2008-12-18 老乌龟传宗接代不容易
Hopes are fading that lonesome George, a unique giant Galpagos tortoise, will become a father. George lives in the Galpagos National Park in Ecuador and is believed to be the last living member of its species. Conservationists are anxious to ensure
2008-12-22 希律王陵墓现世
Israeli archeologists excavating what they believe is the tomb of biblical King Herod, Said on Wednesday theyve unearthed lavish Roman-style wall paintings of a kind previously unseen in the Middle East. They also say they have found signs of a rega
2008-12-27 猴子大闹波多黎各
The Lajas Valley in southwestern Puerto Rico is one of the island's richest agricultural areas, but the population of non-indigenous monkeys is running wild in this region, destroying farmers' crops, eating baby birds out of their nests, and general
2008-12-29 南极臭氧层空洞面积创新高
Researchers have made some interesting discoveries near Antarctica. A team of scientists from the British Antarctic Survey and University of Hamburg have published the first comprehensive inventory of sea and land animals near the tip of the Antarct