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  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第363期:紧跟时代 Thoughstudentshaveto dothehomeworkeveryday, theyshouldspareatleastone ortwohourstoreadnewspaper. Inthisway,theycannotonlyincreaseknowledge, butalsokeepupwiththetimes. Inaword, readingnewspaperisofgreatbenefittostudents. 学生虽然每天须做功课,
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第364期:恐惧可以给我们提供人生的帮助 Listen,fearcanservice, fearisntallbad, Seetheyllmakeuspayattention. Aslongasfear isacounsellorandnotajailer. 听着,恐惧对你也能有所服务, 恐惧并不全意味着糟糕。 只要恐惧能作为一个顾问而不是狱卒, 它就能让我
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第365期:保持言语的温和 Ivelearnedthat Iwish I could havetoldmyMom that Iloveherone more time before shepassed away. Ivelearnedthatoneshould keep his words both softandtender, becausetomorrowhe mayhave to eatthem. 我明白了自己真该在母亲去世前 再告诉她一次我
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第366期:我的父亲 Oneof myearliest memoriesofDad is that he wouldoften leavethehouse atdawnto gojogging. He was atraditional Chinese father, whichmeansthat hedidn't showhisaffection for hiskids easily.Andheand Ididn't talk much. Some time ago,hemademe gojoggingwith hi
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第367期:每个人都有一个永远守护自己的天使 Infact, everyonehas anangel protectinghimselfforever. If thisangel feelsthat yourlifeisfullofpain and youalways feel excessively sad, She wouldturnintosomeone else besideyou. Maybeit's afriendofyou,or yourlover, or anet-friendyou havenever met, or as
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第368期:一切刚刚开始 We arereadingthefirst verse of thefirst chapterof abook whosepagesareinfinite Idon't knowwhowrotethosewords, but I havealways likedthem as areminder that thefuturecan beanything we want tomakeit. We cantakethemysterious, hazy futureandcarve outof ita
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第369期:比尔·盖茨辍学创业成了世界首富 Bill Gates becametherichest man bydroppingout ofschool andstartinghisown business. But theschoolhedropped outisHarvard. 比尔盖茨辍学创业成了世界首富 但人家退学的是哈佛大学
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第370期:你抱怨没时间是因为你把分分秒秒浪费在抱怨和焦虑上 One night,Icomplainedto mymom about thelackoftime. Finallyshesaid,"you areshortoftimejust because youwaste precious minutes oncomplaintsandanxiety. Thepointis, no matter how fullyourscheduleis, if youtry really hard, you canalways fitinsome thing m
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第371期:我想改变世界 WhenI was ayoung man, Iwantedtochangetheworld. Ifoundit wasdifficulttochangetheworld, so Itriedtochangemynation. WhenIfoundIcouldn't changethenation, Ibegantofocuson mytown. Icouldn't changethetownand as anolder man, Itriedtochangemyfamily. Now,as an
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  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第374期:尝试一些其他的方式 Listen,whenpeople succeed,theytendtoparty; when theyfail,theytendtoponder. Andoutof thepondering many times wecreateourgreat successesin ourlife. Just rememberit'simpossibletofail. If youtry somethingitdoesn't work justtry something elseandlearn some
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第375期:我不需要每个人都爱我 Not everybody hastoloveme oreven likeme. Idon't necessarily like everybodyIknow, I enjoy being likedandbeing loved, but ifsomebody doesn't likeme, I willstillbeokay andstill feel likeI'm anokay person. Idon't need approval allthetime. Ifsomeonedoesno
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第376期:完美的期待 Good morning, ladiesandgentlemen. TodayI want totell youastory aboutoneof myfriends, she isgoodatworkandstudy. Inmany people's opinion, she isexcellentandperfect. Butone dayshetoldme she wasgloomyandinsecure. Shefoundthat she wasfarfromperfection. La
  • 瞬间秒杀听力 第377期:如果有人惹怒了你 Ifsomeone pissedyouoff, whatyou shouldfocuson isnot howtheydidit buthowyou canmanageyour ownemotion. 如果有人惹怒了你, 你需要注意的不是他们到底做了什么, 而是你应该如何控制自己的情绪。