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A:We're sorry. I'm afraid you cannot change that much here at night. We have a change limit of 300 U.S. dollars from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30a.m. due to the bank business hours.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. But can't you make an exception for me? You know, I'll be leaving at 7:30 a.m. on an all-day tour and I'll need at that much. We are going to Dungun and I’d like to buy a lot of ceramics1. I won't be anywhere near a bank.
I understand your situation. But we have to place a limit on exchange for the benefit of all our guests. If we change large amounts, we'll run out of cash supply and be unable to oblige our other guests.我理解您的情况。但为了全体客人的利益,我们得照章办理,限定兑换额。如果我们兑换大额款项,就会用光现金,无法满足其他客人了。
Well, why don't you keep enough cash at hand?
We restrict the amount of cash kept at night for safety's sake.
A: Fine. The exchange is RAAB 809 Yuan. Mrs. Sheridan, would you please put your signature at the right hand comer of the cheque?
好。兑换折算额是人民币 809元。谢立丹太太,请您在支票的右下角签名好吗?
B: OK. Is it all right?
If you want to cash the check, please sign again on the bottom line.