[00:06.92]Fire in the hole! 要爆炸啦
[00:15.28]-What was that? -lt's bath time. - 那是什么? - 洗澡时间到了
[00:18.76]Retreat. 撤退
[00:31.44]We-- We won. 我们 我们胜利了
[00:32.24]They're leaving. 他们走了
[00:38.52]All hail the Destroyer. 破坏者万岁
[00:40.20]Peanut! Peanut! 花生豆 花生豆
[00:40.60]Brilliant. Genius. 真聪明 简直是天才
[00:44.00]l mean, Lucas made a: 我是说 Lucas来了一个:
[00:44.68]And then...they all flew away. 然后...他们就都飞走了
[00:46.24]And now l know why they call you Peanut. 现在我终于知道 他们为什么叫你花生豆了
[00:49.96]He's got a brain the size of a peanut. 他的脑子有花生那么大
[00:52.00]Lucas the Destroyer. 破坏者Lucas
[00:54.24]l take back everything l thought about you. 我收回先前对你的看法
[00:59.60]You saved us. 你拯救了我们
[01:01.28]Yeah, sure. 是啊 当然
[01:01.36]Thank you, Lucas. 谢谢 Lucas
[01:05.16]He saved us. 他救了我们
[01:07.32]Oh, it's so obvious, l was so dumb. 哦 那么明显 我太蠢了
[01:11.44]Praise the Destroyer. 赞美破坏者
[01:16.28]Wake up. He saved himself. 清醒一点吧 他救的是自己
[01:17.76]The rest of us just-- 我们余下的只是
[01:19.88]Just got in the way. 只是顺便的而已
[01:24.72]Zoc. Oh, are you all right? Zoc 哦 你还好吗?
[01:25.04]-No, l'm-- -What happened to you? - 不 我 - 你怎么了?
[01:28.60]l'm fine. l'm fine. 我很好 很好
[01:29.40]-You're hurt. -No, it's nothing, really, l just-- - 你受伤了 - 不 没关系 真的 我只是...
[01:30.12]Zoc, do you have any yucca sap? Zoc 有丝兰液吗?
[01:32.16]Lucas has a burn. Poor baby. Lucas烧伤了 可怜的孩子
[01:36.84]This is our enemy. 这可是我们的敌人
[01:40.76]They do not save ants, they kill ants. 他们不会救蚂蚁 只会杀了我们
[01:43.60]He very nearly killed me. 他差一点点就杀了我
[01:48.48]Or does that not matter to you? 也许这对你无关紧要吧?
[01:59.32]I do, you do We all like the honeydew 我喜欢 你喜欢 我们都喜欢蜜露
[02:02.00]Dinner is served. 晚饭准备好了
[02:05.68]And l'm the dessert. 我就是餐后甜点
[02:06.20]And l'm on a low-fathead diet. 我要的是少蠢蛋的食谱
[02:08.28]And you know, it looks good on you. 知道吗 这很适合你
[02:12.28]So, Lucas, what are you working on? Lucas 你在忙什么?
[02:13.92]Glasses. 眼镜
[02:18.92]This is some good honeydew. 这是很棒的蜜露
[02:23.12]Oh, Lucas, you have to try some. lt's so good. Lucas 你一定要试试 这真好吃
[02:28.96]Go ahead. 吃吧
[02:34.40]Tastes like green-apple bubble gum. 就像青苹果泡泡糖
[02:34.52]This is awesome1. 太棒了
[02:43.68]That went away quick. Another round for you? 吃得真快 再来一盘吗?
[02:48.12]Oh, yeah, keep it coming. 哦 当然 尽管上
[03:04.44]Get it while it's hot. 趁热吃吧
[03:08.04]Whoa, l didn't know humans could change their colors. 哇 我不知道人还会变色
[03:12.80]-Trippy. -Perhaps our young pupa... - 奇怪 - 我们的小宝宝可能...
[03:14.96]...ate too much honeydew. ...是蜜露吃得太多了
[03:20.96]Here, eat this. 来 把这吃了
[03:22.20]lt'll make you feel better. 会让你好过点
[03:27.00]What did that come out of? 这是从哪儿来的?
[03:29.08]Zoc discovered its powers to expel evil and create well-being2. Zoc发现它有驱除邪恶 创造安宁的力量
[03:29.20]lt's an alka root. 这是碱草根
[03:34.76]He is a great wizard. 他是个伟大的巫师
[03:37.84]Yeah, he hates me. 是的 他讨厌我
[03:40.64]Whoa, he really does, doesn't he? 哇 他非常讨厌你 对吗?
[03:41.44]l mean, he hates your guts3. 我是说 他讨厌你的勇气
[03:42.92]lt's actually amazing how much he hates your guts. 真有趣他那么讨厌你的勇气
[03:45.40]Okay, l'm sorry. 好吧 对不起
[03:48.16]Yes, Zoc has anger issues, especially towards humans... 对 Zoc是有爱生气的毛病 尤其对人类...
[03:52.16]...but he's a true ant. 但他是一只真正的蚂蚁
[03:53.64]Hard on the outside, but soft on the inside. 刀子嘴豆腐心
[03:58.40]Just give him time, Lucas. 只要给他时间 Lucas
[04:18.52]Praise the Mother. 感谢母亲
[04:20.20]Praise the Mother. 感谢母亲
[04:24.96]Thanks. 谢谢
[04:26.04]Who is this mother you keep talking about, anyway? 顺带问一下 你们老提的母亲是谁?
[04:27.84]ls it the queen? 是女王吗?
[04:29.80]No, Lucas, the Ant Mother. 不 Lucas 是蚂蚁之母
[04:31.44]The queen of queens. 女王们的女王
[04:35.52]She gave birth to the first colony. 她诞生了第一代族群
[04:38.40]To all ants. 给了所有蚂蚁生命
[04:41.04]Come on. lt's time for you to see. 来吧 是时候到处看看了

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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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n.安康,安乐,幸福 | |
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v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠 | |
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