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  • 【话匣子英语】采访杰里米2

    In this special two-part episode, Andrew interviews another ESL podcaster: Jeremy from SpongeMind! Join them in Part 2 to learn useful ideas, activities, and advice for creating successful language exchanges....

  • 【话匣子英语】采访杰里米1

    In English, bridges are a common image used to represent relationships between people. In this episode, Andrew and Morag explain two expression that are useful for talking about relationships: its water under the bridge and to burn your bridges....

  • 【话匣子英语】Sue的演出

    Have you ever imagined what it would be like to play music in front of a crowd for the first time? In this Chatterbox episode, Suzanne talks about her bands first live performance. So jump in and join Suzanne and Andrew to learn what its like to play...

  • 【话匣子英语】老妇人的故事

    Sample transcript Andrew: Hello everybody. My name is Andrew. Suzanne: And Im Suzanne. Andrew: And were back with another Culips episode. Suzanne: Yay! Andrew: Suzanne, whats up? Suzanne: Nothing much, Andrew. How about you? Anything new? Andrew: I h...

  • 【话匣子英语】喜剧

    Fun fact Although old wives tales are almost always false, some have turned out to be true! For example, one very common old wives tale is that eating carrots can improve your eyesight. Carrots are actually rich in beta-carotene, which your body turn...

  • 【话匣子英语】绰号

    今天苏珊和安德鲁讨论的是绰号.....每个人都有过绰号吧.... Suzanne: Hey, Andrew. Im well. How are you? Andrew: Im doing pretty well, yeah. Thanks. Suzanne: Its nighttime for you, right? Andrew: Yeah. You and I are on opposite side...

  • 【话匣子英语】采访亨利

    亨利是一位对语言学习有浓厚兴趣的人,他取得了语言学硕士学位,来看看亨利是怎样谈语言学习这门艺术的? Andrew: Hi Henry. Welcome to the Culips podcast. Henry: Thank you, Andrew. Its great to be on. Thank y...

  • 【话匣子英语】人工智能

    苏珊和安德鲁今天讨论的主题是人工智能..... Andrew: Some people are really interested in artificial intelligence and the role that it will play in the future. Other people dont care at all. So I would say that Im in the first camp. I...

  • 【话匣子英语】回首2016

    三个主持人齐聚一堂,回首2016,展望2017! Andrew: Today we have a very special episode for everyone. Not only are all three Culips hosts here together at the same time, but it is our last episode of 2016! So, today were going to take a...

  • 【话匣子英语】回校聚会

    苏珊家乡有个习俗,同学们高中毕业后回母校的过程中,会举办一个回校聚会,像是老朋友聚会抑或是同学聚会..... Suzanne: And I love being back home. And one of my favourite things when I go back home in the fa...

  • 【话匣子英语】人生目标清单

    苏珊还有最后一次乐队彩排,他们就可以发布新专辑了。人生目标清单用俚语是怎么说呢..... Andrew: Hey, Suzanne. How are you? Suzanne: Im great, Andrew. How are you doing? Andrew: Im doing pretty well. Whats new with y...

  • 【话匣子英语】赌场

    安德鲁买了一个大乐透,但是没中奖。他和苏珊这期讨论的是拉斯维加斯的赌场.....里面都有哪些规定呢? Andrew: Hey, I bet you cant guess what I did last week. Suzanne: What did you do? Andrew: I bought a lottery...

  • 【话匣子英语】令人怀念的加拿大儿童节目

    安德鲁和莫拉格今天讨论的是令人怀念的加拿大儿童电视节目..... Andrew: And I guess I should catch everybody up with what this episode will be about today. Were going to do a Chatterbox episode. And this is where we have a natu...

  • 【话匣子英语】乐队特辑

    安德鲁和苏珊都喜欢乐队,他们也分别在不同的乐队里....... Andrew: Thank you. I especially wanted to talk about my band today, because you also play in a band. And so I thought, hey, why dont we just do an episode about what its...

  • 【话匣子英语】哥斯达黎加

    苏珊因为参加朋友的婚礼去了哥斯达黎加,让我们听听她对哥斯达黎加的印象吧...... Andrew: Today, were gonna do a Chatterbox episode. And this is where we have a natural conversation about a topic that we find very intere...
