LESSON 11 第11课
twit-twee 喳喳喳
twit-twit 喳喳喳
topmost 最高的
lock 锁
spray 喷雾
mate 伴侣
closely 密切地
answer 回答
Why do you come to my apple tree,Little bird so gray? 小灰鸟,为何来到我的苹果树?
Twit-twit, twit-twit, twit-twit-twee! 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,
That was all he would say. 那就是它想说的话。
Why do you lock your rosy feet 你为何停下脚步,
So closely round the spray? 紧密绕着树枝飞?
Twit-twit, twit-twit, twit-tweet! 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,
That was all he would say. 那就是它想说的话。
Why on the topmost bough do you get,Little bird so gray? 小灰鸟,你为何飞到枝顶上?
Twit-twit-twee! twit-twit-twit! 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,
That was all he would say. 那就是它想说的话。
Where is your mate? come, answer me,Little bird so gray. 小灰鸟,告诉我同伴在哪里?
Twit-twit-twit! twit-twit-twee! 喳喳喳,喳喳喳,
That was all he would say. 那就是它想说的话。