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  • 经济学人01:离奇的企业家 Entrepreneurs Book Review;Entrepreneurs 书评;企业家 Headbanging 离奇的企业家 World Changers: 25 Entrepreneurs Who Changed Business As We Knew It. By John Byrne. 世界改变者:25位改变传统商业的企业家 作者:约翰拜恩。 Hero-worshi
  • 经济学人02:布尔人宣传活动家尤金·特雷布兰奇 Obituary 讣告 Eugene Terre'Blanche 尤金特雷布兰奇 Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche, a Boer demagogue, died on April 3rd, aged 69 尤金耐特雷布兰奇,一名布尔人宣传活动家,卒于4月3日,终年69岁 On December 16th 1838, a small
  • 经济学人03:追寻尼斯湖水怪的老人罗伯特·莱恩斯 Obituary 逝者 Robert Rines 罗伯特莱恩斯 Robert Rines, scientist and Nessie-hunter, died on November 1st, aged 87 罗伯特莱恩斯科学家、尼斯水怪追寻者于11月1日逝世,享年87岁 Eyewitness evidence may be all very well in a
  • 经济学人04:思想界最后的巨人克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯 Obituary 逝者 Claude Lvi-Strauss 克洛德列维-斯特劳斯 Claude Lvi-Strauss, anthropologist, died on October 30th, aged 100. 人类学家克洛德列维-斯特劳斯于10月30日逝世,享年100岁。 Before Claude Lvi-Strauss revolutionised
  • 经济学人05: 清白先生 Mr Clean Mr Clean 清白先生 Ian King wants to transform the way the world's third-biggest defence company does business 伊安金想转变世界第三大军工公司的经营之道 ON JUNE 27th last year, just six weeks after Mike Turner, the chief executi
  • 经济学人06:直率的前第一夫人贝蒂·福特 Obituary;Betty Ford; 讣告;贝蒂福特; Betty Bloomer Ford, an outspoken First Lady, died on July 8th, aged 93; 贝蒂布鲁姆福特,直率的前第一夫人,于7月8日逝世,享年93岁; All her life, Betty Ford loved to dance. At ten she
  • 经济学人07:当代最具影响力的央行行长保罗·沃尔克 Books and Arts; Book Review; 文艺;书评; Paul Volcker 保罗沃尔克 Tall tale 伟人传奇 The most influential central banker of the modern era 当代最具影响力的央行行长 Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence. By William Silber. Blo
  • 经济学人08:亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig Obituary;Alexander Haig 讣告;亚历山大黑格 Alexander Meigs Haig, soldier and public servant, died on February 20th, aged 85 军人、公仆亚历山大梅格斯黑格于2月20号逝世,享年85岁 Grant and Eisenhower aside, America is uneas
  • 经济学人09:英国经济学家韦恩·戈德利 Obituary;Wynne Godley; 讣告;韦恩戈德利; Wynne Godley, British economist, died on May 13th, aged 83; 英国经济学家韦恩戈德利于五月十三日辞世,终年83岁; A certain ambiguity marked Wynne Godley. Was he at heart an aesthete,
  • 经济学人10:《经济学人》逝者专栏前编辑基斯·科尔克霍恩 Obituary; 逝者; Keith Colquhoun; 基斯科尔克霍恩; Farewell to an old Asia hand and The Economist'sprevious Obituaries editor; 一个写亚洲的老手、《经济学人》逝者专栏前编辑,再见了; In the 20-odd years he worked for Th
  • 经济学人11:彩花玻璃艺术家迈克尔·拉森 Obituary;Michael Lassen; 讣告;迈克尔.拉森; Michael Lassen, stained-glass artist, died on September 8th, aged 61; 迈克尔拉森,彩花玻璃艺术家,卒于9月8日,享年61岁; ALMOST nothing is known of the men who built t
  • 经济学人12:印尼总统知识分子阿卜都拉赫曼·瓦希德 Obituary;Gus Dur; 讣告;古斯杜尔; Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), intellectual and president of Indonesia, died on December 30th, aged 69; 阿卜都拉赫曼瓦希德(古斯杜尔),印度尼西亚的总统和知识分子,卒于12月
  • 经济学人13:气象学家史蒂夫·施奈德 Obituary;Steve Schneider; 讣闻;史蒂夫施奈德; Stephen Schneider, climate scientist, died on July 19th, aged 65. 气象学家史蒂夫施奈德,于2010年7月19日去世,享年65岁。 Mark twain had it backwards, Steve Schneider joked, in
  • 经济学人14:中东的解密者 弗瑞德·韩礼德 Obituary;Fred Halliday; 讣告;弗瑞德韩礼德; Fred Halliday, demystifier of the Middle East, died on April 26th, aged 64 中东的解密者弗瑞德韩礼德,4月26日逝世,享年64岁 A crush of 500 listeners waited apprehensively as, ill
  • 经济学人15:鳄鱼救助者约翰·瑟布贾纳森 Obituary;John Thorbjarnarson; 讣告;约翰瑟布贾纳森; John Thorbjarnarson,saviour of crocodilesdied, on February 14th, aged 52; 鳄鱼救助者约翰瑟布贾纳森于2月14日去世,英年52岁。 THE rippling fire of the tiger, the cuddli