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  • 欧美人文风情第1篇:Google Doodle 团队幕后工作 Coming up with Google Doodle ideas actually comes from all over the place. 提出 Google 涂鸦标志的点子其实来自各个地方。 It comes from not only the doodlers themselves, which is us, 它不仅来自涂鸦客们自己,也就是我们,
  • 欧美人文风情第2篇:自闭症小男孩与他的狗狗 I think all of us, who have dogs, know that our dogs innately understand our feelings. 我认为我们所有人,有养狗的人,都知道我们的狗天生能了解我们的感受。 So if we come home, and we're feeling great, the dog instinctiv
  • 欧美人文风情第3篇:一首歌带你唱游全世界 tour the World Here we go 开始喽! We can go all around the world 我们可以走遍全世界 We'll visit every corner of this earth 我们会拜访这世界每个角落 We'll go all around the world 我们会走遍全世界 You and I, we'll visit everywhere 你和
  • 欧美人文风情第4篇:菜贩阿嬷陈树菊 Not all philanthropists are rich. A few coins at a time is how Chen Shu-chu earns a living. 并非所有慈善家都是富有的。每次几个硬币就是陈树菊如何赚钱为生的方式。 She works up to 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. But no m
  • 欧美人文风情第5篇:一段烟火的历史 I love fireworks! 我爱烟火! They are awesome! 它们超棒的! And they go BOOM. 而且它们会砰地爆开。 Even after thousands of years, fireworks still captivate, amaze, and terrify spectators around the globe. 即便过了几千年,烟火
  • 欧美人文风情第6篇:我很矮,但不要小看我 I don't think there is a certain point in anyone's life where they grow up. 我不认为任何人的一生中有一个他们成长的特定时刻。 I think that we're growing up all the time, and we always will be. 我认为我们一直在成长,而
  • 欧美人文风情第7篇:脑瘤小女孩Chloe的婚礼那天 When I first started working at Arnold Palmer Hospital, always the youngest on the team has to take call over Christmas. 我刚开始在 Arnold Palmer 医院工作时,总是团队里最菜的要在圣诞节值班。 So, on Christmas Eve, I got call
  • 欧美人文风情第8篇:外国人眼中的至圣先师孔子 Confucius was a Chinese philosopher of the Zhou dynasty, whose teachings of moral, social, political, and philosophical behavior and theory 孔子是中国周朝的一位思想家,他在道德、社会、政治、及哲学行为与理论的教诲,
  • 欧美人文风情第9篇:不可不知的电话礼仪 The telephone is an amazingly useful machine, and very easy to use, 电话是种令人惊叹地有用的机器,而且非常容易使用, but believe it or not, people don't always use them effectively. 但信不信由你,人们不总是有效地使
  • 欧美人文风情第10篇:为我的世代发声 My Generation 我的世代 I'm part of a fearful generation, and I refuse to believe that I can change the world. 我是这个畏缩世代的一部分,而我不愿相信我可以改变世界。 I realize this may be a shock, but an independent Scot
  • 欧美人文风情第11篇:神奇短语让你发言不中断 Hi, I am expert communication trainer, Dan O'Connor. 嗨,我是专业沟通训练师, Dan O'Connor。 And this week I'm going to give you three magic phrases that you can use to instantly boost your confidence 而这周我要带给你能用来快速
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  • 欧美人文风情第13篇:学这招倾听技巧,让你在职场上无往不利 Stephen Covey wrote a book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People few years ago. Stephen Covey 几年前写过一本叫做高效率人们的七种习惯。 Some of you may be familiar with it. He had a lot of really great stuff on listeni
  • 欧美人文风情第14篇:博物馆巡礼 美国白宫 Hello everyone, and welcome to the White House. 哈喽各位,欢迎来到白宫。 For more than 200 years, this building has served as a presidential residence and office 超过两百年以来,这栋建筑供总统住所及办公室所使用--
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