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摩登家庭第六季 第241期:谁不想要幸福生活

时间:2019-04-09 02:31来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 This bad boy right here. It's still in my shopping cart Cause I just can't say goodbye. 就是这个小家伙。还在我的购物车里呢,因为我没法放弃。

Who doesn't want a happy life? But soon you're saying, "Yes, dear," and, "whatever you need, dear," without even thinking about it. 谁不想要幸福生活?不过很快你就会想都不想地说,"是,亲爱的,你说什么就是什么,亲爱的"。
Anti-glare plexi, reinforced podium. 防反光有机玻璃,舞台效果增强。
Stand up every once in a while, you lose all your power. 偶尔就站起来跟你对着干,你一点办法都没有。
It's even got a wrist pad for your knob1 hand. 甚至还有专门放手的手腕垫。
Before you know it, you're picking up a pink princess castle for your pedicured 2-year-old, saying goodbye to your last chance to have one red-blooded man in the family. 没等你反应过来就已经载着一座粉色的公主城堡给做了美甲的两岁小孩送去,完全丧失了最后一个培养铁血真汉子的机会。
And you're getting that damn2 game, Phil! 把游戏买下来吧,菲尔!
What in the name of "Pac-man" creator toru iwatani - have you done? ! - You deserve it. You work hard. You provide for your family. No regrets. 看在吃豆人之父岩谷彻的份上你都做了什么?!-你值得这个。你努力工作,养家糊口。不能有遗憾。
You know what? I don't regret it. 你知道吗?我一点都不后悔。
Of course you don't. 你当然不。
I'm the owner of a "Ms. Pac-man"! This is exhilarating! Thanks, Jay. 我是吃豆女士的主人!真是太爽了!谢谢你,杰。
You know, every now and then, I wonder how you really feel about me. - Bup bup! I'm sure you'd do the same for me. 话说,时不时的我会想知道你对我的真正看法。-就此打住!我知道你也会为我这么做的。
Gotcha. - Good. 懂了。-那就好。
Message received. - Good. 明白你的意思了。-很好。
What the hell did you do? ! 你都干什么了?!
I thought you sent me a message! 你不是给我了点暗示吗!
Have you lost your mind? ! 你疯了吗?
Thank God it's still in one piece. 谢天谢地,城堡还是好的。
We can probably-- 也许我们可以...
Okay, dummy3. We get this thing in the backyard, we nail it together, and Gloria will never find out. 好了,傻蛋。我们把这东西挪到后院自己拼起来,歌洛莉亚永远也不会发现。
Don't do this, Jay. As your best friend, I implore4 you. 别这么做,杰。作为你最好的朋友,我恳求你。
If we rebuild this castle, we tear down everything we built today. 如果我们重建城堡的话我们就摧毁了今天所建造的一切。
What? And what? ! 你在说什么?
We stood up for ourselves. There's no turning back. 我们今天站起来了反抗。已经没有回头路了。
We're going to tell Claire and Gloria what we did. 我们要向克莱尔和歌洛莉亚坦白我们的所为。
I'm scared, Phil, okay? 我怕了,菲尔,可以吗?
They count on that fear. They feed off it. No more. 她们要的就是这种害怕,那只会让她们更嚣张。不能再这样了。


1 knob NkCyB     
  • There is a knob of butter on the table.桌子上有一小块黄油。
  • This knob is only held on by sellotape.这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住的。
2 damn jnyzC     
  • Damn this useless typewriter!这台破打字机真该死!
  • I knew damn well what he was going to say.我非常清楚他要说什么。
3 dummy Jrgx7     
  • The police suspect that the device is not a real bomb but a dummy.警方怀疑那个装置不是真炸弹,只是一个假货。
  • The boys played soldier with dummy swords made of wood.男孩们用木头做的假木剑玩打仗游戏。
4 implore raSxX     
  • I implore you to write. At least tell me you're alive.请给我音讯,让我知道你还活着。
  • Please implore someone else's help in a crisis.危险时请向别人求助。
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