纪录片《文明》 第1期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(1)
In Mosul, in a matter of hours, 在摩苏尔 仅用几个小时 the forces of Isis destroyed the work of centuries. 伊斯兰国就毁掉了数百年来的杰作 And when they took the ancient trading city of Palmyra 而当他们夺下巴尔米拉这座
纪录片《文明》 第2期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(2)
and attached a placard identifying him as director of idolatry. 还张贴了告示 称其为邪神崇拜的始作俑者 Or we might say, protector of what needs to be saved, 而在我们眼中 他是珍贵宝藏的守护者 cherished, passed on as th
纪录片《文明》 第3期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(3)
When did it begin, 创世的第二个瞬间 that second moment of creation, 人类创造力的黎明 the dawning of human creativity? 是何时开始的呢 Where did it begin? 是从哪里开始的呢 It must have started in Africa 一定是从非洲开
纪录片《文明》 第4期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(4)
They are a design, 这是一种设计 and design announces the beginning of culture. 这一设计宣告了文明的开始 Another 40,000 years pass and in northern Spain 又过了四万年 在西班牙的北部 within a hill so uncannily conical it s
纪录片《文明》 第5期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(5)
And then you come across this. 然后再来看看这些 And in an instant, vast millennia of time just collapse 就在一瞬间 数千年的时间过去了 and you're in the midst of fellow humans. 你站在了人类同胞中间 Their hands doing wha
纪录片《文明》 第6期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(6)
This was a doubling of the world, a life copy, 这是个复制的世界 生活的翻版 and executed with startling precision of drawing technique. 并以精密得令人惊讶的技术绘制而成 They even understood modelling, 他们甚至有立体的
纪录片《文明》 第7期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(7)
But as the number of painted caves discovered grew, 但随着越来越多的壁画石洞被发现 it became clear that art and music came into the world together, 人们逐渐认识到绘画和音乐是同时来到世间的 for musical instruments we
纪录片《文明》 第8期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(8)
In Africa, the animals that dominate European cave paintings 欧洲壁画由动物主导 但在非洲 are accompanied by humans. 它们还有人类相伴 They appear as stylised, elongated figures. 他们以固定风格的 细长的形象出现 Somet
纪录片《文明》 第9期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(9)
Perhaps the making of such things was itself a sacred calling. 也许制作这样的东西本身就是一件神圣使命 To see how much work was needed to make a lion-man, 为了了解制作一个狮人需要多少精力 archaeologist Wulf Hein 考古
纪录片《文明》 第10期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(10)
I started in April 我从四月动工 and I stopped working in the middle of July. 到七月中旬结束 I worked about four, five hours a day. 每天大概制作四五个小时 In the end, it was about 400 hours, then I stopped counting. 最后算了下
纪录片《文明》 第11期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(11)
So powerfully elemental they seemed to speak directly 这些元素是如此醒目 现代艺术家们 to modern artists when they first saw them. 第一眼见到它们 就读懂了其中的含义 The most self-consciously modern of them all, Picasso, 其
纪录片《文明》 第12期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(12)
But he was obsessed with animals, 他非常着迷于动物 one animal in particular, 特别是一种动物 not the bison, but it's cousin, the bull, 不是野牛 而是它的近亲 公牛 an animal to which he returned again and again. 一遍又一遍地
纪录片《文明》 第13期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(13)
We can walk into rooms like this one 我们走进像这样的房间 which preserve the 19th century style of museum presentation - 它依旧保留着十九世纪博物馆的展览风格 abundance. 内容丰富 And as we wander through case after case
纪录片《文明》 第14期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(14)
We can walk into rooms like this one 我们走进像这样的房间 which preserve the 19th century style of museum presentation - 它依旧保留着十九世纪博物馆的展览风格 abundance. 内容丰富 And as we wander through case after case
纪录片《文明》 第15期 创世纪的第二个瞬间(15)
Now we are not supposed to say, 我们不应该说 us amateurs in this field, 我们 这个领域的业余者 we're not supposed to talk about art, 我们不应该讨论艺术 we're not supposed to talk about things like 我们不应该讨论诸如 t
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