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  • 时差N小时 眼球可以保持不动多长时间?(下)

    Researchers at the University of Delaware have a good guess. 特拉华大学的研究人员有个很好的猜想。 They have done studies that show the brain is always extending the boundaries of what it sees-- adding in made-up information along th...

  • 时差N小时 眼球可以保持不动多长时间?(上)

    Yael, say you're looking at an object on a table in front of you. How long do you think your eyeballs stay in one position? 雅伊尔,假设你一直在看面前桌上的东西。眼球能持续盯在一个地方多长时间? You mean, how long bef...

  • 时差N小时 你知道痣分很多种吗?(下)

    What causes skin tags is unknown, but they do appear more frequently in areas where the skin is rubbed by clothing or by other body parts, such as in creases like your under arm. 皮赘的成因仍未可知,但较常出现在衣服或其他身体部位...

  • 时差N小时 你知道痣分很多种吗?(上)

    I have the weirdest looking mole under my arm. 我胳膊下面有个形状非常奇怪的痣。 Hold it. Put that arm back down. 别动。赶紧把胳膊放下来。 I don't want to see your weird mole. 我不想看到你那奇葩的痣。 Why don't...

  • 时差N小时 什么是达尔文医学?(下)

    For example, when you get a low grade fever it might be because your body is trying to make things uncomfortable for invading microbes. 例如,当你低烧的时候,可能是你的身体试图做出不舒服的表现以应对入侵的微生物。...

  • 时差N小时 什么是达尔文医学?(上)

    Sounds like you have a bad cold, Don. 听起来你像是患了重感冒,唐。 Do you need some cough medicine? 需要些咳嗽药吗? Nope. 不用。 Tylenol? 泰诺呢? No thanks. 不,谢谢。 Don't you want anything to help you feel bette...

  • 时差N小时 为什么冬季死亡人数会增长?(下)

    In fact, whether we're looking at natural deaths or unnatural, the most common days to die are Christmas Day, the day after Christmas, and New Year's Day. 事实上,无论是自然死亡还是非自然死亡,最常见的死亡时间段是圣诞节、...

  • 时差N小时 为什么冬季死亡人数会增长?(上)

    They're months away, and I'm already stressed out about the holidays. 虽然距离假期还有几个月,但我已经开始感到紧张了。 Two different relatives of mine have died of natural causes on Christmas Day. 我的两个不同亲戚在圣诞...

  • 时差N小时 毒品会对大脑产生什么危害?(下)

    The answer is, no! 当然不是了。 Evidence indicates that prior use of some drugs impairs the brain's ability to forge new connections between neurons in response to new experiences. 科学证据表明,在接触新事物之前服用某些药物会...

  • 时差N小时 毒品会对大脑产生什么危害?(上)

    When you experience something new, do you know what happens to your brain? 当体验新事物时,你知道你的大脑会发生什么吗? Some of the neurons in your brain build new connections. 大脑中的一些神经元会建立新的连接。 M...

  • 时差N小时 什么是以几何数字增长?(下)

    Every day I'll double the amount made the day before. 就这样每天我都给你前一天的2倍。 At the end of one month you're out of a job. What do you say? 直到月末你的工作结束。你觉得如何? Do you take the offer? 你接受这个...

  • 时差N小时 什么是以几何数字增长?(上)

    Today's Moment of Science is about lightning bugs. 今天的科学一刻我们要讲的是关于萤火虫。 Lightning bugs are cool because if you squish them you can make...oh, forget it! 萤火虫非常酷,因为如果你将它们压扁哦,还是...

  • 时差N小时 男女谁更容易醉酒(下)

    With about ten percent more water in their bodies than women, men can drink more alcohol than women before becoming intoxicated. 男性体内比女性多10%以上的水份,这样男性再喝醉之前可以比女性喝更多酒。 In fact, studies s...

  • 时差N小时 男女谁更容易醉酒(上)

    If I were you, Yael, if I were a woman that is, I would reconsider that fourth drink you just ordered. 如果我是你,雅艾尔,如果我是女人的话,我会重新考虑刚刚点的第4杯。 You don't want a hangover tomorrow. 你不想明天...

  • 时差N小时 蝴蝶是如何进化来的(下)

    Although, bats and moths certainly had an evolutionary arms race. 尽管如此,蝙蝠和飞蛾的确在进化上展开了一场军备竞赛。 Bats used echo location to hunt moths and moths responded by adapting the capacity to detect those sonic...
