??Intro:What is the most important thing in life to you?To many people it is having lots of money. To some girls, it is being the most famous, or most beautiful. To some young men it is being the best in sports or having the best education. In our Bible lesson today a young man had to make a hard decision about what was going to be the most important thing in his life. Listen to see if he made the right decision!
??Body:Jesus and His disciples1 were going on their way one day when they saw a young man running toward them. Oh, they could tell by his clothes that he was rich, and probably a leader in his town. The Bible says in Mark chapter 10 that the young man kneeled before the Lord Jesus and asked Him, "Good Master, what shall I do that I may have eternal life?" That was a good question. In fact, it's the most important question anyone ever asks. "What do I have to do to be sure I'll live forever in heaven?" Jesus didn't directly answer his question. Instead, he asked the young man a question:"Why do you call me good?There is none good but one, and that is God."
??Now I want to ask you a question! Who is Jesus' That's right, He is God! Is Jesus good?Yes, He is 100% perfectly2 good because He is God. If only the young man had realized that Jesus was not just a good master, or a good teacher, or a good prophet, but that Jesus was God.
??Jesus went on to tell the young man, "You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not lie, Don't cheat anyone, Honor your father and your mother." The young man quickly answered, "Master, all these commandments I have kept since my youth." He was saying to Jesus, "I'm good." But what did Jesus say?
??"There is none good but God." No doubt this young man had done good things, and perhaps people had told him, "You're such a good person." But God says that none of us are good, we are all born as sinners who do, say, and think wrong things. When you are selfish with your things, when you feel jealous that someone makes a better grade at school, when you disobey you are not doing good, you are sinning. Isaiah 64:6 says, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy4 rags." Romans 6:23 tells us the wages, or payment, for our sin is death, an eternal death in hell.
??Can you see now why none of us could ever be good enough to earn our way to heaven?The rich young man hoped he was good enough to get to heaven. Jesus was trying to help him see he was not. Mark 10:21 says, "Then Jesus looking at him, loved him?"Our perfect Lord Jesus, as God the Son, does love us all, even tough we are sinners. How could He love us like that?Because He created us, and because He is love. Because He loves us, He wants us to be in Heaven with Him forever. Jesus loved this young man too, and told him what to do so the young man could be with Him in Heaven forever. "One thing you need to do, young man:go back and sell what you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and then com back ready to take up the cross and follow Me." Jesus knew this young man had lots of treasure on earth, but Jesus was showing him how to have treasure in heaven.
??Main Truth:Treasure in heaven?could anyone take that away?In Matthew 6:20 Jesus says, ?" lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth3 and rust5 do not corrupt6, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:" Could a war, or fire, or flood harm treasure if you had it stored up in heaven?No! But you may be asking, "What kind of treasure can we lay up in heaven?First, we must be sure we ourselves have eternal life in heaven. We only have that life by believing and following the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we can begin to lay up treasures in heaven by helping7 others come to know Jesus. When we help the missionaries8 tell others, when we obey the commandments of our Lord, when we show kindness to others, all of those things are ways we lay up treasure in heaven. Treasures on earth do not last! Treasures in heaven we will enjoy forever!
??Jesus told the rich young man what he needed to do to have everlasting9 life and treasure in Heaven. What a hard decision for the young man! He loved being rich. He dearly loved his treasures on earth. "Why, if I sell everything I have and give to the poor, " he probably thought, "then I myself will be poor." He did not want to be poor here, even though it would mean to be rich in heaven. He stood there grieving, and then he sadly turned and walked away from Jesus.
??Jesus was sad too. Why?Because Jesus knew this young man had made the wrong decision. Jesus looked around at His disciples and said, "How hard it is for those who are rich to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were so surprised at Jesus' words, but then Jesus explained, "Children, how hard it is for those that TRUST in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
??Gospel:Jesus was sad because He knew this young man's love for his earthly riches was going to cause him to miss the wonderful eternal riches of Heaven. Jesus knew that soon He Himself would go to the cross to die for the sins of this young man, and for the sins of the whole world. II Corinthians 8:9 says, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you?.might be rich." We cannot even begin to imagine how splendid and rich Heaven is! But Jesus was willing to leave His wealth and glory in heaven to come to earth, knowing He would be hated, misunderstood, and then nailed by wicked men to die on the cross. The wicked men did not kill Jesus, for Jesus said He gave His life to pay for your sin and mine. Can you doubt that He loves you when He gave up so much for you???The Bible tells us that Jesus came alive after three days, and is now gone back to Heaven. Because Jesus paid the price, He can offer you for free the most wonderful treasure of your life, and that is forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven. Oh, how sad it would make the Lord Jesus to see you turn away today and miss that wonderful offer. And Jesus was sad to see this young man miss the eternal riches of Heaven because he could not let go of earthly things.
??How about you?If you have believed on the Lord Jesus already, you made the right decision and you will enjoy Heaven forever. But what kind of treasures are you laying up in Heaven this week?Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek?first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Every day you are making decisions about what to do with the time, talents, and treasures God has given you. Why not put God's kingdom work first, and He promises to provide the other things you need. Why not write these things down to remember some ways you as a child of God can begin to lay up treasure in heaven this week! 1)Give a Gospel tract10 to someone who needs to know Jesus. 2)Pray for a missionary11. 3)Learn a Bible verse this week and share it with someone else. 4)Help someone in our family or neighborhood cheerfully 5)Obey your parents cheerfully 6)Show love and kindness to everyone. Did you write those down?Now ask God to help you do them, and to remind you about laying up treasure in heaven.
??If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you have an important decision to make today. Do you want to have everlasting life and treasure in Heaven?You cannot get them by being good, for God has said there is none good. You cannot get them if you love your money and your things more than you love the Lord Jesus. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten12 Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." You are that whosoever!
??If you have never believed in the Lord Jesus, will you go right now to "How To Be a Child of God."
??什么是你生活中最重要的事?我想, 有很多人会说:"我想要很多很多的钱。小女孩会说:我想要成为明星, 我想长得漂亮。年轻人会说, 我希望我成为一个伟大的运动员, 或者受到最好的教育, 去哈佛, 去麻省理工学院, 去北大, 去清华。
??在我们今天的圣经故事里, 也有一个年轻人, 他要面对一个人生最重要的选择:什么是他生命中最重要的事情。让我们来看看他到底做出了什么样的选择, 这个选择到底对不对?
??有一天, 耶稣和他的门徒正走在路上, 有一个年轻人向他们跑来。从他穿的衣服上看, 他象是一个很有钱的人, 也许还是一个做官的呢!圣经在马可福音第十章说, 这个年轻人跪在耶稣面前问他说:"良善的夫子, 我当作什么事, 才可以承受永生?"这是一个非常好的问题。这实际上也是对于每个人来说最重要的问题。我需要作些什么事, 才可以死后上天堂, 有永远的生命呢?耶稣并没有直接回答他的问题, 而是反问了他一个问题:"你为什么称我是良善的呢?除了神一位之外, 再没有良善的。
??现在, 小朋友们, 我也要问你一个问题:"耶稣是谁?" 对, 耶稣是神。耶稣是良善的吗?是, 他是完全的慈爱, 因为他是神。
??这个年轻人知道耶稣是良善的夫子, 一个好的老师, 或者是一个好的先知, 但他没有认识到耶稣是神。 耶稣又对这个年轻人说, 诫命你是晓得的, 不可杀人, 不可奸淫, 不可偷盗, 不可作假见证, 不可亏负人, 当孝敬父母。他不加思索对耶稣说, 夫子, 这一切我从小都遵守了。这表明他是一个非常好的人。 但听听耶稣说什么?除了神一位之外, 再没有良善的。
??也许这个年轻人做了很多好事, 也许人们都称赞他是一个非常好的人。但神说, 这世上没有一个人是良善的。我们生来就是罪人, 我们所说, 所做, 所想, 都是不讨神喜悦的。比如自私, 因为别人的成绩比你好, 就嫉妒别人, 不听父母的话, 这些都是罪。以赛亚书64:6说, 我们都像不洁净的人, 所有的义都像污秽的衣服。罗马书6:23告诉我们, 因为罪的工价乃是死, 就是地狱里永远的死亡。在这里, 你看到没有, 没有一个人能够凭著好行为上天堂。
??这个富有的年轻人希望他能够做一些好事而进天堂。耶稣要帮助他看见这是行不通的。马可福音10:21说, 耶稣看著他, 就爱他。我们的主耶稣, 虽然他是神的儿子, 那么完美, 那么高贵, 但他爱我们这些罪人。为什么呢?因为是他创造了我们, 因为神就是爱。正因为他爱我们, 耶稣希望我们能去天堂, 和他永远在一起。耶稣也爱这个年轻人, 他告诉他怎样才能去天堂。耶稣说, 你还缺少一件, 去变卖你所有的, 分给穷人, 就必有财在天上, 你还要来跟从我。 耶稣知道这个年轻人在世上有很多财, 但耶稣要告诉他的却是怎样积蓄那在天上的财。
??天上的财, 是没有人能拿走的。马太福音6:20说, 只要积?财在天上, 天上没有虫子咬, 不能锈坏, 也没有贼挖窟窿来偷, 天上的财是不能被水, 火毁坏的。但也许你会问, 什么样的财才能积蓄在天上呢?
??首先, 我们要得到永远的生命,只有相信耶稣才能得到这个生命。然后, 我们可以帮助别人也来相信耶稣, 这就是积?财在天上。其它还包括帮助传道人, 遵守神的命令, 对别人友善, 这些都可以使我们积?财在天上。地上的财是会朽坏的, 而天上的财可以存留到永远。
??耶稣告诉这个年轻人怎样才能有永生, 怎样才能积?财在天上。对于这个年轻人来说, 这是一个很难的选择。他实在是喜欢为一个富有的人。他也非常宝贵他在地上的财。他想, 为什么我得变卖所有的, 分给穷人呢?那我自己不就成穷人了吗?虽然他知道这样做在地上虽然是穷人, 但就有财在天上, 但他不愿意成为穷人。他站在那里, 想了又想。然后就忧忧愁愁的走了。
??耶稣其实也很难过。为什么呢?因为他知道这个年轻人做了一个错误的决定。耶稣对门徒说, 有钱财人进神的国是何等的难哪。门徒希奇他的话。耶稣又对他们说, 小子, 倚靠钱财人进神的国, 是何等的难哪。 骆驼穿过针的眼, 比财进神的国, 还容易呢。
??耶稣难过因为他知道这个年轻人太爱这地上的财, 以至于失去那天上美好祝福。
??耶稣也知道, 很快他就会走上十字架, 亲自背负这个年轻人的罪, 以及所有一切人的罪。
??哥林多后书8:9说, 你们知道我们主耶稣基督的恩典, 他本来富足, 却为你们成了贫穷, 叫你们因他的贫穷, 可以成为富足。 我们实在是想象不出天堂有多好, 多美丽。但耶稣甘心情愿地离开他在天上的荣耀, 来到地上, 被人憎恨, 被人羞辱, 甚至钉在十字架上。那些坏人并不能杀死耶稣, 是耶稣自己愿意舍命, 为把我们从罪中拯救出来。
??他为救我们, 把自己的命都舍了, 难道我们还能怀疑耶稣的爱吗?
??圣经告诉我们, 耶稣死后第三天复活, 又回到天上。因为耶稣已经付出了代价, 他要给你生命中最宝贵的财, 那就是你的罪可以得到赦免, 和天上的家。如果你还是不接受, 失去这个机会, 耶稣会多么难过!这里, 耶稣看到这个年轻人因为不舍得放弃地上的财, 而失去天上永远的祝福, 他是多么地难过啊!
??那你呢?小朋友们。如果你已经接受耶稣, 那么你的决定是正确的, 你有一天要去天上, 永远享受那里的美好。但在这个星期里, 你要积蓄什么样的财在天上呢?
??马太福音6:33 说, 你们要先求他的国, 和他的义这些东西都要加给你们了。 每一天, 你都要决定怎样使用神赐给你的时间, 能力, 和钱财如果你把神的事放在第一位, 神应许说你所要的神都会加给你。
??1)把福音单张送给还没有信耶稣的人。2)为那些传道人祷告。3)学习一节圣经经节, 然后与别人分享。4)帮助家人或者邻居。5) 甘心地顺服父母的话。6) 把关爱和友善带给别人。
??都写下来了吗?你要祷告, 让神来帮助你做这些事, 让神提醒你要积攒财在天上。
??如果你还没有相信耶稣, 你今天就要做一个重要的决定。你愿意有永远的生命吗, 你愿意积攒财在天上吗?你如果以为多做好事就可以的话, 那你就错了。因为神说这世上没有一个人是完美的。人人都犯了罪。如果你爱你的钱和你的物更甚于你爱耶稣, 你也不能得到那最好的。
??约翰福音3:16说, 神爱世人, 甚至将他的独生子赐给他们, 叫一切信他的, 不至灭亡, 反得永生。你愿意成为那"一切信他的"中的一个吗?如果你还没有信耶稣, 就请你去听"怎样成为神的孩子" , 并照着那里所说的去做。

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n.信徒( disciple的名词复数 );门徒;耶稣的信徒;(尤指)耶稣十二门徒之一 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.蛾,蛀虫 | |
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adj.卑劣的;恶劣的,肮脏的 | |
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n.锈;v.生锈;(脑子)衰退 | |
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v.贿赂,收买;adj.腐败的,贪污的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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n.传教士( missionary的名词复数 ) | |
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adj.永恒的,持久的,无止境的 | |
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n.传单,小册子,大片(土地或森林) | |
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adj.教会的,传教(士)的;n.传教士 | |
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v.为…之生父( beget的过去分词 );产生,引起 | |
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