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《NBC晚间新闻》(英语:NBC Nightly News)是美国全国广播公司(NBC)的旗舰全国新闻联播节目,每晚从位于纽约洛克菲勒中心的通用电气公司大厦播出。节目从1970年8月3日起改为现称。现在非周末时段的主播为布莱恩·威廉斯(Brian Williams),周末时段的主播为莱斯特·赫特(Lester Holt)。节目从洛克菲勒中心的3B演播室播出。节目现在使用的主题音乐是由著名作曲家约翰·威廉斯(John Williams)创作。截至2011年,该节目作为全美国收视率最高的新闻节目已经超过十年。

  • NBC晚间新闻 Passenger evacuation delayed during Asiana flight This content comes from Closed Captioning that was broadcast along with this program. good evening. shortly before we came on the air tonight, members of the crew of that asiana airlines wide bodied 777 talked about what happened and what they did in
  • NBC晚间新闻 波士顿爆炸案发生时我就知道凶手了 Brian Williams speaks with bombing survivor Jeffrey Bauman, who was carried away in an ambulance after being wounded at the Boston Marathon. He recalls standing right next to suspected bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who Bauman said was holding his backpac
  • NBC晚间新闻 焦哈尔·察尔纳耶夫表示自己无罪 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Court 焦哈尔察尔纳耶夫表示自己无罪 In the 19-year-olds first appearance since being captured in a manhunt after the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty while 30 v
  • NBC晚间新闻 为四岁的小市长投一票吧! When you hear that music it means one thing, it's election time somewhere in America. Tonight we're focusing on a mayoral race in Minnesota in which the popular incumbent seeking re-election is not even old enough for kindergarten. Kevin Tibbles is o
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国汽油价格上涨 Summer drives up gas prices 夏季的到来导致汽油涨价 A decline in crude inventories, combined with production glitches at a few U.S. refineries, is pushing up gas prices during the summer months when demand for gas is higher. NBCs Tom Costel
  • NBC晚间新闻 热浪来袭,美国马里兰州准备限水 As heat wave scorches, Maryland county preps for water restrictions 热浪来袭,马里兰州准备限水 High temps have been scorching the East, taking hold in cities where asphalt and buildings hold on to the heat. Adding insult to injury, Maryl
  • NBC晚间新闻 女王只想要孩子快快降生 Boy or girl, the Queen just hopes baby arrives soon 女王只想要孩子快快降生 The baby Kate is carrying will shape the future of the monarchy, with new rules of succession replacing the old. NBCs Kate Snow reports. 凯特肚子里的孩子将决
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国酷热加剧了大火 Heat adds to wildfires fuel 酷热增大了野火强度 Evacuations are underway as a wall of fire approaches the town of Idyllwild, Calif. The blaze is so large it can be seen from space. Six miles away from the fire, in Palm Springs, it was raining
  • NBC晚间新闻 过山车死亡事件引热议 Roller coaster death prompts questions about safety oversight 过山车死亡事件引起人们对安全监督的讨论 Witnesses say the woman who was killed after being thrown from a roller coaster in Texas was concerned her lap restraint did not w
  • NBC晚间新闻 新王子诞生了! Britain cheers for their new prince 英国欢迎新王子诞生 The great Kate wait has ended, and great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth is delighted at the birth of the newest Royal, a 8.6 pound baby boy. NBCs Chris Jansing reports 凯特的等待结束了
  • NBC晚间新闻 新王子公开亮相 Glowing with pride, Will and Kate introduce their baby boy 威廉王子和凯特自豪地向公众介绍他们刚出生的小王子 First-time parents Will and Kate shared the newest member of their family with the world on Tuesday. The Prince of Cam
  • NBC晚间新闻 新王子公开亮相 Glowing with pride, Will and Kate introduce their baby boy 威廉王子和凯特自豪地向公众介绍他们刚出生的小王子 First-time parents Will and Kate shared the newest member of their family with the world on Tuesday. The Prince of Cam
  • NBC晚间新闻 老布什为小男孩剃光头 George H.W. Bush as weve never seen him before 老布什以前所未见形象示人 The 41st president shaved his head in solidarity with a two-year-old cancer patient who lost his hair while undergoing treatment for leukemia. NBCs Brian Williams rep
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国破获史上最大信用卡账户盗窃案 7-year hacking scheme the cutting edge of financial fraud 七年的黑客阴谋成最大金融诈骗 In New Jersey, prosecutors brought the largest hacking and data breach case prosecuted so far involving a sophisticated scheme to steal credit and de
  • NBC晚间新闻 部分州遭大雨侵袭,而中西部则寒流来袭 Heavy rains have some states on alert, while Midwest deals with cold front 部分州遭大雨侵袭,而中西部则寒流来袭 Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in states like North Carolina, New Mexico and Utah, while a cold front in the Mi