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密歇根新闻广播 难以置信的事实

时间:2021-01-28 07:45来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

As a long-suffering Lions fan, I've learned to appreciate the things they've taught. Things like the brief moment of hope before the season begins, or the benign1 satisfaction of a meaningless last second win after already being eliminated from the playoffs.

But over the years, the one thing I've enjoyed most from the Lions is an urban myth or rural legend, and it is the gift that keeps on giving.

No, this isn’t another version of steroided Slender Man or a tale of cow-tipping gone tragically2 wrong, but rather a very plausible3 story of a Michigan gambler who won it all because the Lions lost everything.

So the story goes something like this:

A friend or buddy4 of yours tells you about their uncle or co-worker or a neighbor’s gardener’s ex-roommate. Let's call that person: "Cousin Let It Ride." Cousin Let It Ride became a millionaire by betting on the Lions in Vegas.

Supposedly, as the story goes, Cousin Let It Ride is in Vegas during the summer of 2008 and Cousin Let It Ride had already won some money on a game of chance, and was a few drinks deep, and heads over to the sports betting section. Then, Cousin Let It Ride starts making crazy bets and decides to throw a hundred dollars on a bet that the Lions would not win a single game that season.

For those who have forgotten, or never cared, 2008 is important because it’s the year that will live in infamy5 amongst the diehard fans of the silver and Honolulu blue. Why? Because that's the year the Lions set a new low in the NFL by losing every single game! Yep all 16 of them.

So with each loss, Cousin Let It Ride becomes more and more excited each week. And with about two games left in the season, Cousin Let It Ride gets a phone call from Vegas. The person from Vegas supposedly offers a $200,000 buyout from the bet. Cousin Let It Ride then asks, "How much is the payout if the Lions keeps losing?" and gets a reply: $2 million. Cousin Let It Ride then checks the schedule. The Lions' last two games were against the Saints and the Packers, so what does Cousin Let It Ride do?

They let it ride… of course!

And the Lions came through in spectacular fashion by losing big, and somewhere in our great state, there’s a Michigander who won $2 million because the Lions lost all 16 games.

I realize that this story is probably too good to be true. However, the same part of me that clings to the fantastical belief of a Lions Super Bowl Championship wants to believe it.

And if it’s not true, it’s still a great story that only Lions fans can truly appreciate. Well, us and maybe Cleveland Browns fans.


1 benign 2t2zw     
  • The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop.温和的气候给北美带来大丰收。
  • Martha is a benign old lady.玛莎是个仁慈的老妇人。
2 tragically 7bc94e82e1e513c38f4a9dea83dc8681     
adv. 悲剧地,悲惨地
  • Their daughter was tragically killed in a road accident. 他们的女儿不幸死于车祸。
  • Her father died tragically in a car crash. 她父亲在一场车祸中惨死。
3 plausible hBCyy     
  • His story sounded plausible.他说的那番话似乎是真实的。
  • Her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的说辞听起来言之有理。
4 buddy 3xGz0E     
  • Calm down,buddy.What's the trouble?压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?
  • Get out of my way,buddy!别挡道了,你这家伙!
5 infamy j71x2     
  • They may grant you power,honour,and riches but afflict you with servitude,infamy,and poverty.他们可以给你权力、荣誉和财富,但却用奴役、耻辱和贫穷来折磨你。
  • Traitors are held in infamy.叛徒为人所不齿。
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