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  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第151期:如果开始不成功

    Unit 151: If at first you don't succeed,try,try again 第151单元:如果开始不成功,就一试再试吧 Instituting a regular program of exercise a difficult discipline. 要实行一项有规律的运动计划是艰辛的磨炼过程。 Lapse...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第150期:持续下去

    Unit 150: Keep it up 第150单元:持续下去 The body fat you lose through exercise and diet can be easily regained if you interrupt your exercise program,even if you keep dieting. 如果你中断了你的运动计划,就算你继续节食,那些...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第149期:犒赏自己

    Unit 149: Reward yourself 第149单元:犒赏自己 Take yourself to the movies.Buy yourself a present.Get a haircut or a facial. 看场电影、买个礼物给自己、去剪发或做个面部按摩来犒赏自己吧。 Although exercise offers it...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第148期:让运动成为你的社交活动

    Unit 148: Make it a social occasion 第148单元:让运动成为你的社交活动 I've got to run with a partner,says Mike McNally of Des Moines. 住在艾奥瓦州得梅因的麦克.麦拉利说:我跑步必须和某个伙伴一起跑。 Mike's...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第147期:单独运动

    Unit 147: Go solo 第147单元:单独运动也可以 My husband would like me to go running with him,but I don't want to,says Marla Centralla,a mother of two, 一位有两个小孩的母亲,玛拉珊卓拉说:我老公想要我和他一起去跑步...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第146期:使自己成为体操专家

    Unit 146: Become a gymnast 第146单元:使自己成为体操专家 Professional and other serious athletes have less body fat than the rest of us. 专业与认真的运动员,体内的体脂肪比一般人都来得少。 Which discipline works o...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第145期:饭后也要运动

    Unit 145: Exercise after you eat 第145单元:饭后也要运动 Someone who is less than 30 percent above ideal weight will burn more calories if he exercises after a meal. 超过标准体重百分之三十以下的人,在吃完饭后运动可民燃...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第144期:饭前运动

    Unit 144: Exercise before you eat 第144单元:饭前运动 Researchers found that overweight school children ate less if they had a 10-minute recess right before lunch. 研究人员发现,过重的学童如果在午餐前玩耍十分钟的话会吃得...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第143期:运动不需花大钱

    Unit 143 Exercise on the cheap Unit 143 运动不需花大钱 There's really no need for fancy clothes or expensive equipment to get fit.say exercise researchers Dr.Mary O'Toole and Dr.Pamela Douglas.You can spend as little as the cost of a good pair...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第142期:放逐自己

    Unit 142 Let yourself go Unit 142 放逐自己 Dr.Theodore Rubin,author of The Thin Book by a Formerly Fat Psychiatrist,notes that all people have a deep need for an occasional experience of abandon-when we let go of our cares and self-consciousness...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第141期:在办公桌旁运动

    Unit 141 Exercise at your desk Unit 141 在办公桌旁边运动 Being office-bound doesn't stop advertising salesman Joe Smith from getting into gear.He keeps a stationary bike in his closet and pedals about 10 miles during his lunch hour. Even with...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第140期:用新的观点看事情

    Unit 140 Get a new slant on things Unit 140 用新的观点看事情 Some exercises are good for you because they're relaxing,and this is one of them.The only force operating here is gravity,the principle being to raise yoourur derriere and feet up o...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第139期:多阅读运动资讯

    Unit 139 Read up Unit 139 多阅读运动资讯 Newsstands are filled with magazines devoted to a wide range of physical activities and sports,from Muscle and Fitness to Runner's World.Reading them,plus ogling the pictures of svelte,healthy people wh...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第138期:尽量吹嘘吧

    Unit 138 Go ahead and boast Unit 138 尽量吹嘘吧 Don't be humble.Announce your exercise accomplishments.Tell your friends and your family and soak up the compliments.They'll be impressed.They may even be inspired to give it a try themselves. 别谦...

  • 减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第137期:准备面对竞赛

    Unit 137 Gear up for the competition Unit 137 准备面对竞赛 Certain physical activities,such as running,offer competitive events that can help you improve your performance.I was running off and on for a number of years,but I didn't really become...
