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  • 经济学人31:政治家,作家迈克尔·富特 Obituary;Michael Foot; 讣告;迈克尔富特; Michael Foot, politician and man of letters, died on March 3rd, aged 96. 政治家、作家迈克尔富特于本月3日仙逝,享年96岁。 He died a much-loved Englishman, renowed for his unt
  • 经济学人32:乌干达同性恋者大卫·卡多 Obituary;David Kato; 讣告;大卫卡多; David Kato Kisule, a gay campaigner in Uganda, died on January 26th, aged 46. 乌干达同性恋者大卫卡多1月26日被害,现年46岁。 To the 935 pupils at St Herman Nkoni primary school, on the Masa
  • 经济学人33:当代最具影响力的央行行长 Books and Arts; Book Review;Paul Volcker;Tall tale; 文艺;书评;保罗沃尔克;伟人传奇; Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence. By William Silber. 《沃尔克:金石为开》威廉 希尔伯著。 Alan Greenspan may be the most famous c
  • 经济学人34:自由捍卫者汤姆·宾翰 Obituary; Lord Bingham;Tom Bingham (Baron Bingham of Cornhill), defender of liberty, died on September 11th, aged 76; 讣告;宾翰勋爵;自由捍卫者汤姆宾翰(康希尔的宾翰男爵)于9月11日逝世,享年76岁; By general agre
  • 经济学人35:印尼的特氟纶巨头 Business; Face value; Indonesia's Teflon tycoon; 商业;商界精英;印尼的特氟纶巨头; Aburizal Bakrie has survived controversy in business and politics; Aburizal Bakrie在商业和政治的论战中双双获胜; Although Aburizal Bak
  • 经济学人:巴勒斯坦俘虏 为什么他们意义重大 Middle East and Africa Palestinian prisoners Why they count 中东和非洲 巴勒斯坦俘虏 为什么他们意义重大 The release of prisoners touches Palestinians to their core 俘虏的释放触及了巴勒斯坦人的核心 AS A measure of th
  • 经济学人:权贵头上的一把刀 看普京如何杯酒释兵权? Europe Russian politics 欧洲 俄罗斯政坛风向突变 Putins purges 普京的清洗运动 Interpreting a sudden crackdown on extravagant officials 风向突变,枪指官员;个中详情,且看分解 For senior members of the United Russia
  • 经济学人:刀口余生 变性人应该被如何对待(上) Asia: Banyan: Knife-edge lives 亚洲:榕树:刀口余生 The effects of discrimination against transgender Asians are huge, if hidden. 在亚洲,变性人遭受严重歧视,却鲜为人知 It's a matter of survival, one Indian transgender wo
  • 经济学人:刀口余生 变性人应该被如何对待(下) Yet hijras, and their counterparts in other Asian societies, remain on societys margins. 然而,海吉拉斯和其他亚洲国家类似人群都仍处在社会边缘。 As Anjaann Joshii of SPACE puts it: You can sing, dance, bless, cursebut thats