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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《辣妹日记》精讲>


  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 01这是什么东西? For the zillionth time, Dad, I'm an adult.You don't have to stalk me. 都这么长时间了,老爸,我是个成人了,你别老跟我 Georgia,I said I'm dropping you off. Georgia,我说,我帮你脱下来吧 Now, just take off that shelland g
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 02“草样人生”的五大理由! Welcome to the tragic universe that is my sad life. 欢迎到悲惨世界,那是我悲惨的生活 Why? I'll give you five major reasons why. 你问为什么?我给你五个理由 Number one,my parents are from the Stone Age. 第一,我父母来自
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 03接吻的十大级别 So, what's the best thing about having a boyfriend then? 那么找个男朋友最棒的事是什么? It just feels really natural.You know, really grown up. 才会有真正的真实的感觉,你知道,真正长大的感觉 And the snogging is w
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 04女生堆里的男生话题 So, the sex gods are twins. 哦,那两个性感的家伙是双胞胎 C'est magnifique. Marvy. 我们要搞上他们,太妙了 But they're not identical.- Obviously, Jas. 但他们两个是不同的,当然,Jas They're two years above us. 他们比
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 05且看如此搭讪帅哥 God, I'm having a nervy B. 老天,我太紧张了 We've only gone over the plan a gazillion times. 我们已经演练好多次了 You don't need to have a breakdown.Just stick to your lines and we'll be fine. 你别这样,只要演好你自己的角
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 06被帅哥迷晕了 Here you go.- Thanks, Robbie. 给你,谢谢,Robbie That's all right. Can't let my brother work hard serving good looking girls without a cup of tea. 好了,让我哥一个人辛苦地服侍两位美女太辛苦,我总该倒杯茶给他吧 Sor
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 07小女生的万千心思 How am I ever going to be able to face him again? 我还有什么脸面去见他啊? My mum is so beyond the Valley of the Thick. 我老妈笨的太离谱了。 She wasn't that bad.- What? Telling the only cool boy in Eastbourne I have flatulence i
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 08人比人气死人? Maybe they're just mates. 可能他们只是普通朋友 Don't be a plonker, El.Mates don't hold hands. 别傻了,普通朋友不会拉手的 I already feel fed up with boys,and I haven't had anything to do with them yet. 我已经开始讨厌男孩了
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 09青春荷尔蒙在作祟 Mum? Dad? 老妈,老爸 I just want you both to know how much I really appreciate all you've done for me. 我只是想你们知道,我真的感谢你们为我做的那么多事 I mean, it can't be easy since you can hardly remember being my age 我
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 10追爱大计划 So, I've figured out what I've got that Slaggy Lindsay doesn't. 而且,我找到一个Slaggy Lindsay没有的东西 Hair on the back of your legs? 你腿上的毛发? The Angus advantage.- What? Angus的优势,什么? Robbie loves cats and so
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 11聊得很投缘 Angus? 安格斯? Come on, you fluffy cat. Angus? Angus? 出来,喵喵,Angus? Angus? So, are you glad you moved to Eastbourne? 你搬到Eastbourne开心吗? Yeah. Have you always lived here? 哦,你一直住在这儿吗? Yeah. It's called
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 12老爸不许在外拈花惹草 Hi, sweetheart. Can you give me a hand with this packing? 嗨,宝贝儿,可以帮一把手吗? 'Cause your mum is making a right mess of it. 你妈妈简直搞得乱七八糟 Dad, why do you need four pairs of brown trousers? 爸爸,你为什么
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 13这家里就是个疯人院 Hello.- Georgia, it's a builder I called. 你好,Georgia,那是我请的工人 I'm just getting dressed.make him a cup of tea. 我正在穿衣服,给他倒杯茶 What a pretty bride in your lucky dress. 穿上漂亮婚纱,好漂亮的新娘啊
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 14一群偷窥的疯女孩 And did you see my second goal?Right? It was spectacular. 你看到我第二个球了吗?打得很漂亮吧 I saw you floor Georgia. 我看到你把Georgia推倒在地 Well, why do you care about her all of a sudden? 哦,你为什么突然这么关
  • 《辣妹日记》精讲 15你妈我风采依旧 Is my moustache showing?- What moustache? 我的胡须冒出来了吗?什么胡须? Well, my mum gave me this cream to get rid of it. 哦,我老妈给我这个面霜,去遮盖它 You're so lucky you don't have dark hair like me. 你真是幸运