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死亡约会 Part II Chapter 14(1)

时间:2024-09-19 09:30来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


Chapter 14

Poirot met two people on his way home. The first was Mr Jefferson Cope.

‘M. Hercule Poirot? My name’s Jefferson Cope.’

The two men shook hands ceremoniously.

Then, falling into step beside Poirot, Mr Cope explained: ‘It’s just got round to me that you’remaking a kind of routine inquiry1 into the death of my old friend Mrs Boynton. That certainly wasa shocking business. Of course, mind you, the old lady ought never to have undertaken such afatiguing journey. But she was headstrong, M. Poirot. Her family could do nothing with her. Shewas by way of being a household tyrant—had had her own way too long, I guess. It certainly istrue what she said went. Yes, sir, that certainly was true.’

There was a momentary2 pause.

‘I’d just like to tell you, M. Poirot, that I’m an old friend of the Boynton family. Naturallythey’re all a good deal upset over this business; they’re a trifle nervous and highly strung, too, youknow, so if there are any arrangements to be made—necessary formalities, arrangements for thefuneral—transport of the body to Jerusalem, why, I’ll take as much trouble as I can off their hands.

Just call upon me for anything that needs doing.’

‘I am sure the family will appreciate your offer,’ said Poirot. He added, ‘You are, I think, aspecial friend of young Mrs Boynton’s.’

Mr Jefferson Cope went a little pink.

‘Well, we won’t say much about that, M. Poirot. I hear you had an interview with Mrs LennoxBoynton this morning, and she may have given you a hint how things were between us, but that’sall over now. Mrs Boynton is a very fine woman and she feels that her first duty is to her husbandin his sad bereavement3.’

There was a pause. Poirot received the information by a delicate gesture of the head. Then hemurmured:

‘It is the desire of Colonel Carbury to have a clear statement concerning the afternoon of MrsBoynton’s death. Can you give me an account of that afternoon?’

‘Why, certainly. After our luncheon4 and a brief rest we set out for a kind of informal tour round.

We escaped, I’m glad to say, without that pestilential dragoman. That man’s just crazy on thesubject of the Jews. I don’t think he’s quite sane5 on that point. Anyway, as I was saying, we setout. It was then that I had my interview with Nadine. Afterwards she wished to be alone with herhusband to discuss matters with him. I went off on my own, working gradually back towards thecamp. About half-way there I met the two English ladies who had been on the morning expedition—one of them’s an English peeress, I understand?’

Poirot said that such was the case.

‘Ah, she’s a fine woman, a very powerful intellect and very well informed. The other seemed tome rather a weak sister—and she looked about dead with fatigue6. That expedition in the morningwas very strenuous7 for an elderly lady, especially when she doesn’t like heights. Well, as I wassaying, I met these two ladies and was able to give them some information on the subject of theNabateans. We went around a bit and got back to the camp about six. Lady Westholme insisted onhaving tea and I had the pleasure of having a cup with her—the tea was kind of weak, but it had aninteresting flavour. Then the boys laid the table for supper and sent out to the old lady only to findthat she was sitting there dead in her chair.’



1 inquiry nbgzF     
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
2 momentary hj3ya     
  • We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.我们无时无刻不在盼望你的到来。
  • I caught a momentary glimpse of them.我瞥了他们一眼。
3 bereavement BQSyE     
  • the pain of an emotional crisis such as divorce or bereavement 诸如离婚或痛失亲人等情感危机的痛苦
  • I sympathize with you in your bereavement. 我对你痛失亲人表示同情。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 luncheon V8az4     
  • We have luncheon at twelve o'clock.我们十二点钟用午餐。
  • I have a luncheon engagement.我午饭有约。
5 sane 9YZxB     
  • He was sane at the time of the murder.在凶杀案发生时他的神志是清醒的。
  • He is a very sane person.他是一个很有头脑的人。
6 fatigue PhVzV     
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
7 strenuous 8GvzN     
  • He made strenuous efforts to improve his reading. 他奋发努力提高阅读能力。
  • You may run yourself down in this strenuous week.你可能会在这紧张的一周透支掉自己。
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