纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第16期 压力抵抗型性格
The Adventists aren't the only people who have learnt to cope with stress. 耶稣再生论者不是已经认识到缓解压力的唯一的人群。 It's the one thing that links all the world's longest-living communities together. 这是联结世界上
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第17期 生活中有意义的事
Most of these people have a sense of what they call ichi gai - 他们中的大多数有这么一个叫做ichi gai的感觉, in other words, something that gives their life a sense of meaning, coherence, purpose - 换句话说,给了他们一些生活
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第18期 欧洲预期寿命最低的地方
Graham still lives in Glasgow with his wife Moira. Graham和他的妻子Moira还生活在格拉斯哥。 Five years ago, just after his own 47th birthday, 五年前,就在他47岁生日的时候, Graham was rushed into hospital. Graham被送进了医
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第19期 健康欠佳的原因
Hello, welcome. Thanks for coming today, Moira. 欢迎,Moira,欢迎光临。 Professor Chris Packard is studying families like the Jacksons Chris Packard教授正在研究Jacksons这样的家族, to try to understand why Glasgow is at the wrong
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第20期 艰苦的童年回忆
Coming up to Maryhill. 来到了Maryhill。 This is the north of Glasgow now and this was where my mum and dad 这是格拉斯哥的北部,这是我父母亲 spent the early years of their married life in a place called Hopehill Road. 度过他们结
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第21期 格拉斯哥的常见病
Inflammatory response evolved to protect those living in the tenements at the time, 那时,炎症反应发展成了对住在那些房子里的人的保护, but it also had a trade-off later in life. 但是同样也作出了寿命的交换。 An o
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第22期 夏威夷的日本百岁老人
This is bad for his health, right? 这对他的健康不好,对吧? He lived till 100, let him eat whatever he wants! 他活到了100岁了,让他吃他想吃的东西! 101 year old Donald Nago moved from Okinawa to Hawaii as a child. 101岁的
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第23期 移民环境对预期寿命的影响
Bradley has studied the health of over 8,000 Japanese-American men Bradley已经研究了8000多个日裔美国人的健康状况, analysing the impact of immigration on life expectancy. 分析了移民环境对预期寿命的影响。 So, you've g
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第24期 更年轻一代的冲绳人
What Bradley has discovered in Hawaii may being replicated in Okinawa itself. Bradley在夏威夷发现的可能是他在冲绳发现的翻版。 Living in the capital city of Naha are a younger generation of Okinawans 住在首府那霸的是更年轻
纪录片《轻松活过101岁》 第25期 研究长寿文化习惯
But the race is on to learn their unique lessons before it is too late. 关键是对研究他们独特的经验,以免为时太晚。 There's a pressing need to study these cultural habits 迫切需要研究这些文化习惯, that have led to th