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生活英语听力文章 第88期:学会自律(2)

时间:2018-07-23 01:39来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 When you consistently neglect to do the things you know you should do, when they should be done, here’s the downside: 如果你经常在该做某事时偷懒拖延,就会产生以下负面影响:

You won’t achieve your goals. I’ve never met anyone who achieved any worthwhile goal who lacked discipline. 无法实现目标。我还没见过有谁缺乏自律最后却能取得巨大成功。
You won’t feel good about yourself. No matter how hard you try to justify your actions, you know what’s right and wrong. Lying to yourself only makes it worse. 我对你发出挑战:开始做你知道该做的小事。在做的每一件事过程中认识自己。通过坚定的信念和不懈的努力,你一定能成为一个自律的人。
You’ll lose the respect of those who are dependent upon your actions. 这不是我第一次在博客上发文章说明自律的重要性了,也不会是最后一次。我列出的1000多条小事中,没有什么比自律更有价值。
Making the decision to become a disciplined person may prove to be one of the most important decisions you make because of its powerful influence on every part of your life. 自律是那些过着成功、富足生活的人与生活失败、穷困的人的分水岭。
The first step in becoming a disciplined person is to make a commitment to yourself that from this day forward you are going to do the things you know you should do, when you should do them. 要想做一个自律的人,第一步就是向自己保证:从今天起,每到该做事时都要把该做的工作完成。
As part of this commitment, you cannot allow yourself to make excuses or justify not doing what you should do. 在整个过程中,你不能为自己找借口不做该做的事。
If you struggle with discipline, start small. It’s how we all got started. 如果自律对你来说很难,那就从小事做起吧,所有人一开始都是这样。
Start by taking out the overflowing garbage, answering an email, changing the light bulb, or cleaning your bathroom. 你可以从这些事情开始——清理堆积如山的垃圾,回复邮件,换灯泡或者整理卧室。
Start today doing all the little things you know you should do, but don’t feel like doing. 从今天开始,做一些你不喜欢做却该做的琐事。
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When you need to do things that make you uncomfortable, remember the wise words of leadership expert Dr. John Maxwell who said, “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” 每当你需要做点事来让自己感觉舒服一些时,想想领导学专家麦斯威尔博士(Dr. John Maxwell )的至理名言:“成长的过程通常是痛苦的。”
When things come up that are scary, heed the experience of Dale Carnegie who said, “Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.” 如果你在做事时遇到困难,想想戴尔·卡内基的话:“迄今为止,能克服恐惧的最快最有效方法就是去做你害怕的事并坚持下去。”
Becoming a discipline person will likely be the hardest thing you do, but it can also become the most rewarding.  成为一个自律的人对你来说可能是最难的,但也是最有益的,
All successes in every part of your life are built on the foundation of discipline. 因为自律是生活各个方面虚的成功的基础。
I want to challenge you to start doing the little things you know you should do.  我向你发出挑战:开始做你知道该做的每一件小事并在这个过程中认清自己。
As you do, recognize yourself for each thing you do. With constant awareness and sustained effort you can actually train yourself to become disciplined. 通过坚定的信念和不懈的努力,你一定能成为一个自律的人。
This is not the first time I have blogged on the importance of discipline, and it won’t be the last.  这不是我在博客上写的关于自律重要性的第一篇文章,也不会是最后一篇。
Of the over 1000 little things on my list, nothing has a higher dollar value to the market than discipline. 在我列出的1000多条小事中,自律是最有价值的一条。
Discipline is one of the key differentiators separating those who live successful and fulfilling lives from those who don’t. 成功者与失败者的其中一个主要区别就是前者会自律而后者没有自律意识。
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