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  • 【英语口语练习册】理想中的工作(2)

    Todd: OK. Jessica, we're back. We're gonna talk about your future. What do you want to be when you grow up? Jessica: Well, um, I wanna be a physician's assistant. Todd: OK. What is a physician's assistant? Jessica: Well, normally when you go into a,...

  • 【英语口语练习册】理想中的工作

    Todd: OK, Christian, what is your dream job, if you could have any job in the world? Christian: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferably in Japan. That's why I came to Japan to learn Japanese and hopefully obtain a mas...

  • 【英语口语练习册】新闻来源

    Todd: OK, Kerri, I'm going to ask you about the news. Do you follow the news every day? Kerri: Sometimes. Todd: How do you follow the news? Kerri: Well, in Japan mostly the radio or the internet. Todd: Oh, really. OK. What radio station? Kerri: NPR,...

  • 【英语口语练习册】结婚纪念日

    Jessica: So Ashley, what are you going to do this summer? Ashley: I am really excited. This summer I'm going to my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. We are having a huge party and I'm really excited. My entire family is going to be there. they'...

  • 【英语口语练习册】使用电脑

    Todd: OK, Jeanna, you like the computer! Jeanna: Yes, I do. Todd: OK. Talk to us about computers. Jeanna: Well, I go on the computer a lot and I talk with friends through AOL instant messenger. And I just moved from my hometown to Sacremento so it's...

  • 【英语口语练习册】周末活动

    Unidentified: So what are you doing this weekend, Adriana? Adriana: I'm going to Fukuoka with...to meet my friend. Unidentified: Oh, cool. How do you know her? Adriana: She went to university with me. Unidentified: What's she doing in Fukuoka? Adrian...

  • 【英语口语练习册】音乐

    尼古拉和凯特在讨论他们喜欢的歌手。 Nicola: So Kate, tell me about your favorite music! Kate: I'd say my favorite music would have to be the Beatles. Nicola: Yeah. Kate: I love the Beatles, cause they always make me happy and I've gro...

  • 【英语口语练习册】苹果

    Todd: OK, we're going to talk about apples. Kentaro: OK. Todd: OK, do you like apples? Kentaro: Yeah. So-so. Todd: OK, how often do you eat apples? Kentaro: Once a week, I would say. Todd: Once a week. How much is an apple in Japan? Kentaro: In Japan...

  • 【英语口语练习册】意大利面

    Todd: OK, Jessica, we are going to talk about cooking. Jessica: OK. Todd: Now, you like to cook! Jessica: Yes. Todd: OK. What can you cook? Jessica: I can cook Manicotti, Tacos, lots of food. Todd: OK. So what is Manicotti? Jessica: Manicotti is...it...

  • 【英语口语练习册】初恋

    凯特谈及自己的初恋,是在14岁的时候。 Jessica: Kate, how old were you when you had your first boyfriend? Kate: My first proper boyfriend was probably when I was 14. Jessica: 14. What was his name? Kate: His name was Murray. Jessica: M...

  • 【英语口语练习册】菜谱

    艾利克斯会做古巴食物,托德在请教一道菜的做法。 Todd: Alexandra, you were saying that you can cook Cuban food. Alexandra: Yes, yes. It's very good stuff, and I've got one recipe that comes to mind that has to do with chicken and...

  • 【英语口语练习册】打板球

    赛尔姆喜欢打板球。 Todd: So, Selvam, you said you like cricket very much. Selvam: Yes, sure. Todd: And who is the best player in the world? Cricket player? Selvam: According to my view, Mr. Sachin Tendulkar is the best player. Todd: Oh, and...

  • 【英语口语练习册】鱼市

    苏克在鱼市工作,托德感到很好奇,那里的工作主要是做什么呢。 Todd: OK. Daisuke! Daisuke: Yes. Todd: You work at the fish market? Daisuke: Yep. Todd: OK. What's the fish market like? Daisuke: It's, I'm working for Tsukigi Fi...

  • 【英语口语练习册】纹身

    杰逊纹身有一个动物狼的图案,托德感到很好奇。 Todd: Jason, I saw that you have an amazing tattoo on your chest. Jason: That's right, yeah, I'm not Yakuza though, so don't worry. Todd: What's the reasoning behind the tattoo? Why d...

  • 【英语口语练习册】阅读

    凯瑞特别喜欢阅读,托德在和他讨论喜欢的书以及作者。 Todd: Keri, let's talk about reading. Kerri: OK. Todd: First of all, do you like to read? Kerri: Yes, I do! Todd: What do you read usually? Kerri: I kind of alternate between...
