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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>纪录片《狗狗秘闻》>


  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 01狗是很棒的动物 We have an extraordinary relationship with dogs. 我们与狗狗存在着非常特殊的关系 We love them like no other animal on the planet. 我们爱它们胜过地球上其他任何动物 What makes our relationship so special, is perhaps the do
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 02狗和人的关系 Corrie! Come here. 考瑞 快过来 Every owner will spend an average of 20,000 pounds 每位狗主人 在它们挚爱的狗狗身上 on their beloved dog in its lifetime. 平均花费2万英镑 Good boy. Sit. 好孩子 坐下 We treat them as if the
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 03狗的第六感 Here at the university of Lincoln, 在林肯大学 professor Daniel Mills is fascinated by dogs. 丹尼尔米尔斯教授着迷于犬类研究 Using state-of-the-art technology, he wants 他使用了非常艺术的研究工具 to find evidence of how
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 04狗如何解读我们的情绪 The key to a dog's ability to read our emotions 狗狗解读我们情绪的关键可能是一些 might lie in something we all do without knowing it. 我们一直在做却重来没有注意到的东西 When we express our emotions in our faces, 当我们
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 05狗如何识别人 Bruce, what's that? 布鲁斯 那是什么 They presented a series of images showing human faces, 他们放映了一系列人脸的图片 Dog faces and inanimate objects and 狗的照片和无生命的物体 recorded the direction of a dog's gaze wit
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 06心灵相通 As far as we know, no other animal 就我们所知 没有其他动物 has this relationship with the human face. 会对人的脸部表情做出这样的反映 Dogs don't do this with each other. 连狗狗彼此都不会这样 Incredibly, it seems the
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 07狗吠叫时的情绪 The idea that we can understand barking 我们可以把狗的叫声当作一门语言来理解 almost like a language has always been dismissed by scientists. 但这却从未引起科学家的关注 But in Hungary, they are trying to see if 而在匈牙
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 08驯养狗 Dr Miklosi has developed a system to analyse the barks. 米克洛斯博士开发出了研究狗吠的系统 It's helped him decode how dogs communicate meaning. 这帮助它解密狗狗是如何来传递信息的 I measure the three features of this
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 09"消息灵通"的激素 It's really hard to describe. 这真的难以形容 It's just an amazing feeling. 仅仅是一种神奇的感觉 In Sweden, professor Kerstin Uvnas Moberg 在瑞典 克斯汀尤纳斯莫伯格教授 has been studying the role of the hormone oxytocin 研
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 10触摸狗 Professor Uvnas-Moberg believes oxytocin 尤纳斯莫伯格教授坚信后叶催产素 plays a similar role in the bond between dogs and their owners. 在狗与主人之间起了同样的作用 A lot of people would say, Oh, it's not possible, 很多人
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 11狗真正的祖先 So where does this incredible relationship come from? 那么 这种神奇的关系到底从何而来 When did it start and how? 何时开始 又是如何开始的? It's a question that has puzzled scientists ever since Darwin. 这个问题从达尔文时
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 12狗和灰狼相似 Until the advent of molecular genetics, 在分子遗传学出现前 archaeology had few firm answers. 考古学对很多问题都给不出确定的答案 All you have to play with are the bones 你能够做的只有研究动物的骨头 and so when y
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 13狗是被驯化的狼 It's now without doubt that dogs are domesticated wolves, 毫无疑问的 狗就是被驯养了的狼 But how and when did it happen? 可这是怎么发生的 何时发生的呢 Again, the archaeological record is inconclusive. 重申一次 考古学的
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 14狗适合捕猎 The best I can give you is around 12 or 13,000 years ago. 我能给出的最准确时间是一万两三千年前 We start seeing the first things 那是业内公认的时间点 从那之后的 that everybody would accept as being domestic dogs. (化石
  • 纪录片《狗狗秘闻》 15人是食肉动物 At this stage when we're 而当那个时候的人类 hunting and gathering and killing wild animals, 追逐 聚拢 杀死野生动物 After you finish with them 在完成之后 you're creating a relatively large pile 将会留下很大一堆 of bone