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  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第01期 大洋小岛(01) The South Pacific. The name is familiar, 南太平洋。令人熟悉的名字 but 230 years after Captain Cook's epic voyages, this vast ocean remains little known. 但在库克船长史诗般的航行230年之后,我们对这片辽阔的海洋却仍
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第02期 大洋小岛(02) Out of the blue, a giant emerges from the deep. 一个巨怪冲出蔚蓝的海面 Right now, the monster moves silently, but it's equipped with an awesome force. 此刻,它悄然涌动,但随时会释放出恐怖的力量 Some of the largest wave
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第03期 大洋小岛(03) No other ocean has had a greater impact 南太平洋对诸多生命和文化 on the lives of so many different animals and cultures than the South Pacific, 产生了巨大的冲击,没有任何海洋能与之媲美 and it's all down to its massive
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第04期 大洋小岛(04) Starting in the Antarctic, they've drifted for nearly eight months... 从南极圈出发,它们漂流了近8个月 on the way, passing the most southerly outpost in the South Pacific. 途经南太平洋最南端 Where New Zealand's temperate seas m
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第05期 大洋小岛(05) One month later, another wave of migrants appear in the surf. 一个月后,另一批移民乘风破浪而来 These are royal penguins, and they're about to have their first sighting of land in seven months. 这是皇家企鹅,它们7个月以来首
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第06期 大洋小岛(06) Out in the open ocean, royal penguins lead solitary lives, 生活在开阔海域的皇家企鹅独来独往 so these cramped conditions take a bit of getting used to. 所以它们需要慢慢习惯这种拥挤的环境 Disputes settled, it's time to
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第07期 大洋小岛(07) Powered by the strongest winds in the world, 受强劲气流的推动 the current continues east until it hits the tip of South America, where it's driven northwards. 洋流将不停地向东移动,直到在南美末端遇阻,然后改道北上 O
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第08期 大洋小岛(08) The sea lions share these nutrient-rich waters with another equatorial misfit. 海狮与另一种不适合在赤道附近生存的动物分享这片富饶水域 Penguins - the only penguins found in the tropics. 企鹅,这是唯一在热带安家的企
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第09期 大洋小岛(09) Imagine each island as a castle, 把岛屿想象为一座城堡 and the ocean a giant moat stretching to the horizon in every direction, 海洋就是一直延伸到遥远地平线的巨大的护城河 and you have captured the essence of their isolat
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第10期 大洋小岛(10) The biggest can weigh up to four kilograms - the same as a newborn baby 最大的体重超过4公斤,相当于一个新生儿 and have a leg span of one metre. 四肢跨度长达一米 It's a hermit crab on steroids. 它属于陆生寄居蟹科 At
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第11期 大洋小岛(11) Robber crabs are perhaps the only animals in the world able to break into a coconut. 盗蟹也许是地球上唯一能打破椰子的动物 The husk is ripped off by powerful pincers. 它凭借强力的蟹鳌撕开椰壳 Other legs drill through the
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第12期 大洋小岛(12) For animal castaways, finding new land in this vast ocean was a chance in a million. 对于漂流动物而言,在汪洋大海中找到新陆地的机会十分渺小 To beat the odds, luck was needed, 想战胜困难需要运气 And this sometimes c
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第13期 大洋小岛(13) For an animal to be sucked up by storm winds, 对于一个卷入飓风的动物而言 carried across the ocean and dumped here alive was a matter of extraordinary luck. 横跨大洋被活着扔在此地实属幸运 Yet that's what happened to the anc
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第14期 大洋小岛(14) Hawaii's isolation has had a curious effect on the evolution of some of its other wildlife, too. 夏威夷对其它野生动物也产生了奇妙的影响 Crawling around these ferns are caterpillars. 这些在蕨类植物上爬行的是毛虫 They'r
  • 纪录片《南太平洋》 第15期 大洋小岛(15) And the stick-like camouflage of another kind of meat-eating caterpillar is just as effective when ambushing prey. 另一种食肉毛虫长有树枝般的伪装正好用来伏击猎物 Nobody knows what set Hawaii's carnivorous caterpillars on this e