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英语短文名人故事 哲学思想家 第24期:亚里士多德

时间:2018-09-06 02:14来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 5 Aristotle 亚里士多德

Aristotle was born in Stageira, Chalcidice, in 384 BC.  亚里士多德于公元前384年出生于色雷斯的斯塔基拉,
His father was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was trained and educated as a member of the aristocracy.  父亲是马其顿王的御医。从小亚里士多德在贵族家庭环境里长大。
At about the age of eighteen, he went to Athens to continue his education at Plato’s Academy.  在18岁的时候,亚里士多德被送到雅典的柏拉图学园学习,
Aristotle remained at the academy for nearly twenty years before quitting Athens in 347 BC.  此后20年间亚里士多德一直住在学园,直至老师柏拉图在公元前347年去世。
The traditional story about his departure reports that he was disappointed with the direction the academy took after control passed to Plato’s nephew Speusippus upon his death. 柏拉图去世后,学园的领导权转移到柏拉图的侄子Speusippus,学园的学术倾向令亚里士多德感到失望,他便离开了雅典。
He then traveled in Asia Minor1 on the invitation of his friend Hermias.  离开学园后,亚里士多德先是接受了朋友赫米阿斯的邀请访问小亚细亚。
There, Aristotle married Hermias' adoptive daughter (or niece) Pythias.  亚里士多德在那里还娶了赫米阿斯的侄女为妻。
She bore him a daughter. Soon after Hermias' death in BC 344, Aristotle had to leave Asia Minor.  她为他生了一个女儿。公元前344年,赫米阿斯被谋杀后不久,亚里士多德不得不离幵小亚细亚。
Later, he was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son Alexander the Great who was only 13 years old. 后来,亚里士多德又被马其顿的国王腓力二世召唤回故乡,成为当时年仅13岁的亚历山大大帝的老师。
Aristotle was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon.  亚里士多德被任命为马其顿皇家学院的校长。
During that time he gave lessons not only to Alexander, but also to two other future kings: Ptolemy and Cassander.  期间,他不仅给亚历山大授课,也为其他两位未来的国王Ptolemy and Cassander授课。
In his Politics, Aristotle states that only one thing could justify2 monarchy,  在政治观点上,亚里士多德认为只有一种情况能让君主制成为正确的,
and that was if the virtue3 of the King and his family were greater than the virtue of the rest of the citizens put together.  即国王和其家人的美德合在一起超过了其他所有公民的美德的总和。
Tactfully, he included the young prince and his father in that category. 他很有技巧地将年轻的王子和他的父亲包括在这个范畴之内。
By 335 BC he had returned to Athens, establishing his own school there known as the Lyceum.  公元前335年,亚里士多德回到雅典,并在那里建立了自己的学校,取名为Lyceum。
Aristotle conducted courses at the school for the next twelve years.  亚里士多德在接下来的12年中在此授课。
It is during this period when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his works.  正是在此期间,亚里士多德撰写了多部哲学着作。
Aristotle wrote many dialogues, only fragments of which survived.  虽然亚里士多德写下了许多对话录,但这些对话录都只有少数残缺的片段流传下来。
The works that have survived are in treatise4 form and were not, for the most part, intended for widespread publication, as they are generally thought to be lecture aids for his students. 被保留最多的作品主要都是论文形式,而亚里士多德最初也没有想过要发表这些论文。一般认为这些论文是亚里士多德讲课时给学生的笔记或课本。
Upon Alexander's death, Aristotle fled the city to Chalcis, explaining,  亚历山大死后,亚里士多德逃亡到加而西斯 (Chalcis )。他这样解释:
“I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy”,a reference to Athens' prior trial and execution of Socrates. Aristotle died in BC 322. “我不想让雅典人再犯下第二次毁灭哲学的罪孽。”(隐喻之前苏格拉底在雅典被审判和处死)公元前322年,亚里士多德病逝。


1 minor e7fzR     
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
2 justify j3DxR     
  • He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses.他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。
  • Can you justify your rude behavior to me?你能向我证明你的粗野行为是有道理的吗?
3 virtue BpqyH     
  • He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。
  • You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
4 treatise rpWyx     
  • The doctor wrote a treatise on alcoholism.那位医生写了一篇关于酗酒问题的论文。
  • This is not a treatise on statistical theory.这不是一篇有关统计理论的论文。
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