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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>话匣子英语>
  • 【话匣子英语】阿里和欧西的世界旅行

    当你经历了长大,学习,毕业工作之后,你是否在25岁感到迷茫,是继续迷茫下去,随波逐流。还是给自己放空,让自己清楚得知道自己想要的是什么?看看这两个主人公是怎么做的? Alethe:...

  • 【话匣子英语】大众食物是什么

    加拿大最常见的食物是什么,乳酪肉汁薯条? Sample transcript Harp: Yeah, and were also going to talk about comfort food. Maura: Yeah, so potlucks and comfort food, but first were going to talk about Canadian food. Harp: Exactly, but...

  • 【话匣子英语】最讨厌的行为习惯

    罗宾在说他最讨厌的行为习惯,他最讨厌别人吃饭吧唧嘴,你是否也有同感呢? Sample transcript Robin: What are some common pet peeves? Maura: Well, a friend of mine really hates when people chew and eat with their mouth o...

  • 【话匣子英语】温哥华

    哈皮和毛拉都很喜欢温哥华这个城市,温哥华是位于加拿大的西部,这个城市的魅力在哪里呢? Sample transcript Maura: I think that people in other countries know about Vancouver too. Yeah a lot of people might know V...

  • 【话匣子英语】西方的劳动节

    劳动节是做什么的,劳动节当然不需要劳动,不能单单从字面意思看。这一天西方人是怎么过的呢,他们也是不工作休息,户外烧烤、篝火晚会,来个彻底的放松吧。 Maura: Today we are going to t...

  • 【话匣子英语】摩西的自我介绍

    摩西从小就在很多国家生活过,很小的时候就会说阿拉伯语,这么厉害?!来听听他的自我介绍 Moheb: Well, my name is Moheb and Im new here to Canada. Im actually originally from Egypt, from Alexandria, but I moved to...

  • 【话匣子英语】善意的谎言

    哈皮和毛拉在讨论善意的谎言以及残酷的实话,到底是哪种方式更好一些呢? Sample transcript: Maura: Maybe you go to someones house for dinner and they make pizza and you really dont like onions and they put onions on the...

  • 【话匣子英语】哈皮去印度的旅行

    哈皮去印度旅行归来,哈皮说印度的购物方式和北美是完全不同的,到底不同在什么地方呢 Sample transcript Maura: And what is shopping like in India? Harp: Oh it is fantastic. It is completely different from North Amer...

  • 【话匣子英语】珠宝设计师西娜

    哈皮请来了西娜,西娜的妈妈曾经是珠宝设计师,她因此而对珠宝设计感兴趣。长大后在日本留学,同时也从事珠宝设计。 Sheena: Sure. My names Sheena. Im from the east coast of Canada, a place called Nova Sc...

  • 【话匣子英语】愚人节

    Sample transcript Maura: So, a hoax is when you pretend that something is happening but it really isnt happening. Jessie : Yeah, it is kind of like telling a lie. Maura: But it is a fun lie, especially on April Fools Day just for fun. Jessie : Exactl...

  • 【话匣子英语】脸书

    脸书到底有多盛行,有多方便,我们来听听哈皮和毛拉是怎么说的吧。 Sample transcript Harp: So Facebook is a social networking website. You have a profile and you can put pictures up, you can invite people to different event...

  • 【话匣子英语】生活在蒙特利尔的瑞塔

    今天瑞塔来做客,她讲述了她从小生活在蒙特利尔的经历,是不是很幸福呢 Maura: So, what was it like growing up in this fun great city, Montreal? Rita: It was great. I grew up in an Anglophone community so a lot of my frien...

  • 【话匣子英语】圣诞节

    Sample Dialogue: Harp: So I never had mistletoe at my house but I have always seen it in TV. Can you describe to me what it is? Maura: Sure, it is a small plant and it has green leaves and little white berries and yeah I had one at my house when I wa...

  • 【话匣子英语】采访杰西卡

    哈皮请来了杰西卡,杰西卡以前在韩国教授过英语,她说她很喜欢韩国的美食,是这样吗? Sample transcript Harp: Yeah, we have both done the teaching English in Korea. So how long were you there for? Jessie: I was ther...

  • 【话匣子英语】马卡斯在录制现场

    今天哈皮请来了马卡斯来录制,哈皮听说马卡斯开了一家旅游公司,那一定有很有好玩的事情吧! Sample transcript Harp: Yeah, now I also heard from Maura that you are doing like a tour company? Are you starting your...
