Do we really have to wear these ugly sweaters? 我们真的非得穿这些难看的毛衣吗
It's just until Grandma can see them. 让奶奶看到就好了
My neck hole is too small. 我的领口太小
Mine's itchy. 我的弄得人浑身发痒
You know what? I'd rather be itchy than chokey. 其实 我宁愿痒死也不愿意窒息死
Come on, Phil. Hurry up. 快来 菲尔 快点
Okay, here we go. 好了 我们开始吧
Connecting. 视频连接中
Come in, Florida. Over. 登陆 佛罗里达 完毕
Mom? Dad? 老妈 老爸
Hello, Philip. 你好啊 菲利普
Merry Christmas Eve! 平安夜快乐
Merry Christmas Eve! 平安夜快乐
A little- little lower, Dad. 稍微低一点点 老爸
Merry Christmas Eve! 平安夜快乐
Thank you. 谢谢
Thanks for the sweaters. I-I- Oh, you're welcome. 谢谢你们送来的毛衣 不客气
You look beautiful in them, darling. 你们穿这些毛衣好看极了 亲爱的
Where's Mom? - Mom is sinking fast. 老妈呢 -她正在快速下沉
Uh-oh. She's in the bathtub. 她在浴缸里泡澡
Get it? 听懂了吗
They have that claw-foot. 他们有那种老式四脚浴缸
Honey, come on. 亲爱的 快来
Hey, pops, here's the tree. 瞧 老爸 看我们家的圣诞树
Right here. Right here. Oh. 就在这儿 看到了没
There are the stockings, 那是圣诞长袜