please. I really want to make it tonight. Please tell me. Shawn: Wh...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】威尼斯-Venice

    When I was living in Pisa, a few friends and I decided to go to Venice for the carnival, so the carnival in Venice, it's usually, usually about February or March, depending on when Easter is that year cause Easter can change every year, it's a differ...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】夏威夷的生活-Hawaiian Life

    Todd: So, Mitchell, you are Hawaiian, right, and Hawaii is part of the United States but, what would you say, that most Hawaiians are similar to people in the mainland or quite different to people in the mainland? Mitchell: Ah, that's a tough questio...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】与众不同的夏威夷-Unique Hawaii

    Todd: So, hello, Mitchell, right? Mitchell: Yes. Nice to meet you. Todd: Nice to meet you. Now Mitchell, you're from Hawaii? Mitchell: Yes, I am. Todd: That must be pretty cool. What's it like growing up in Hawaii? Mitchell: Hawaii's really different...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】萨摩亚的生活-Samoan Life

    Joel: So, a lot of Americans, we know about Hawaii, and Samoa is fairly close to Hawaii, right? So is the culture similar? Do you know about Hawaii? Patricia: I have family in Hawaii, actually and from seeing them and hearing about their way of life,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】德国-Germany

    I am going to talk about the time I have spent in Germany and also in France. I did a degree in French and German and as part of my degree it was compulsory to spend one year abroad. I decided to go to Germany because my German was not as good as my...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】如何邀请别人约会-How to Get a Date

    Mike: OK, so for those of us listening who are not familiar with dating in the US, practices are different, Mark, how would you go about getting a date with somebody in the US? Mark: Ah, well, I, that's a difficult question because you know I don't a...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】青少年的生活条件改善了吗-Teen Life

    Mark: Hey, Mike. Here's a question. Do you think teenagers these days, have a better life than say we did when we were teenagers? Mike: Well, it's, that's a debate that's been going on since the days of Socrates and Plato, I think, but again, and pro...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】年龄限制-Age Limit

    Mark: Hey, Mike, what age do you have to be in Canada to drive? Mike: Well, it used to be 16, but it recently got pushed up to 18, now again each province controls its driving and the age limits, but in my province in Ontario the age limit went from...
