瞬间秒杀听力 第318期:放松自己 看场电影或者演唱会
Goto amovieorconcert. Playagame.Do someexercise. In thiscase,yourefocusingyourmotivation on somethingdesirable, rather thansomethingstressful. So if you canimmerseyourself inpositive activities, youllshiftyourmotivation away from the focuson thestres
瞬间秒杀听力 第319期:她已经把你看得透透的了
Have youever acted politeandformal with awomanon thefirst date? Youmayhavefakedafew smiles andlaughedatallherjokes, tryingtomakeherlikeyou. It may benice, butwomen also thinkit'swussy. Shemay not seeit, buttrustme when Isaythat, shesees right through
瞬间秒杀听力 第320期:你暴饮暴食吗
Do youovereat?Somepeople say, Well,I'm gonnagoon adiet, yep,I'm just gonnago up there and I'm gonnastarve myself andthenI'm gonna bereal skinny. How oftendoes thatwork? And Isay slimtonone, infact study showsthat95%ofpeople goon adiet. Within 2 years
瞬间秒杀听力 第321期:上帝的暗示
OnceI wasgoing along sideof ariver, there Isawadogwho wasvery thirsty. Isawthat asdog lookedintorivertodrink water, itsawhisown imageand gotafraid. Seeinghisown reflection, dog barkedandran away. But becausedogwas too thirstyhe wouldcome back. Thisha
瞬间秒杀听力 第323期:中西文化差异
Expressing opinionsisone exampleof culture differencebetweeneastandwest. Westerners expresstheiropinions freely. Theyfeelit isnaturalforpeople to havedifferent ideas, anddon't mind hearing views thatdifferfrom theirown. You mayexpress franklywhat you
瞬间秒杀听力 第324期:卓别林的故事
One dayasmall boy called Charles Chaplin waswalking alongthestreetinLondon. It was acold winter's dayin1900. Hewantedtobuysomebread, but hedidn't have any money. Although Charleswassmall, hisdreamwasvery big. Hewantedto be agreat manin theworldoffilm
瞬间秒杀听力 第325期:与中国主人共进晚餐
Eatingisalwaysalearning experiencein anew culture. Imust putin afew words about myexperiencehere inChina. If Ihave dinnerwith aChinese host, healways presses more food onto myplateassoonas I haveemptiedit of theprevious helping. and Ihavetoeatthefood
瞬间秒杀听力 第326期:当我长大成人后
WhenIgrow up, Idon'twant to belikemyparents. Idon'twant to belikemyteacher, either. Infact,Idon'twant to belike anybodyIknow. Everybodyis justtoo busy. Theydon't seemto havetime foranything except work. Theyhavetheirlives, but tome,theyaren't really
瞬间秒杀听力 第327期:两只山羊在桥上的故事
One dayagoat startedtocrossalittle bridge. At thatvery minute, another goat started out from theother sideof thebridge. When theysaw one another, theyknewthatoneof them wouldhavetogo back. Go back!?criedthefirst goat. Where isno roomfor you topass he
瞬间秒杀听力 第328期:看医生
Seeingadoctoris thelast thingI want todo. Ihate waiting long hoursin ahospital, onlytospend five minutes with anindifferent doctor. Mostof them justaskafew questions and thengiveyou aprescription. In myopinion,they aremore like machines than sympathe
瞬间秒杀听力 第329期:掌握英文
There aremany advantagestolearning English. Englishis aninternational language. If you canspeakit, you'll havelittle difficulty traveling anywhere. And if you canreadit, you canacquire firsthand information aboutwhatisgoing on in the world. Mastering
瞬间秒杀听力 第330期:一个偏离人生轨道的年轻人
In histeachers'and myparents' eyes, myyoungest brotheris asidetracked young man, but inmine,he is amusical genius. Ienjoy listeningto thesongshewrites, althoughthelyricsare sort ofimmature, theycome straightfrom theheart. Hesayshisdreamis tomake musi
瞬间秒杀听力 第331期:我最喜欢的季节
Myfavorite seasonisspring. Afteralongandcold winter, spring comesto us like abreathoffresh air. Besides, everything seemsto cometolifeinspring. Forexample, birds begintosing again andflowers bloomandsweetentheair. Moreover,thewarm glowof thesun makes