《天才少女》精讲 01玛丽不想上学
Hey! Come on. Let's move! 喂 快点 No! 不 Let me see. No! 让我看看 不 Come on, I made you a special breakfast 快点 我给你做了特别的早餐 You can't cook 你不会做饭 Hey, Mary, open up! 喂 玛丽 开门 You look beautiful 你真漂
《天才少女》精讲 02尽量跟别的孩子一样
This is gonna be fun 会很开心的 You're gonna meet kids today, you can borrow money from the rest of your life 你今天会结识新同学 一辈子都可以跟他们借钱花 Come on 去吧 You're gonna be great 你会做得很好的 You know ju
《天才少女》精讲 03玛丽上课
Two nights ago she told me that even if Germany bails out the euro, there could still be a worldwide depression 前天晚上 她对我说 即使德国脱欧 还是有可能发生全球经济衰退 I was staring at the ceiling for three hours 我盯着天
《天才少女》精讲 04玛丽的天才表现
Nobody in this classroom speaks unless they are called upon 需要被老师点到名才可以说话 Okay? Is everybody clear on that? 好吗 大家都知道了吗 Yes, ma'am 是 老师 Good, Mary, can you stand up please? 好的 玛丽 请你站起来
《天才少女》精讲 05玛丽反抗校长
I have a very strange kid 我班上有个奇怪的学生 I have 27 strange kids 我有27个奇怪的学生呢 Good morning 早上好 Good morning 早上好 That's great guys but take your seats, okay? 很好 同学们 去座位上坐下 Oh, God. See
《天才少女》精讲 06弗兰克与邦妮沟通
Excuse me? Hi 等一下 你好 Oh. Look, it's my teacher 是我老师 Probably wants to remind me what one plus one is 可能是想问我1加1等于几 Go to the car, okay? 你到车上去 Hi. Hi 你好 你好 Sorry to yell at you and then chase you
《天才少女》精讲 07弗兰克与玛丽沟通
For the record, I didn't wanna go to the stupid school in the first place 我要说明 我本来就不想上那个破学校 And the boy in the next row acts inappropriately for someone who's a child 我后排的男生行为不检点 没个孩子样 I
《天才少女》精讲 08玛丽重回学校
Fred's not a killer 弗雷德不杀小动物 He's a lover 它有爱心 Would my mom have wanted me to go to this school? 妈妈会希望我上这学校吗 I can only guess 我说不好 But I'll tell you what, she would have wanted you to have friends
《天才少女》精讲 09玛丽的学校生活
For my Show and Tell I have the most awesome cat in the history of time 我展示和讲述的内容是一只特别棒的猫 Not only is his name Fred but 它不光名字叫弗雷德 而且 He has just one eye 它只有一只眼 Go ahead and count, bu
《天才少女》精讲 10玛丽的身份
Do you know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗 Hey! Mary's teacher 嗨 玛丽的老师 Bonnie 邦妮 You lied to me 你对我撒了谎 Okay 好吧 Can you narrow it down? 你能具体些吗 I'd like to know the truth about Mary my student your niece 我想
《天才少女》精讲 11玛丽的家庭
And no grandparents? 没有外祖父母吗 Dad died when I was eight. My mom 我爸在我8岁时去世 我妈 Short version is she turned her back on Diane when she got pregnant 简单的说 在黛安怀孕后 她就不管她了 Why? 为什么 Didn't
《天才少女》精讲 12不需要强化她的与众不同感
Hey, you okay? 喂 你没事吧 You good? All right 没事吧 好 How do we resolve this? 这事怎么解决 You know, she could be expelled 她够被开除了 God, I hope not 天啊 希望不要开除 But if every other firsttime offender was expell
《天才少女》精讲 13弗兰克的请求
Trust me she knows. So, I think Mary, I think she's gotta be here 相信我 她有这感觉 所以 我觉得玛丽必须留在这学校 Today's a bad ending. You can't hit people. But a 12-year-old bullies a seven year old and she stands up? 今天的事
《天才少女》精讲 14玛丽道歉
Are you sure you know what you're doing? 你觉得这么做真的好吗 No 不知道 Okay, Mary, I think you have something you'd like to say to the class 好了 玛丽 你是不是有话要对同学们说 You wanna hop up and say it? 你上台来说吧
《天才少女》精讲 15玛丽见外婆
An Apple? Whoa 苹果 哇 It's a MacBook, darling 是个苹果笔记本电脑 孩子 Top of the line with the Retina Display 是最先进的 有视网膜显示屏 Hey, you know who else has a Retina Display? 你知道谁也有视网膜显示屏吗 Fr
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