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  • 时差N小时 空中城堡真的存在吗?(下)

    So when someone describes a plan or course of action that we believe may be impossible to achieve, 所以,当有人描述一个计划或行动时,我们觉得那是不可能实现的, we tell him, You're building castles in the air. 我们会告诉...

  • 时差N小时 空中城堡真的存在吗?(上)

    To Build Castles In The Air 不切实际 Castles are usually enormous structures requiring strong foundations and the use of heavy construction materials such as stone. 城堡通常是一座巨型建筑,需要有坚实的地基,还会使用到沉重...

  • 时差N小时 火是如何形成的?(下)

    Fire is a chemical reaction. 火是一种化学反应。 A fire needs oxygen and some kind of fuel. 火的产生需要氧气和某种燃料共同作用。 This fuelwhether it's candle wax, wood, or gasolineusually contains big molecules that have car...

  • 时差N小时 火是如何形成的?(上)

    It's one of our most important tools, and holds prominent place in many ancient philosophies and religions. 这是我们最重要的工具之一,并且在很多古代哲学和宗教中地位显著。 The ancient Greeks believed that firealong with...

  • 时差N小时 月球尘埃的危害有多大?(下)

    And moon dust is clingy; it gets all over spacesuits and inside space capsules. 而且月球尘埃很有依附性,太空服太空舱里面都会有。 Astronauts from the '60s and '70s used to complain that there was so much dust inside the capsule...

  • 时差N小时 月球尘埃的危害有多大?(上)

    Hey Yael, I was wonderingwhy don't we hear much about the moon anymore? 嘿,雅伊尔,我在想为什么我们现在没什么跟月球相关的消息了呢? What are you mean, Don? 唐,你是什么意思? It's just that back in the 1960s and '7...

  • 时差N小时 不明飞行物的攻击(下)

    By using a simple fact: far-away things look like they are going slower than close-up things. 通过一个很简单的道理:远处的东西运动起来看起比近处的东西慢。 You may have noticed this when driving: those distant phone poles...

  • 时差N小时 不明飞行物的攻击(上)

    June. Nineteen sixty-nine, not one airliner but two, plus the pilot of an Air National Guard fighter plane, report being harassed by a team of UFOs. 1969年6月、两架飞机、外加一驾驶战斗机的空军国民警卫队飞行员一群不明飞行...

  • 时差N小时 你对潜水艇了解多少?(下)

    A submarine works in much the same way, with one major exception: a sub can alter its buoyancy by manipulating overall density. 海底工作大致是相同的,但有一点例外:通过操控整体密度,潜水艇能够改变其浮力。 Submari...

  • 时差N小时 你对潜水艇了解多少?(上)

    Some of the best moments in World War II movies occur when, during a battle at sea, a periscope pokes up from the water, surveying the ocean terrain. 二战题材的电影中一些可赞的片段是,海上作战的时候,一个潜望镜从水中穿...

  • 时差N小时 人类为什么会长痘痘?(下)

    That means there is nothing to open up the pore itself; and that means the pore is a great place for oils, dirt and bacteria to get clogged. 那就意味着没有什么措施可以打开毛孔,这就意味着毛孔会被油脂,污垢和细菌堵塞...

  • 时差N小时 人类为什么会长痘痘?(上)

    One of the least pleasant things about being human is the appearance at adolescence of pimples. 对于人类而言,最恼人的莫过于青春期脸上长痘痘了。 Not only do they make their entrance just at the time when people are most self-c...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么要锻炼身体?(下)

    The theory is that humans are genetically programmed by evolution to be physically active. 该理论认为人类的身体活动决定自身的基因进化。 After all, our ancestors spent millions of years hunting and gathering and only the last few...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么要锻炼身体?(上)

    Don--Don, we're on the air. 嘿,唐,我们正在直播哦。 Sorry, Yael, just getting in some jumping jacks before work. 抱歉,雅艾尔, 只是在工作之前做些跳跃运动。 I don't want to be one of the quarter million Americans who die p...

  • 时差N小时 我们为什么要睡觉?(下)

    At night, humans do rather poorly: we can't see objects well, our color vision is entirely lost, 晚上,人类的活动力相对差些。我们看不太清物体,我们的颜色辨别也完全消失了, and we don't have the smelling or hearing...
