纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第01期 星图
The most ambitious map in history 史上最宏伟的星图 is taking shape before our eyes. 将在我们眼前展开 And scientists are heading for the edge. 科学家正驶向宇宙的尽头 It may be the strangest map you'll ever see. 这可能是你
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第02期 死火山
Nick Risinger is blazing a trail through the American south west. 尼克赖辛格披荆斩棘 奔走于美国西南部 You have to be pretty persistent. 你必须得有顽强的毅力 No stopping. 永不停歇 You've got to keep going. 不断前进 N
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第03期 裸眼
In the modern world, 在现代社会 few of us have skies dark enough to see the Milky Way. 我们很少有机会能在漆黑的夜空中看见银河 But Nick plans to show us our home galaxy 但是尼克准备向我们展示 like we've never seen it
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第04期 银河图
Some people might be driven crazy 有些人可能会被 by hearing shutters clack all night long. 整晚的快门声逼疯 But it's actually music to my ears, 但我却很爱听 because it means they're working. 因为这说明它们在工作 By comb
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第05期 天窗
This is like a window to the sky. 这就好像通往星空的天窗 And you can point it in any direction 你可以将它对准任何方向 and be shown exactly what you're looking at. 从中清晰地看到星空的实况 So here, we're looking at th
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第06期 宇宙图
Anthony Aguirre, 安东尼阿吉雷 from the University of California in Santa Cruz, 来自加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校 is a theoretical cosmologist. 是一名理论宇宙学家 So he's used to thinking big. 所以他习惯运用宏观思维
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第07期 观测宇宙
We can only see light. 我们只能看见光 And light moves at a certain speed. 而光在以一定的速度运动 And so, as we look farther and farther away, 所以 我们看得越远 we're looking farther and farther back in time 看到的事物也就
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第08期 宇宙的一个点
The Milky Way could fit inside 宇宙是银河系的 10 million million million times. 一千亿亿倍 Our entire galaxy's just a dot on the landscape. 整个星系只是宇宙中的一个小点 In the observable universe, 在可观测宇宙中 there
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第09期 星系
And, the further away they are, 距离越远的星系 the faster they're moving away from us. 远去的速度就越快 The galaxies aren't like landmarks on normal maps. 这些星系不同于普通地图上的地标 They don't stand still. 它们并不
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第10期 空间膨胀
You really have to try to imagine 你得设法去想象 that every single point is moving away from every other point. 每一个点都在远离其他的点 So no point is special. 所以没有一个位置是特殊的 No matter where you're standing i
纪录片《宇宙何其大》 第11期 观测宇宙
It's as if the whole of America 就好像整个美国 was getting bigger and bigger every day. 日益增大 You'd think it would be impossible to keep the map up to date. 你可能会认为地图永远赶不上变化 But cosmologists take everything