??Intro:What wonderful things the Lord Jesus, God's Son has done for us! It was the Lord Jesus Who created the world and all things. John 1:3 tells us, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
??Can you realize how much He cared about us, that after He created us, He Himself would come down from Heaven to live among us?What a wonderful thing! Jesus came as a human being, born as a baby. We celebrate His birth as Christmas. Even though Jesus grew up in a sinful world, He lived a perfect life.
??How different from you and me! The Bible tells us about ourselves in Psalm1 53:"God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Everyone of them is gone back:they are altogether become filthy2; there is none that doeth good, no not one." God sees all people, including you and me, as filthy in their sin. That sin keeps us from being able to be with our pure and perfect Creator. But when the Lord Jesus came to the earth, He did another wonderful thing for us! He took all that sin upon Himself! The hatred3, cursing, spitting, beating, and death our Lord Jesus endured was because He was taking our sin, and the punishment for it. I Peter 3:24 says, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we'should live." The Lord Jesus died and was buried. Do you know the wonderful thing He did on the third day?He came back to life!
??Now the Lord Jesus is back in Heaven with His Father, but there is another wonderful thing He has promised He will do. He will come back again! It has been over 1900 years since He left, but He will surely come again. Does that make questions come to your mind?Like, "How will He come, and when and where?" Our answers must come from God's Word, for only God knows the truth about when He will send Jesus back.
??1. One question many people ask is, "How can you be sure the Lord Jesus is coming again?" Because God's Word says so and God's Word is true. Jesus Himself promised His disciples4 He would come again. In John 14 we read, "Let not your heart be troubled:ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions:if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
??Later, after Jesus had risen from the dead, the disciples watched Him go back into Heaven in clouds. Two angels suddenly appeared and said to them, (Acts 1) "You men of Galilee, why are you standing5 and staring up into heaven?this same Jesus who has been taken from you will come again just as you saw him go into heaven."
??Also the apostle Paul wrote of Jesus' certain return. Paul wrote 14 letters in our New Testament6. And he was continually reminding the believers in different churches that Jesus would return. He urged them to stay true to the Lord and serve Him faithfully.
??Peter wrote to the believers:(II Peter 3:3-4) "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts7, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." But Peter went on to say that these scoffers are willingly ignorant. They choose to forget that God Who warned for years that there would be a worldwide flood kept His promise. Scoffers back then laughed at Noah and did not believe or prepare. They were all destroyed, except the ones who believed. Peter reminds the believers that this is the same God Who tells us in His Word that the Lord Jesus will surely return!
??Perhaps you are wondering, "How will He come?" The two angels told the disciples Jesus would come the same way He went up?in clouds. I Corinthians 15:52 says, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump8." How will the Lord Jesus come?Quickly! A twinkle is not even a blink of your eye. When the Lord Jesus appears in the clouds, we who have believed in Him as our Savior will go up so quickly to meet Him,
??Faster than a twinkle of your eye! The apostle Paul wrote to the believers in I Thessalonians 4, "For the Lord himself shall descend9 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:and the dead in Christ shall rise first:??Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." If you have believed in the Lord Jesus, you don't have to worry that you might be asleep and miss His coming, or too sick, or even dead! AS the dead in Christ rise and those believers who are alive all join together to go up to the Lord Jesus, a quick and awesome10 change will take place! Our old bodies will be changed to wonderful new bodies like the Lord Jesus! A body that will not be affected11 by sin or sickness or sadness! No more death! Don't you wish the Lord Jesus would come soon! And by the way, Jesus said if someone tells you that Jesus has come and He is in a certain place, don't go there and don't believe them. When the real Jesus appears, He will be seen in the clouds and we who believe will go up to be with Him by the power of the His Holy Spirit.
??That brings us to another important question:"When will He come?" One businessman who was a believe in Jesus hung this sign in his office for all to see:"Today?He may!" The truth is, Jesus could come today! Paul the apostle and al the believers in the early churches were certain Jesus would come back any day! And that was about 1900 years ago, and He still hasn't come. Jesus Himself said two important things:In Matthew 24:36 He said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Jesus said the most important thing was to "Be ready?for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not."
??Jesus said no one knows the exact day or hour, however He did give us some signs that would help us know His coming was near. Some of them are:wars, and rumours12 of wars, increase in earthquakes, famines, increase of sin causing the love of many to grow cold. (Matthew 24) Paul wrote that children would be more disobedient, and that leaders of nations would talk a lot about peace. (II Timothy 3:1-4; I Thessalonians 5:3) The newspapers and tv reports are full of these very things every day. What does that tell you?Jesus could come today! Paul and other Christians13 looked for Jesus to come back any day. The important thing for us is to be ready!
??Which brings us to our final question:"How can you be sure you will go to be with the Lord Jesus'" The most important answer to that question is found in Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." Have you believed what God's Word says about your sin?God says we have all sinned and are lost from Him. But because God loves us so much, He sent Jesus His Son to take our punishment for sin. Jesus is risen from the dead and is now alive forever in Heaven. He is ready to save you from sin, so that you will be prepared to go with Him when He returns. Why not go right now to "How To Be a Child of God."
??Those of you who have already believed on the Lord Jesus, listen closely to what John said to the believers:(I John 2:28), "And now, little children, abide14 in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming." If your mom tells you she is leaving for the grocery store, and gives you a list of things to do while she is gone, you have a choice. When you see her leave, you can get busy doing those chores, or you can watch tv, have a snack, call a friend, and delay your job. However, when your mom returns, you will either feel confident and ready, or very ashamed. The Lord Jesus is our King, and we are His servants. He has given each of us work to do until He returns or until we die. What is your work as a child?Obeying your parents cheerfully, reading and obeying God's Word, praying, doing your best in your education, telling others about Jesus are all things our King wants us to be doing.
??The old Apostle Paul said this to young Timothy:(II Timothy 4:7-8) "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:...there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." There are rewards for those believers who are serving the Lord Jesus on earth!
??May I share the wonderful thing I am anticipating in Heaven?We will get to see family and friends who knew Jesus, and died before us. We ache with missing them down here, but one day there will be a joyful15 reunion as we see them again, well and happy, and we'll be together forever! Just think, you'll get to meet Aunt Dee up there too!
??Don't forget! "Today?He may!"
??神的儿子耶稣基督为我们做了何等美好的事情。是主耶稣创造了世界和一切所有的。约翰福音1:3:"万物是藉著他造的, 凡被造的, 没有一样不是藉著他造的。"
??你知道他多么地爱我们吗?他创造了我们, 又从天上来到地上与我们同住。这是何等美好的事!主耶稣道成肉身, 降生在马槽里。我们在圣诞节的时候来庆祝他的降生。虽然耶稣在这个罪恶的世界中长大, 他却过著一个完美无罪的生活。
??耶稣与我们是多么地不同啊!圣经里诗篇53章告诉我们, 神从天上垂看世人, 要看有明白的没有, 有寻求他的没有。他们各人都退后, 一同变为污秽, 并没有行善的, 连一个也没有。神看所有的人, 包括你和我都在罪恶中。这个罪使我们不能与我们完美无瑕的创造主在一起。但是, 主耶稣来到这个世界的时候, 他为我们做了一件奇妙的事。他把所有的罪都背在他自己身上。因著他背负了我们所有的罪, 他被人怨恨, 诅咒, 吐唾沫, 毒打, 以至于死, 因为这是罪的刑罚。彼得一书2:24说, 他被挂在木头上亲身担当了我们的罪, 使我们既然在罪上死, 就得以在义上活。主耶稣死了, 被埋葬, 你知道之后的第三天什么事情发生了吗?主耶稣从死里复活了!
??主耶稣回到天上与天父在一起。同时他又给我们另一个美好的应许, 就是他会再回来。现在, 他已经离开我们已经1900多年了, 我们知道他一定会回来的。你会不会有这样一个问题呢?就是他怎么样回来呢?他什么时候, 会在哪里出现呢?我们只能从神的话里面找答案。只有天父知道他什么时候会派主耶稣回来。
??许多人有这样一个问题:"我们怎么能知道主耶稣一定会回来呢?" 因为神的话语是这么说的, 我们也知道神的话语是真实的。主耶稣亲自应许他的门徒说他会回来。在约翰福音14章那里讲到, 你们心里不要忧愁, 你们信神, 也当信我。在我父的家里, 有许多住处, 若是没有, 我就早已告诉你们了, 我去原是为你们预备地方去。我若去为你们预备了地方, 就必再来接你们到我那里去, 我在那里, 叫你们也在那里。
??耶稣从死里复活以后, 门徒看见他乘著云彩回到天上。当他往上去, 他们定睛望天的时候忽, 然有两个天使向他们显现说:"加利利人哪, 你们为什么站著望天呢?这离开你们被接升天的耶稣, 你们见他怎样往天上去, 他还要怎样来。"
??使徒保罗也写到耶稣的再来。新约圣经记载了保罗写的十四封书信。他不断地提醒各个教会的信徒主耶稣会再来。他鼓励他们要衷心服侍主。彼得也在彼得后书3章写到:"主要降临的应许在哪里呢?因为从列祖睡了以来, 万物与起初创造的时候仍是一样。他又说, 那些人故意忘记神的警告。创造天地的神警告他们将要有洪水来淹没这个世界。那个时候, 他们还嘲笑挪亚造方舟。当世界被水淹没了, 他们就都灭亡了。只有相信神的人才存活下来。彼得提醒信徒们这位轻慢不得的神在圣经里讲到耶稣一定会回来。
??你或许会问他怎么样来呢?那两个天使告诉门徒, 耶稣怎样往天上去, 他还要怎样来。歌林多前书15:52说:就在一霎时, 眨眼之间, 号筒末次吹响的时候。主耶稣会怎样来呢?会非常快, 甚至在眨眼之间。当主耶稣在云中出现的时候, 在眨眼之间, 我们这些相信他为救主的人就会与他在云中相遇。
??使徒保罗在写给信徒们的帖撒罗尼迦前书第四章说:"因为主必亲自从天降临, 有呼叫的声音, 和天使长的声音, 又有神的号吹响, 那在基督里死了的人必先复活。以后我们这活著还存留的人, 必和他们一同被提到云里在空中与主相遇, 这样, 我们就要和主永远同在。所以你们当用这些话彼此劝慰。"
??如果你已经相信主耶稣, 你就不用担心他来的时候你正在睡觉, 或者生病, 甚至死了。因为在基督里已死的人, 以及那些还活著的人都要到主耶稣那里去。那实在是一个非常奇妙的景像。我们的身体会改变。新的身体就象主耶稣的身体, 不再被罪, 疾病和悲伤所挟制!再也没有死亡!难道你不希望主耶稣早点回来吗?还有, 主耶稣说, 如果有人说耶稣已经来了, 他在某一个地方。不要相信他们!当主耶稣真的来的时候, 我们将看见他在云中显现。我们这些信他的人, 也因著圣灵的能力, 与他相遇。
??然后, 我们就有一个更重要的问题, 他什么时候回来呢?有一个商人, 他是一个基督徒。他在他的办公室外面有一个牌子, 上面写著:或许今天他就会来。实际上, 耶稣真的可能今天就来。使徒保罗和那些所有在早期教会的使徒们, 确信耶稣随时都会回来。那是1900多年以前。但到现在, 主还没有回来。耶稣自己说了两个重要的事情。在马太福音24:36, 他说, 但那日子, 那时辰, 没有人知道, 连天上的使者也不知道, 子也不知道, 惟独父知道。耶稣又说, 所以你们也要预备, 因为你们想不到的时候, 人子就来了。
??耶稣说, 那日子, 那时辰, 没有人知道。但是他让我们知道他来的时候有什么征兆。比如说, 打仗和打仗的风声, 饥荒, 地震。不法的事增多, 许多人的爱心, 渐渐冷淡了。保罗写到, 那时, 小孩子们会更加地不听话。国家的领导人会更多地谈到和平的问题(提摩太后书3:14, 帖撒罗尼迦前书5:3)。报纸和电视的报道每一天都充满了这些事情。这告诉你什么呢?耶稣或许今天就会来。保罗和圣徒们曾等待著耶稣随时都会回来。重要的是我们也要准备好。
??现在我们到了最后一个问题, 你怎么确定你将会和主耶稣在一起呢?最重要的答案在使徒行传16:31:当信主耶稣, 你和你一家都必得救。你是不是已经相信神的话, 相信你是有罪的呢?神说, 我们都犯了罪, 远离神, 成为迷失的羊。但是因为神这样地爱我们, 他派他的儿子耶稣来为我们的罪受刑罚, 耶稣从死里复活, 现在他在天上会永远活著。他已经准备好, 要把你从罪里拯救出来, 让你可以预备好, 当他回来的时候, 你可以和他在一起。请你去听:"怎样成为神的孩子" , 并照着那里所说的去做。
??如果你已经相信主耶稣, 你要注意听约翰怎样对信徒们说:小子们哪, 你们要住在主里面, 这样, 他若显现, 我们就可以坦然无惧, 当他来的时候, 在他面前也不至于惭愧。(约翰一书2:28)。如果你的妈妈告诉你她要去买菜, 然后她给你写下她不在的时候你要做的事情。这样你现在就有一个选择。当她离开以后, 你可以赶紧做那些事情, 或者你看电视, 吃零食, 给朋友打电话, 就耽误了妈妈让你做的事情。但是, 当你妈妈回来的时候, 你要么事情都做好了, 心中很坦然, 要么会觉得非常羞愧。主耶稣是我们的王, 我们是他的仆人。他给我们每一个人订下了在他回来以前或我们死以前所要做的事情。作为神的孩子, 你把神交代的事情做得怎么样?你是不是甘心乐意顺服你的父母, 学习并遵守神的话, 祷告, 在学业上尽你的努力, 向别人传讲耶稣。这些就是我们的王要我们做的事情。
??当使徒保罗年老的时候, 他对年轻的提摩太说:那美好的仗我已经打过了, 当跑的路我已经跑尽了, 所信的道我已经守住了, 从此以后, 有公义的冠冕为我存留, 就是按著公义审判的主到了那日要赐给我的, 不但赐给我, 也赐给凡爱慕他显现的人。(提摩太后书4章7-8)。这些奖赏是为那些活著时候侍奉主的信徒所预备的。
??让我来告诉你我对天堂美妙的期盼。我们将会看到我们信主的家人和朋友。当他们在地上离开我们的时候, 我们会觉得很难过。但是有一天, 我们将会重新相聚, 那时将会充满喜乐。我们也将永远在一起。你也会在那里遇到我。让我们不要忘记, 或许今天他就会来。

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n.赞美诗,圣诗 | |
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adj.卑劣的;恶劣的,肮脏的 | |
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n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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n.信徒( disciple的名词复数 );门徒;耶稣的信徒;(尤指)耶稣十二门徒之一 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.遗嘱;证明 | |
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贪求(lust的第三人称单数形式) | |
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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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vt./vi.传下来,下来,下降 | |
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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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n.传闻( rumour的名词复数 );风闻;谣言;谣传 | |
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n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) | |
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vi.遵守;坚持;vt.忍受 | |
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adj.欢乐的,令人欢欣的 | |
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